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Social Integration and Foreign Language Development Akrotea ch in the Canton of Zürich. Greeting Switzerland Federal Office of Migration Akrotea.ch : Social Integration and Foreign Language Development The Guiding Principles of Akrotea.ch Course Profile Target Groups
Social Integration andForeign Language DevelopmentAkroteach in theCantonof Zürich Greeting Switzerland Federal Office of Migration Akrotea.ch: Social Integration and Foreign Language Development The Guiding Principles of Akrotea.ch Course Profile Target Groups Basic Education Strengths of our programme Weaknesses of our programme
Federal Office for Migration Regulatestheconditionsunderwhichpeople canenterSwitzerland in orderto live andworkhere.
The Guiding Principles of Akrotea.ch are: • to live in an intercultural way • to act with dedication towards our clients • to acknowledge lifelong learning • to facilitate the achievement of quality
Social Integration and Foreign Language DevelopmentAkrotea.ch Course Profile in the Canton of Zürich B1.3 Sprachstands-messung B1.2 GER B1 ca. 150 Lektionen B1.2 Sprachstands-messung B1.1 B1.1 Deutschkurse nach GER Illiterate adult learners Reading and Writing Basic Education Prüfungsvorbereitung 4 Wochen Test TELC Deutsch A2 A2.3 Sprachstands-messung A2.2 GER A2 ca. 150 Lektionen Test TELC Deutsch B1 A2.2 Sprachstands-messung A2.1 Sprachstands-messung A1.1 A2.1 Sprachstands-messung A1.3 A1.3 GER A1 ca. 150 Lektionen Sprachstands-messung A1.2 A1.2 First Steps in German A1.1 Übertrittsgespräch Individuelle Abklärung durch die Kursleitenden Einstufungstest Deutsch
Social Integration and Foreign Language DevelopmentAkrotea.ch in the Canton of Zürich Basic Learning Goals – Target Groups People unable do understandtheLatinalphabet havelearnttoreadusing non-Latinscripts. Theyneedtoconverttheirreadingabilitytomakeitavailable in theLatinalphabet. Purelyilliteratepeople areunabletoreadandwrite in anylanguage. Theyneedtounderstandtherelationshipbetweengraphicsymbols such aslettersandthewrittenword. First Steps in German Participantshave minimal formal educationandhavenooronlylittleknowledgeof German The coursesaretailordtothedevelopmentofparticipantswithspeciallearningneeds. Theylearnrudimentarygrammar, organizationalandmemorisationtechniquesandthelike. Functionallyilliteratepeople canreadandpossoblywrite simple sentences in theirmothertongue but with a limited vocabulary, andcannotreadorwritewellenoughto deal withtheeverydayrequirementsoflife in a highly-developedindustrialsociety.
Social Integration andForeign Language DevelopmentAkrotea.ch Course Profile in theCantonof Zürich Basic Education • Courseforilliterate adult learners • Purelyilliterate people • The participantslearn: • the Latin alphabet • assignthephoneticvalues to letters • to developthesence of touch, orientation in space and theuse of every day subjects such asscissors, filesorglue • how to use German LessonFrequency2 x 2 units per week, coursesbegin 3 times a year in January, April andSeptember • Courseforreadingandwriting • People unable to understandthe Latin alphabet • The participantslearnhowto: • buildupwordsandconstruct simple sentences • understand themeaningofwordsandsentences • assignthephoneticvalues to letters and words • towritediphthongs, vowelmutations (theumlautsä,ö,ü) andconsonantclusters • recognisecompoundwords • use a textbook • beginusing German • First Steps in German Participantshave minimal formal education and have no oronlylittleknowledge of German • The coursesaretailordtothedevelopmentofparticipantswithspeciallearningneeds. Theylearnrudimentarygrammar, organizationalandmemorisationtechniquesandthelike.
Weaknesses of our programme • Not enough lessons per week • Great amount of preparatory work for the teacher • A lack of political recognition means that we do not have the necessary financial support
Strengths of our programme • Individual support • Fast progress using the method of “reading by writing” • Small learning groups • Specially qualified teaching staff • Participants can stay for more than one year without getting bored • Classes are split up into two groups: beginners and those who can already read and write but need more time