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Stephanie Meyer New Albany-Plain Local School District New Albany Elementary Grade 1: Miss Sarah Cachat. General Information All students in my class have both a mother and a father that are still “in the picture.” There are 24 students in my classroom. Assessment (Readiness) Information
Stephanie Meyer New Albany-Plain Local School District New Albany Elementary Grade 1: Miss Sarah Cachat
General Information • All students in my class have both a mother and a father that are still “in the picture.” • There are 24 students in my classroom. • Assessment (Readiness) Information • DRA (developmental reading assessments) – All students are expected to be at or above levels 3 or 4 (just fiction books) in the first grade because that is the mastery for kindergarten. • - by the end of the year students will be expected to be at levels 16 or 18 in both fiction and nonfiction books • -Students who are a two or struggling at a three are referred for RTI • DIBELS (dynamic indicators of basic literacy skills) – This assessment is evaluated by saying a child is either intensive (I), strategic (S), or benchmark (B). Students are expected to be at benchmark. Students who scored intensive on DIBELS are referred for RTI. • DMA (diagnostic mathematics assessment) –By the end of the 1st grade school year students are expected to be at the achieving level of the DMA, therefore doing independent math skills. • Sight Words – students are expected to be able to recognize greater than 25 of the 100 sight words (“-” indicates that the child does not have a preference in that category)
Student A Readiness: DRA: 16 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 96 DMA: Number Writing: extending Numeral Recognition: extending Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Blue, purple, green Movie: Alice in Wonderland TV Show: Hannah Montana Sport: Horseback Riding Food: Spaghetti and Meatballs Subject: Math and lunch Book: Horse and fish books Learning Styles/Preferences/Smarts: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart * Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart * Music Smart Nature smart Notes: very talkative, do not seat next to Anna or Emma (two of her best friends), loves horses, very good penmanship and sense of spelling “I am good at art, reading, math, letters, and watering plants” “I want my teacher to be nice and friendly.”
Student B Readiness:DRA: 3 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 20 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: achieving Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Blue Movie: Star Wars TV Show: Star Wars Sport: - Food: - Subject: - Book: - Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart * Music Smart Nature smart Notes: goes to RTI to work on blending sounds and sight words, has ADHD (on new medication and trying out biotherapy), allow extra prompts for compliance, very squirmy, can be defiant at times, watch during soccer at recess (loves to break soccer rules) “I am good at “I want my teacher to be
Student C Readiness:DRA: 4 DIBELS: S Word Wall Words: 49 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: achieving Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Pink Movie: Spongebob TV Show: - Sport: Ice skating Food: Pizza Subject: Lunch Book: Pinkalicious Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart Number Smart Self Smart * Body Smart Music Smart Nature smart Notes:works very slowly (but hard and on task), quiet, very sweet, eager to please, spends a lot of time w/ Natali, does not like when friends tell her what to do “I am good at helping my mommy.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student D Readiness:DRA: 12 DIBELS: S Word Wall Words: 79 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: extending Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Yellow Movie: Batman TV Show: Batman Sport: - Food: Ice cream Subject: - Book: Batman Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart * Picture Smart * People Smart Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart * Music Smart * Nature Smart Notes: does not sit still on carpet, has a hard time staying in his seat, acts silly often, very good artist, loves to draw, can be deliberately defiant at times, “I am good at being cool.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student E Readiness:DRA: 4 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 31 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: transitioning Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Turquoise Movie: Shrek TV Show: Spongebob Sport: Swimming Food: Ice cream Subject: Lunch Book: Animal books Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart People Smart * Number Smart Self Smart * Body Smart Music Smart Nature Smart * Notes: best friends with Emma and Gabbie, fairly soft-spoken (except when around Gabbie and Emma), do not seat next to Emma or Gabbie, has a pet Hamster “I am good at swimming.” “I want my teacher to be super nice.”
Student F Readiness:DRA: 3 DIBELS: I Word Wall Words: 40 DMA: Number Writing: emergent Numeral Recognition: emergent Addition Facts: emergent Interests: Color: Brown Movie: Camp Rock 2 TV Show: Hanna Montana Sport: Jumping rope Food: Mac and cheese Subject: Lunch Book: Hannah Montana Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart * (loves to read, but not write) Picture Smart People Smart Number Smart Self Smart * Body Smart Music Smart Nature Smart Notes:has Down Syndrome (aid-Mrs. Johnson and IS Teacher-Mrs. Tara Swayne), has trouble dealing with new faces, can be defiant at many times throughout the day, is encouraged by her “star chart,” loves snack time, loves to read, loves Hannah Montana, loves jumping rope, can be eager to please at times, loves to “help”, does not like things to be taken from her, attends speech therapy, resource room, adaptive PE, mom wants her to be “inclusion” as much as possible, needs lots of prompting to complete tasks “I am good at TV.” “I want my teacher to be happy.”
