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STAC System for Education Reimbursements

The STAC system tracks and approves reimbursements for educational services in special programs. Learn about the process, amendments, claiming aid, and key interactions involved.

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STAC System for Education Reimbursements

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  1. STAC System to Track and Account for Children (STAC) STAC, Special Aids and Medicaid Unit is the unit within the NYS Education Department responsible for processing requests for Commissioner's approval for reimbursement. This includes reimbursement approval for the costs of providing services to preschool and school-age students placed in special education programs at public and SED-approved private schools, special-act school districts, BOCES, and at state-supported and state-operated schools for the deaf and blind. It also includes reimbursement approval for students who have been determined to be homeless or runaway youth and for education services provided to incarcerated youth. This year STAC will process over 225,000 requests for reimbursement to school districts and municipalities. February 2012

  2. BASIC STAC PROCESS DISTRICT INITIAL APPROVAL STAC & SPECIAL AIDS STAC Approval Application (STAC-1) completed online STAC Approval Listing (STAC-3 listing) mailed monthly STAC Approval List (STAC-3) listing received and checked for accuracy OR Use reapplication screen For continuing placements STAC Approval Listing (STAC-3 listing) mailed monthly STAC Approval Listing (STAC-3) listing received and checked for accuracy AMENDMENT PROCESS STACS amended through the online system adding/changing/ withdrawing STAC Approval Listing (STAC-3 listing) generated STAC Approval Listing (Stac-3) listing received and checked for accuracy Automated verification listing AVL- Verify online or complete paper AVL CLAIMING AID Verify online screen or verify and return paper AVL Approved payment report (APR) mailed for 4408. PUB updated by HSCAR or PRI updated by online AVL District checks APR (or PUB or PRI- For AVL/HSCAR updates 2

  3. Summary of Key Interactions in STAC and Aid Claim Process STAC-1 or STAC reapplication listing requires two district offices to work together because: • CSE/CPSE knows- • ● School of placement • ● Program option and related services • ● Period of enrollment • Business Office knows- • ● Amount billed by provider • ● Amount district paid provider • ●Aid received from SED State sets STAC Rates For 10-Mo. Section 4405 Private School Education July and August Sec. 4408 Education July and August Sec. 4408 Maintenance STAC-3 Approvals and STAC-3 Approval Information Approved services Period of service approved Approved program rates Approved costs Automated Verification Listings (AVL's) Show STAC-3 approved services eligible for aid and not claimed on a prior AVL District verifies or corrects the dates of service and costs listed Returns to STAC and Special Aids Approved Payment Report (APR) Shows AVL verified period of enrollment Approved rates ( when rates are set by SED) AVL verified rates for other services Aidable cost- Aid paid to date- Aid due to district 3

  4. STACACRONYMS AND COMMON TERMS • ADA - Average Daily Balance • AOE - Approved Operating Expense • APR - Approved Payment Report • ATT - Attendance Output Report • AVL - Automated Verification Report • CCI - Child Care Institution • CPSE - Committee on Preschool Special Education • CSE - Committee on Special Education • FTE - Full Time Equivalent • GEN - General Formula Aid Output Report • HCSAR- High Cost STAC-3 Amendment Report • ICF - Intermediate Care Facility • IEP - Individualized Education Program • IRA - Individualized Residential Alternatives • IY - Incarcerated Youth • LEA - Local Educational Agency • PRI - Private Excess Cost Output Report • PUB - Public Excess Cost Output Report • P-12 - Special Education Office • RTF - Residential Treatment Facility • STAC - System to Track and Account for Children • TAPU - Total Aidable Pupil Units • OPWDD – Office of People with Development Disabilities (formerly OMRDD) • OCFS – Office of Children and Family Services • OMH – Office of Mental Health 4

  5. FOSTERCARE District of Location: Bills the district of origin for cost of education: except where the student is residing In a home affiliated with a Special Act School District, SED provides current year reimbursement Claims all appropriate State Aid and claims transportation costs. Counts student with disability for purpose of federal aid, except if student attends a private approved school. District of Origin: District where student resided at the time of placement in the care and custody of DSS. Reimburses district of location for cost of education less State Aid collected by district of location. If the student Resides in a facility affiliated with a Special Act School District, SED provides payment to district of location And deducts cost of education from district of origin. 5

