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Explore zoning maps, aerial photos, and conceptual plans for 2007 rezoning cases in Greenville County. Includes details on proposed developments and zoning changes.
The following presentation contains basic information, zoning maps, aerial photos and conceptual plans for Planned Developments for the January 2007 rezoning cases. To advance through the presentation click the mouse button or use the arrow keys on the keyboard. You may exit at anytime by simply closing the window.
CZ-2007-01 APPLICANT: Robert M. Sneed for Christopher M. Brock PROPERTY LOCATION: East North Street PIN: 0541020100900 EXISTING ZONING: R-20, Single-Family Residential REQUESTED ZONING: POD, Planned Office District ACREAGE: 0.55 CC: 22
CZ-2007-02 APPLICANT: Greenville County Council TEXT AMENDMENT: Amendment to the Greenville County Zoning Ordinance for standards regarding “Big Box” Developments Proposed text amendment to add design standards for" Big Box Retail" commercial developments that have at least one structure 40,000 square feet or larger Please visit the Planning Commission webpage at www.greenvilleplanning.com for additional information that can be found on the homepage.
CZ-2007-3 APPLICANT: Ted Lyerly for Old Grove Holdings, LLC PROPERTY LOCATION: I-185 and Augusta Road PIN: 0409000100106 and 0409000100104 (Portion) EXISTING ZONING: C-1, Commercial REQUESTED ZONING: C-3, Commercial ACREAGE: 38 CC: 26
CZ-2007-04 APPLICANT: Russell B. Poole for Vivian and Duane Poole PROPERTY LOCATION: East Standing Springs Road PIN: 0574040100104 EXISTING ZONING: R-S, Residential Suburban REQUESTED ZONING: NC, Neighborhood Commercial ACREAGE: 1.14 CC: 28
CZ-2007-5 APPLICANT: Crescent Resources, LLC for Archie Honbarrier and others PROPERTY LOCATION: Pelham and Garlington Road PIN: 0533040100700, 0533040100528, 0533040100529, 0533040100707, 0533020105500, 0533020100931, 0533040100519, 0533040100520 and 0533040100500 (Portion) EXISTING ZONING: S-1, Services and R-S, Residential Suburban REQUESTED ZONING: PD, Planned Development ACREAGE: 81.64 CC: 21