Student G Readiness: DRA: 16 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 97 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: transitioning Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Pink Movie: Carissa TV Show: Phineas and Ferb Sport: Soccer Food: Macaroni Subject: Art Book: Junie B. Jones Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart * Picture Smart * People Smart Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: loves to share things (stories) with the teachers, just moved to Columbus (and loves it here), strong-willed (in a positive way mostly), eager to learn and to please “I am good at helping my friends.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 79 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: transitioning Addition Facts: achieving Interests: Color: Orange Movie: Avatar TV Show: Star Wars Sport: Soccer Food: Pizza Subject: Lunch Book: The Fat Cat Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart People Smart Number Smart Self Smart * Body Smart * Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: quiet, pays attention, loves (and is very good at) soccer, just learned how to tie his shoes all by himself (9/21/10), very eager to please, usually on task, helpful “I am good at soccer.” “I want my teacher to be friendly.” Student H
Student I Readiness: DRA: 16 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 99 DMA: Number Writing: extending Numeral Recognition: extending Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Pink Movie: Princess movies TV Show: Spongebob Sport: Soccer Food: Cheese pizza and rice Subject: Art and reading Book: Purpalicious and Pinkalicious Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart * Picture Smart * People Smart * Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: very sweet, on task, likes to tattle, works hard, very eager to please, artistic “I am good at art and sometimes sharing with my little brother.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student J Readiness: DRA: 2 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 15 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: transitioning Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Blue Movie: Spongebob TV Show: Phineas and Ferb Sport: Soccer Food: Pasta Subject: Science Book: - Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart Number smart Self Smart * Body Smart * Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: goes to RTI for reading fluency and sight words, typically softspoken, struggles with literacy (was placed in 1st grade), “I am good at soccer.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student K Readiness: DRA: 3 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 25 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: transitioning Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Pink, blue, orange, red, yellow, and purple Movie: Iron Man 2 TV Show: Avatar Sport: Football Food: Chicken Subject: Lunch Book: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart * Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart * Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: goes to RTI because she has the minimum number of sight words and reading level (borderline), has trouble staying in her seat when she has questions, likes to move around on the carpet (switches seats often), rides the bus with Gabbie “I am good at helping my mom.” “I want my teacher to be happy.”
Student L Readiness: DRA: 6 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 75 DMA: Number Writing: extending Numeral Recognition: extending Addition Facts: achieving Interests: Color: grey Movie: - TV Show: Sweet Life on Deck Sport: Hockey Food: Steak Subject: Science Book: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart * Picture Smart * People Smart * Number smart Self Smart Body Smart * Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: very sweet, always on task and paying attention, very helpful to all of his classmates (especially Aaron), always has the right answer, reliable, gets work done quickly “I am good at being a big brother.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student M Readiness: DRA: 6 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 92 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: extending Adition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Blue Movie: Shrek Forever After TV Show: Spongebob Sport: Swimming Food: Fast food Subject: Gym Book: Pizza Party Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart Number Smart Self Smart * Body Smart Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: has sensory integration disorder, has a hard time writing, has a hard time dealing with peers when she is angry, typically very sweet, somewhat delayed speech, very squirmy on the carpet “I am good at helping my friends.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student N Readiness: DRA: 4 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 84 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: transitioning Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Green Movie: Power Rangers TV Show: Spongebob Sport: Tennis Food: Oreos Subject: Lunch Book: Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart Number Smart Self Smart * Body Smart Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: very sweet, eager to please, can be soft-spoken at times, helpful “I am good at patterns.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student O Readiness: DRA: 16 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 92 DMA: Number Writing: extending Numeral Recognition: extending Addition Facts: achieving Interests: Color: Green Movie: Spongebob TV Show: Phineas and Ferb Sport: Basketball Food: Pizza Subject: Outside (recess) Book: Dinosaurs Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart: * Picture Smart * People Smart Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart * Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: gets upset very easily over minor things, does not handle disappointment very well (if at all), but it improving, cries occasionally, very smart, loves to draw, loves the buckeyes and soccer, always willing to help, very eager to particiapte “I am good at basketball.” “I want my teacher to be friendly..”