  6. SCREENS 6


  8. Screens to add a STAC 8


  10. 11

  11. 12

  12. 13

  13. On-Line STAC Verification Status Enrollment YearPrograms Verifiable On-Line as of September 2011 2009-10 and 2010-11 10-Mo. School Year Private Section 4405 Program (Verify after year ends on 6/30 using DVPRV) 2009-10 and 2010-11 10-Mo. Nonresident & Runaway Homeless Program (Verify after year ends on 6/30 using DVHOM) 2010-11 Incarcerated Youth 12-Mo. Program (Verify after 3 Periods: 7/1-11/30, 7/1-3/31, and 7/1-6/30 using DVINC) 2008 to 2011 Summer Sec. 4408 (After 8/31 verify Educ & Main using DVSUM and verify Summer Trans. Costs using DVSTR) 2008 to 2011 Summer Sec. 4201 Transportation Cost use DVST3 2008 to 2011 Summer Ch. 47, 66, & 721 Education Only use DVCSM On-Line Verification Screens to be Added in Next Year 2008 Summer 9015 Programs (1/2 Hour Unit Reporting) 2008 - 2011 Summer Ch. 47 and 721 Transportation Costs


  15. HIGH COST PUBLIC REIMBURSEMENT SCHEDULE Districts file STACs on their special education students who exceed their district threshold. (This is found on line 5 on the Public Excess Cost Aid Output Report) HTTP://STATEAID.NYSED.GOV/ Aid is based for current year on prior year’s enrollment. Example: For the 10/11 school year aid is received on the 09/10 enrollment. Payments are made as follows: DECEMBER-up to 25% MARCH- next 45% JUNE- next 15% AUGUST- up to 15% SEPTEMBER – Any remaining balance These dates are approximate 16

  16. Resources for Calculating High Cost STACs Calculating 10-Month “Annualized Cost” Education Rates forStudents with Disabilities Educated in a District-Operated Program http://www.oms.nysed.gov/stac/schoolage/avl-payment_reports_and_chargebacks/annualized_cost_calculation.html Draft Worksheet for Calculating 10-Month Annualized Costs for an In-District High Cost Public Placement Student with Disabilities http://www.oms.nysed.gov/stac/schoolage/avl-payment_reports_and_chargebacks/annualized_cost_worksheet.htm Instructions on how to find your School District’s Threshold http://www.oms.nysed.gov/stac/schoolage/schoolage_placement_summary/public_excess_cost/how_to_find_threshold.pdf

  17. HIGH COST PUBLIC HIGH COST STAC-3 amendment reports HCSAR Still verified on paper 18

  18. 19 19

  19. 20

  20. High Cost Verification

  21. 10-MONTH PRIVATE PLACEMENTS In State, Out of State, and Emergency Interim Placements (EIP’s) 22

  22. 10-MONTH PRIVATE EXCESS COST REIMBURSEMENT AID Districts file STACs for all in state and out of state private placements Aid ratio is found on line 8 of the Private Excess Cost Aid Output Report Minimum aid is 50% Current year aid payments are based on prior year enrollment and education costs Payment Procedures: up to 25% in December additional 45% in March additional 15% in June additional 15% in August remaining balance if any in September 23

  23. PRIVATE PLACEMENTSSubmit Documentation for initial placementsandwhen there is a change in: • CSE • Day to Residential • Residential to Day • A change to another private school • A change from preschool to school age • A change from In State to Out Of State • A change from Out of State to In State 24


  25. Increase in School Districts’ Share of Maintenance Costs • Chapter 58 of the Laws of 2011 amended • section 4405 of the Education Law: • Increase school districts’ share of ten-month school year maintenance costs from 20 %to 38.424 %. • Effective for services provided on or after January 1, 2011 • The social services district pays the residential school for maintenance costs based on the OCFS ten-month maintenance rate for the residential school, and • Bills child’s school district of residence for 38.424 % of that maintenance cost. • The school district of residence is required to reimburse the social services district within 60 days from the date of the voucher. • There is no change to the funding shares for maintenance costs for two-month summer programs. SED will continue to pay 70 % of summer maintenance costs while school districts and counties will continue to pay 20% and 10 % respectively.

