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National Interagency Support Cache NFES Ordering Information. For Dispatchers and Ordering Managers. Objectives. To highlight supply ordering process changes. To provide pertinent supply ordering guidelines. To present essential Supply Resource Order requirements, block by block.
National Interagency Support Cache NFES Ordering Information For Dispatchers and Ordering Managers
Objectives • To highlight supply ordering process changes. • To provide pertinent supply ordering guidelines. • To present essential Supply Resource Order requirements, block by block. • To review lessons learned. • To offer a Dispatcher and Ordering Manager Job Aids. • To reduce supply ordering errors, thus improving the mobilization process.
Ordering Process Changes for 2006 • National Interagency Radio Support Cache (NIRSC) radio systems and kits will be requested on a ROSS Equipment Order through established ordering channels to the National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC). • Includes: All 4000 series kits & systems, MAFFS Base Station, Global Star Satellite Phones, and Technisonic Aircraft Radios.
Ordering Process Changes for 2006 • NFES sub-parts to the NIRSC radio kits and systems will continue to be ordered as supplies, but ordered cache to cache. • Examples: Antenna, speaker/mic, cloning cable, etc.
General Ordering Guidelines • Mobile Cache Support Vans (NFES 2069), 500 Person Medical Kits (NFES 1835), Fire Remote Automatic Weather Stations (NFES 5869), Project Remote Automatic Weather Stations (NFES 5870), and all NIRSC radio systems and kits must be ordered through the geographic area coordination centers (GACC). • Atmospheric Theodolite Meteorological Units (ATMU) must be ordered through NICC at National Preparedness Levels 4 and 5.
General Ordering Guidelines • Local dispatch centers order direct to their geographical area National Interagency Support Cache (NISC) for NFES supplies not available from their local cache (excluding previously mentioned items which must be ordered through the GACC). • Type 1 and 2 Incident Management Teams may also order direct to the supporting NISC for NFES supplies (excluding previously mentioned items which must be ordered through the GACC) with concurrence from the hosting agency.
General Ordering Guidelines • Prior to ordering please call the 24-hr phone number (_____) to alert the supporting NISC of the pending order, followed by faxing the order to (_____). Always confirm fax receipt and legibility. • Resource orders sent to the supporting NISC with multiple request numbers (on the same page) requiring different shipping methods or destinations, must be faxed on separate pages. Each faxed resource order should only show the request numbers to be shipped together to one destination. Line through (black out) request numbers not being shipped in the same manner or to the same destination.
General Ordering Guidelines • Orders for NFES supplies not available from the supporting NISC will be forwarded by that cache to the nearest NISC able to fill. However, before doing so the incident must confirm that it requires the supplies and the quantity specified. The supporting NISC may recommend a suitable substitute or local purchase.
General Ordering Guidelines • Ordering efficiency will be improved if the incident initially checks stocking locations in the current NFES Catalog for each supply requested. • Follow local established ordering procedures in placing requests for non-NFES supplies with either the Buying Team or local procurement unit.
Supply Resource Order • Block 2. INCIDENT/PROJECT NAME • Required. • Block 3. INCIDENT/PROJECT ORDER NUMBER • XX-XXX(X)-XXXXXX • XX = 2 letter state identifier • XXX = 3 or 4 character unit identifier • XXXXXX = Office reference number comprised of six digits • Example: AK-ACC-000043
Supply Resource Order • Block 4. OFFICE REFERENCE NUMBER • Interagency FireCode plus Forest Service 2 character prefix if assigned. • For all non-suppression orders, GBK and AKK require that the BLM financial code include the state/office identifier, sub activity number, program element, and project number (if applicable). • Examples: B2UY P4B5FG NV-913-HT-2810 ID-930-2810-HT-012D
Supply Resource Order • Block 5. DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION/RESPONSE AREA • Contains the Billing Address (Street address, NOT a P.O. Box), regardless of delivery mode, including “Will P/U” orders. • If writing the billing address here is not an option, ensure that it is captured in the body of the order (Block 12). • For items requested on Continuation Sheets, either include a copy of the Resource Order header form or write the billing address in Block 12 for each faxed order.
Supply Resource Order • Block 8. INCIDENT BASE/PHONE NUMBER • Servicing local dispatch center number. • Block 9. JURISDICTION/AGENCY • The responsible agency must correspond with the three or four character unit identifier listed in Block 3, Incident Order Number. • Block 10. ORDERING OFFICE • Required Information.