Student P Readiness: DRA: 3 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 15 DMA: Number Writing: emergent Numeral Recognition: transitioning Addition Facts: emergent Interests:Color: Green, orange, red Movie: Madagascar TV Show: Dinosaurs Sport: Football Food: - Subject: Lunch Book: Sharks Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart * Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: goes to RTI for vowel sounds and sight words, constantly out of seat, often asking about the spelling of words (reluctant to sound them out without help), always wanting to share, has trouble sitting still on the carpet, can act silly at times, loves to draw dinosaurs and sharks, eager to please “I am good at animals.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student Q Readiness: DRA: 12 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 95 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: achieving Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Blue Movie: - TV Show: - (does not watch much tv she told me) Sport: Volleyball Food: Pizza Subject: Art Book: The Three Little Pigs Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart * Picture Smart * People Smart * Number Smart * Self Smart Body Smart * Music Smart Nature Notes: very good sense of spelling, loves to share, always volunteers and typically has the correct answers, forgets to raise her hand on occasion, eager to please, loves to share stories about herself, swims, dances, participates in acrobats “I am good at running.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student R Readiness: DRA: 6 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 83 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: transitioning Addition Facts: emergent Interests: Color: Blue Movie: Scary movies TV Show: Hannah Montana Sport: Swimming Food: Pizza Subject: Lunch Book: Baby Pandas Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart * Music Smart Nature Smart Notes:very eager to please, chatty, do not seat next to Anna or Gabbie, loves horses, good artist, willing to share and to help, eager to please “I am good at art. I love horses.” “I want my teacher to be a good teacher.”
Student S Readiness: DRA: 3 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 44 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: transitioning Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Green Movie: Avatar TV Show: Avatar Sport: Flag Football Food: Ice cream Subject: Recess Book: Pokemon Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart * Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: works very hard, very sweet and typically innocent, eager to participate “I am good at swimming.” “I want my teacher to be awesome.”
Student T Readiness: DRA: 10 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 97 DMA: Number Writing: extending Numeral Recognition: extending Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Blue Movie: Cats and Dogs TV Show: Spongebob Sport: Football Food: Popcorn Subject: Science Book: Magic Tree House Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart * Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart * Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: friendly, talkative, typically on task, eager to volunteer, gets work done quickly “I am good at baseball.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student U Readiness: DRA: 16 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 99 DMA: Number Writing: extending Numeral Recognition: extending Addition Facts: achieving Interests: Color: Green Movie: Despicable Me TV Show: Spongebob Sport: Golf Food: Mac and cheese Subject: He can’t pick one Book: Jack and Annie Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart People Smart Number Smart * Self Smart * Body Smart * Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: has Autism, very smart, needs work on social skills (is getting intervention), Mrs. Swayne is IS teacher, takes a long time to think and verbally state thoughts sometimes (give extra wait time), willing to volunteer, very comfortable with Justin (Justin helps Aaron a lot I social and awkward situations), often needs prompts to stay on task “I am good at art.” I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student V Readiness: DRA: 14 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 98 DMA: Number Writing: extending Numeral Recognition: extending Addition Facts: achieving Interests: Color: Red Movie: Jurassic Park TV Show: Garfield Sport: Soccer Food: Cheeseburgers Subject: Talking Book: Jack and Annie Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smarts * Picture Smarts People Smart Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart * Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: attentive, works hard, eager to share, typically has the right answers, pays attention, follows rules, very good at soccer “I am great (he crossed out good and wrote in great) at soccer. “I want my teacher to be great.”
Student W Readiness: DRA: 3 DIBELS: I Word Wall Words: 30 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: transitioning Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Green Movie: Cats and Dogs TV Show: Spongebob Sport: Soccer Food: Pizza Subject: Lunch Book: Horse Books Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart People Smart Number Smart Self Smart * Body Smart Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: goes to RTI (she is intensive in DIBELS), very slow reader, very quiet, best friend is Chandni, typically on task, “I am good at soccer.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”
Student X Readiness: DRA: 8 DIBELS: B Word Wall Words: 88 DMA: Number Writing: transitioning Numeral Recognition: achieving Addition Facts: transitioning Interests: Color: Blue Movie: Star Wars TV Show: Spongebob Sport: Football Food: Cake Subject: History Book: - Learning Styles/Preferences: Word Smart Picture Smart * People Smart * Number Smart Self Smart Body Smart Music Smart Nature Smart Notes: smart, eager to learn, can be silly when with Sam sometimes “I am good at football.” “I want my teacher to be nice.”