  26. Children’s Residential Project (CRP) • 10 Instate §4405 Private School Operating CRP Programs: • 130801996542 - ANDERSON CENTER FOR AUTISM • 131701999086 - DEVEREUX IN NY • 342800999245 - SCO FAMILY OF SERVICES/T PAPLIN SCHOOL • 412300999379 – UPSTATE CEREBRAL PALSY • 800000055533 – EASTER SEALS NY • 342500998065 – BIRCH FAMILY SERVICE • 800000064752 – HEARTSHARE HUMAN SERVICE • 580206175613 - MARYHAVEN CENTER OF HOPE • 580410997795 - UCP-ASSOC GREATER SUFFOLK INC • 580801997261 - DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES INSTITUTE • 591401997802 - THE CENTER FOR DISCOVERY, INC • 620600998101 - UCP OF ULSTER COUNTY • 800000056822 - BROOKVILLE CENTER F/ CHILDREN'S SERVICES Submit initial applications (STAC-1) to the SED’s Special Ed Policy Unit for approval. CRP students are residential placements where the maintenance costs are paid by Medicaid. Indicate an Education line only (CRP programs #9020 or 9021.) District of residence is reimbursed 100% of approved costs in March. The basic contribution chargeback amount is deducted in next year GEN report.

  27. Out of State and EIP(Emergency Interim Placement) Requires submission of out of state packet each year Contact the Special Ed Policy (P-12) office. (518) 486-6260 http://www.p12.nysed.gov/ Provides information about the forms to submit and specific Placements. For additional information regarding the processing of these applications, you may Contact Cleo Whitney of the STAC and Special Aids Unit at (518) 474-7116 or Visit our website: http://www.oms.nysed.gov/stac/stac_online_system/online_instructions/home.html CONTACTS: Kathy Rivers – All Out-Of-State Placements Beth Karalak – 853 Providers Arlene Kowalski – EIP Providers 28

  28. Private Placement




  32. SUMMER PLACEMENTSJULY/AUGUST SPECIAL CLASSDSUMR • DSUMR- No minimum expense to generate STAC aid. File a STAC for all section 4408 students • AIDRATIO-80% of education, maintenance and transportation costs • BASED ON ENROLLMENT AND COSTS CURRENT YEAR PLACEMENTS—Not aided until the following State Fiscal Year

  33. July/August Extended School Year Descriptions for 9000 thru 9011 Special Class Programs DSUMR 9000-9009 Full-day Special Class Program- Shall operate for six weeks (Monday through Friday) and Shall be funded for thirty consecutive days of services, provided, however, that the observance of the Legal holiday for Independence Day may constitute a day of services (Section 4408 Article 89). A full-day program must not run less than 5 hours a day on instruction for students whose Chronological ages are equivalent to those students in grades K through 6 and not less than 5.5 hours A day in instruction for students whose chronological ages are equivalent to those students In grades 7 through 12. (Part 200 of the Regulations of the Commissioner) 9010 AND 9011 Half-day Special Class Program- Shall operate for six weeks (Monday through Friday) And shall be funded for thirty consecutive days of services provided, however, that the observance of the Legal holiday for Independence Day may constitute a day of services (Section 4408 Article 89). A half-day session Is a morning or afternoon session with not less than 2.5 hours of instruction for students whose chronological ages Are equivalent to those of students in grade K-6 and not less than 3.0 hours of instruction for students whose Chronological ages are equivalent to those students in grades 7-12.

  34. July/August Extended Year Descriptions for 9015 Non-Special Class Program Descriptions DSSRL 9015-A: Related Services Only (RSO)- developmental, corrective, and other supportive services. Includes speech-language pathology, audiology services, psychological services, physical therapy, occupational therapy, counseling services, including rehabilitation counseling services, orientation and mobility services, medical services, parent counseling and training, school health services, school social work, assistive technology services, other appropriate developmental or corrective support services, appropriate access to recreation and other appropriate support services. Usually only 2-3 times per week. 9015-B: Specialized Instruction Only (SIO)- delivery of instruction by a certified teacher to address the unique needs that result from the student’s disability and to ensure access of the student to the general curriculum. Students receive specialized instruction in core subject areas (math, social studies, reading, etc.) Usually 1:1 or in small groups and 2-3 times per week. 9015-C: Specialized Instruction with Related Services (SI w/RS)- Is a combination of both related services and specialized instruction. 9015-D: Home/Hospital Instruction (HHI)- special education provided on an individual basis for a student with a disability confined to the home, hospital or other institution because of a disability. ALL SERVICES PROVIDED ARE BASED ON A STUDENT’S IEP