Supply Resource Order • Block 12. REQUEST NUMBER • An S number is mandatory for tracking and reporting shipping status. • Ensure there are no duplicate request numbers on the same order. • Block 12. QUANTITY • Must be by Unit of Issue (U/I) as listed in the NFES Catalog. • Take into consideration Standard Packs when calculating the quantity ordered, as items ordered in standard packs can improve fill time.
Supply Resource Order • Block 12. QUANTITY (continued) • Examples of Standard Pack Fill Scenarios • 130 EA Gray Sleeping Pads ordered - Std Pk: 50/BX • 10 PG AA Batteries ordered - Std Pk: 12 PG/BX • Block 12. RESOURCE REQUESTED • NFES # mandatory, followed by item description. • REMEMBER, items not being ordered from the supporting NISC need to be either marked off the order (e.g. lined through) or a line drawn below the last request placed.
Supply Resource Order • Block 12. NEEDED DATE/TIME • Realistic timeframes. • Block 12. DELIVER TO • If the Ship To (delivery) address is different than the Block 5 billing address on the Resource Order header form, then it needs to be noted in Block 12. If they are the same, then writing Block 5 as the delivery point will suffice. • For requests placed on Continuation Sheets, a Block 5 delivery point requires that a copy of the Resource Order header form be included with each faxed order. This may be the most efficient alternative when both Bill To and Ship To addresses are the same.
Supply Resource Order • Block 12. DELIVER TO (continued) • When the Ship To address is different than the Bill To address, the Ship To address needs to be noted in Block 12 for each faxed order. • If there is not a physical address associated with the delivery point (i.e. The Fire, ICP Helibase, etc.), then driving directions and/or a map is required. If the delivery point changes, a map and/or driving directions may be required.
Supply Resource Order • Block 12. DELIVER TO (continued) • Requests sent air freight require instructions to either ‘Hold & Call’ with a noted phone number (i.e. Block 8) or deliver to a specified location. If delivery is to other than a physical address, a map and/or driving instructions may be required. • Shipping mode needs to be noted for all requests prior to faxing to the NISC. That NISC will provide the best shipping option based on Needed Date/Time if there is a question.
Supply Resource Order • Block 12. DELIVER TO (continued) • Uncommon airport identifiers should be defined in Block 12 when the NISC is arranging transportation.
Lessons Learned • Blind faxes: • No way to ensure order was received. • Results in misunderstandings. • Incident does not receive supplies when needed.
Lessons Learned • Blind faxes: • Order sits on a fax machine during or after normal business hours resulting in the NISC being unable to meet Date/Time Needed. • Hesitation by dispatchers to contact the NISC Duty Officer after hours – If in doubt, call. • Large orders can take 3-4 hours to get on the road. • NISC is unable to take advantage of early morning freight.
Lessons Learned • ROSS Supply Orders • Supply resource orders generated in ROSS are difficult to read when faxed. • Until ICBS is able to interface with ROSS (estimating 2007 at the earliest), please continue to utilize the old style Supply Resource Order form when ordering from the NISC.
Lessons Learned • Operational Agreements between bordering geographical area NISCs. • Allow for increased efficiencies in supply mobilization.
Lessons Learned • Operational Agreements between bordering geographical area NISCs. • All key players need to be contacted when the plan is activated. • Initial Resource Orders can appear unannounced and sit on the receiving out of area cache’s fax until discovered. • Timely notification of supply plan beginning at the supporting local dispatch center through establish channels (e.g., supporting GACC within area NISC and GACC in which the requested supporting NISC resides requested supporting NISC).
2006Dispatcher & Ordering ManagerJOB AID Slides 26 and 27 are intended to be printed on a single sheet of paper or cardstock and available to Dispatchers, Ordering Managers and Supply Unit Leaders for a quick reference guide.
