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Historical and Ethnological Aspects of Cemeteries. Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology FiF UK Bratislava 2011. Ethnography (Description) Collecting and description of cultural phenomena
Historical and Ethnological Aspects of Cemeteries Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology FiF UK Bratislava 2011
Ethnography (Description) Collectingand description of cultural phenomena A qualitative method aimed to learn and understand cultural phenomena which reflect the knowledge and system of meanings guiding the life of a cultural group (Geertz, 1973) Ethnology(Explanation, Comparison, Classification) Comparative Science (theoretical interpretation) Science that compares and analyzes the origins, distribution, technologies, religion, language and social structure of the ethnic, racial or national divisions of humanity (Newman, 2008) History Science that discovers, collects, organizes, and presents information about past events
„Traditional“ and contemporary approach and topics in ethnography research of cemeteries „Traditional“ topics • Mortuary rituals • Tombstones (development, forms, typology, criterions of systematization, cultural and historical values) • Mortuary poetry • Funeral ceremony, customs and conventions symptoms of death, precursors of death, decease, funeral tolling, bier, clothing and relics of the dead, funeral processions, burials, after the ceremony, period of mourning Some examples ofcontemporary trends: • Urban ethnology and anthropology (social and cultural aspects of cemeteries with emphasis on the area) • Oral history projects (image of cemeteries in human memory)
Guide in Ethnological and Historical Research of Cemeteries • Goal is to create handbook summarizing steps, recommendations, good practices in ethnological/historical research of cemeteries • 1st Variant To introduce, explain and teach all the research process • 2nd Variant To introduce, explain and teach selected parts of the process
1st Variant • Preparation for research Mapping local institutions • Historical research Research in local institutions • Historical/Ethnography research Research in non-local/higher institutions, continue with historical research + initialize ethnography research – field work • Ethnological research Ethnography research, analyzing materials, involving media
Ethnographic Interview Learn how to formulate questions Learn what we can ask Learn kinds of questions contrast descriptive structural questions Participant Observation How and what to observe/notice Writing field notes 2nd Variant
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