  37. DSUMR ON-LINE AVL SCREEN Please view the Gold Star report on the STAC homepage http://www.oms.nysed.gov/stac/ 39


  39. 1:1 AIDES 41

  40. Education Aides- Requires paper form Only for: Partial Aides Nurses (LPN or RN) Shared Aides Out of State Maintenance Aides- Requires paper form 42

  41. 4201 PLACEMENTS 43

  42. STATE SUPPORTED SCHOOLS—4201 SCHOOLS • Schools designated for children who are deaf , blind or multiply disabled. The initial CSE 4201 application along with the STAC 1 are submitted directly to Special Education Policy Unit for approval • The school district at the time of placement remains the District of origin for the student UNLESS there is a change in placement (school year placements) • In the summer, the responsible district is the district of current location in which the parents reside at the inception of the summer program. • Transportation for State Supported is claimed on your summer transportation online verification screen (DVST3). • Approved initial STACs are entered by the STAC, Special Aids and Medicaid Unit. Subsequent years are based on reapplication screens completed by the State-supported schools. 44

  43. List of 4201 schools Cleary School for the Deaf Henry Viscardi School Lavelle School for the Blind Lexington School for the Deaf Mill Neck Manor School for Deaf New York Institute for Special Education New York School for the Deaf Rochester School for the Deaf St. Francis de Sales School for the Deaf St. Joseph’s School for the Deaf St. Mary’s School for the Deaf

  44. Section 4201 State-Supported School Year Program Responsibility District of Originis the district where the parents reside when the initial 4201 school appointment is made. This district remains responsible for the 10-month program as long as the child is continuously enrolled at the 4201 school. July and August Program Responsibility District of Current Locationis the district where the parents reside at the inception of each summer 4201 program. Unlike the 10-month program, the district is fiscally responsible for the 2-month 4201 program changes if the parents move. 46

  45. State-Supported 4201 Schools11 Schools Serving Deaf, Blind and Multiple-Disabled Students Monica Short - Regional Associate in P-12 in charge of State-Supported School monitoring. Maureen Fuller – Approves 2-Step PHC-10 Applications (518) 473-1172 Step 1) referral for evaluation Step 2) application for appointment Step 1 Application site – www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/applications/4201appoint Step 2 Application site – www.p12.nysed.gov/specialed/applications/4201appointMore of referrals are from CSE’s and less are directly from parents. Parents must sign all PHC-10 Applications. Initial STACs submitted to and approved by VESID. Following year STACs submitted by State-Supported Schools. District of Originis assessed a Local Share Deduct Chargeback on the following year’s General Aid Output Report based on the product of (student school year FTE x district tax levy/student). District of Current Location receives a 20% summer 4408 chargeback for 2-month Sate-Supported School education and maintenance costs. District claims 80% aid for summer 4201 transportation costs on an on-line AVL (DVST3 Screen) 47

  46. State-Supported Schools for Blind and Deaf Students (4201) Prior to 2011-12 - State directly pays the State-supported schools for blind and deaf students (4201 schools) for allowable costs, Beginning with the 2011-12 school year, school district at time of admission pays tuition for the ten-month school year based on a per pupil charge to the 4201 schools The school district that is responsible for paying tuition is the student’s district of residence at the time the student is admitted to the 4201 school. SED will reimburse school district for the positive difference between its tuition payments and basic contribution amount SED will reimburse a school district during the last quarter of the 2011-12 school year for tuition incurred through December 31, 2011 provided the school district submits a claim on or before June 1, 2012. SED will continue to pay the 4201 school directly for their deaf infant program costs and ten-month school year maintenance (room and board) costs. SED will also continue to pay the Dormitory Authority for the debt service costs of the 4201 schools. The funding structure for the summer school special education programs of the 4201 schools remains the same.


  48. STATE OPERATED SCHOOLS 1. NYS School for the Deaf at Rome 2. NYS School for the Blind at Batavia Approved initial STACs are entered by the STAC, Special Aids and Medicaid Unit. Subsequent years (continuing placements) are based on reapplication screens completed by the State-Operated schools.

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