Dispatcher & Ordering Manager JOB AID For ordering from National Interagency Support Cache General Ordering Information 1. National Incident Radio Support Cache (NIRSC) radio kits and systems must be ordered through the geographic area coordination centers on a ROSS Equipment Order. All other NFES items are ordered on a Supply Resource Order form. 2. Mobile Cache Support Vans (NFES 2069), 500 Person Medical Kits (NFES 1835), Fire Remote Automatic Weather Stations (FRAWS-NFES 5869), and Project Remote Automatic Weather Stations (PRAWS-NFES 5870) must all be ordered through the geographic area coordination centers. Atmospheric Theodolite Meteorological Units (ATMU-NFES 1836) must be ordered through the geographic area coordination centers at National Preparedness Levels 4 & 5. 3. Dispatch Centers may order direct to a NISC for NFES items not available from the local cache (excluding those listed in 1 & 2 above). Type 1 & 2 Teams may also order direct to the Servicing Cache for NFES items (excluding those listed in 1 & 2 above) with concurrence from the hosting agency. In either case, prior to ordering please call the 24-hr. phone number to alert the Servicing Cache of the pending order, followed by faxing the order. Always confirm fax receipt and legibility. 4. Resource orders sent to the Servicing Cache with multiple request numbers (on the same page) requiring different shipping methods or destinations, must be faxed on separate pages. Each resource order page faxed to Servicing Cache should only show the request numbers to be shipped together to one destination. Line through (black out) request numbers not being shipped in the same manner or to the same destination. 5. Orders for NFES items not available or stocked at the Servicing Cache will be forwarded to the nearest National Cache able to fill. However, the Incident must confirm that it requires the items and the quantity specified. The Servicing Cache may recommend a suitable substitute or local purchase. Ordering efficiency will be improved if the incident initially checks stocking locations in the current NFES Catalog for each item requested. 6. Follow local established ordering procedures in placing requests for non-NFES items with either the Buying Team or local procurement unit.
RESOURCE ORDER 2. INCIDENT/PROJECT NAME (Required Information) XX-XXX(X)-XXXXXX XX = 2-letter State identifier XXX(X) = 3 or 4 character unit identifier XXXXXX = Office reference number (List all 6 digits) 3. INCIDENT/PROJECT ORDER NUMBER Interagency FireCode plus Forest Service 2 character prefix if assigned. For all non-suppression orders, BLM Caches require the BLM financial code, include The state/office identifier, sub activity number, program element, and project number (if applicable). 4.OFFICE REFERENCE NUMBER SUPPLIES For Cache orders, Blk 5 contains the Billing Address (Street address, NOT a P.O. Box), regardless of Transportation mode, including ‘Will P/U’ orders. If writing the billing address in Blk 5 is not an option, ensure that it is captured in the body of the order (Blk 12). For items requested on Continuation Sheets, either include a copy of the Resource Order header form or write the Billing Address in Blk 12 for each faxed order. 5. DESCRIPTIVE LOCATION/RESPONSE AREA 6. (Servicing local dispatch center number ) 8. INCIDENT BASE/PHONE NUMBER 9. JURISDICTION/AGENCY Responsible agency must correspond with three or four character unit identifier listed in Blk 3, Incident Order Number. 10. ORDERING OFFICE (Required Information) 7. 11. Request Number 12. QUANTITY RESOURCE REQUESTED NEEDED DATE/TIME DELIVER TO S-? Mandatory for tracking and reporting shipping status. Ensure there are no duplicate request numbers on the same order. Must be by Unit of Issue (U/I) as listed In NFES Catalog. Take Into consideration Standard Packs when calculating the quantity ordered, as items ordered In standard packs can improve fill time. NFES # mandatory, followed by description of item. REMEMBER, items not being ordered from the Servicing Cache need to be either marked off the order (i.e., lined through) or a line drawn below the last request placed. (Realistic timeframes) If the Ship To (delivery) address is different than the Blk 5 billing address on the Resource Order header form, then it needs to be noted in Blk 12. If they are the same, then writing ‘Blk 5’ as the delivery point will suffice. However, for requests placed on Continuation Sheets, a ‘Blk 5’ delivery point requires that a copy of the Resource Order header form be included with each faxed order. This may be the most efficient alternative when both Bill To and Ship To addresses are the same. When the Ship To address is different than the Bill To address, the Ship To address needs to be noted in Blk 12 for each faxed order. If there is not a physical address associated with the delivery point (i.e., The Fire, ICP, Helibase, etc.), then driving directions and/or a map is required. If the delivery point changes, a map and/or driving directions may be required. Requests sent air freight require instructions to either ’Hold & Call’ what phone # (i.e., Blk 8) or deliver to a specified location. If delivery is to other than a physical address, a map and/or driving directions may be required. The Servicing Cache will provide best shipping option based on Needed Date & Time if there is a question (please ask). Indicate mode of shipping for all requests prior to faxing. Please define in Blk 12 or clarify with follow-up phone call uncommon airport identifiers where the Servicing Cache is arranging transportation.