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Charlie May Simon 2009-2010 Reading List. Babbitt, Natalie—Jack Plank Tells Tales. http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/contributor.jsp?id=3554. Jack Plank Tells Tales by Natalie Babbitt. * http://www.neenahlibrary.org/Kids/booklists/Pirates.pdf
Babbitt, Natalie—Jack Plank Tells Tales • http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/contributor.jsp?id=3554
Jack Plank Tells Tales by Natalie Babbitt *http://www.neenahlibrary.org/Kids/booklists/Pirates.pdf (Library List of Pirate related books. Check with your local library for some of the titles to be included in a Pirate unit) http://www.orrt.org/babbitt/ (Biographical information on Natalie Babbitt) *http://www.themeunits.com/this_pirate.pdf (Pirate Song sung to This Old Man tune) http://www.education-world.com/a_lesson/lesson143.shtml (Education World Pirate Lesson Plan and Ideas – my favorite – Buried Treasure Math) This title ties in well when studying Tall Tales. http://www.greenville.k12.sc.us/stone/staff/lessons/bennett/tales.asp (Tall Tale study) Subjects: Pirates, Storytelling
Clements, Andrew—No Tallking • http://andrewclements.com/
No Talking by Andrew Clements http://edhelper.com/ (Edhelper is an excellent membership website. It is well worth the money. You need to check in to it. I used it when I was in the classroom and have used it in the library, as well.) http://books.simonandschuster.com/No-Talking/Andrew-Clements/9781416909835/reading_group_guide (Excellent reading guide and ideas to use in classroom) http://andrewclements.com/bio.html (Andrew Clements biography and other information) *http://www.simonsays.com/assets/isbn/1416909834/AK1_1416909834.pdf (Vocabulary Word PDF, similar to the game Taboo) http://www.bsu.edu/myvisit/A01B01L01.html (Classroom activities for No Talking) Subjects: Contests, Behavior, Communication, Schools
Giblin, James Cross • http://www.orrt.org/giblin/
The Many Rides of Paul Revere by James Giblin *http://www.nationalcenter.org/PaulRevere%27sRide.html (Handout of poem to correlate with book)) http://www.orrt.org/giblin/ (James Giblin Biography) http://www.readwritethink.org/calendar/calendar_day.asp?id=214 (Good website to learn ancestry, discussion of primary, secondary sources, and links to other helpful websites) http://www.nationalgeographic.com/xpeditions/lessons/17/g35/landsea.html (Good website to correlate famous poem Paul Revere’s Ride) Subjects: Revere, Paul, Statesmen, Revolutionary War, Massachusetts, United States
Hanson, Mary—How to Save Your Tail • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsaSd1GjWeQ
How to Save Your Tail by Mary Hanson IF YOU LIKED THIS BOOK, TRY… The Bookstore Mouse by Peggy Christian The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo I Was a Rat by Philip Pullman Stuart Little by E.B. White All of Bob’s stories are parodies of classic fairy tales, such as "The Three Pigs," "Jack and the Beanstalk," and "Rumpelstiltskin.“ A great book to use during a Fairy Tale unit with older students. Compare and contrast original tale to the one Bob tells the cats. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsaSd1GjWeQ (You tube booktalk) http://doe.sd.gov/octa/ddn4learning/themeunits/fairy/lesson.htm (Fairy Tale Lesson Plans) *http://tiger.tas.edu.tw/ls/1/March/fairy%20talesfinalized.ppt (Fairy Tale Jeopardy – See if your students can find the mistake in the Three Little Pigs section) Subjects: Storytelling, Rats, Cats, Characters in Literature, Fairy Tales
MacLachlan, Patricia—Edward’s Eyes • http://www.eduplace.com/kids/hmr/mtai/maclachlan.html • http://books.simonandschuster.com/9781416927433
Edward’s Eyes by Patricia MacLachlan http://biography.jrank.org/pages/2148/MacLachlan-Patricia-1938.html (Patricia MacLachlan’s Biography) *http://www.simonsays.com/content/book.cfm?tab=22&pid=536528&agid=39 (Podcast for Edward’s Eyes. Be sure to scan down to the bottom to click on Download this podcast) http://www.readingrockets.org/books/interviews/maclachlan/bio (Insight to why Patricia MacLachlan writes, etc. This website is a great one for Librarians and Teachers) http://www.onelegacy.org/prod/components/donation/ (organ donation facts) *http://web.clubmlb.com/index.html (Major League Baseball Kids website – cool site for baseball info) http://funschool.kaboose.com/fun-blaster/baseball/quiz/index.html?trnstl=1 (Baseball related online games, etc.) http://home.howstuffworks.com/baseball-activities.htm/printable (More baseball related activities) Subjects: Family Life, Baseball, Death, Organ donation
McKissack, Patricia—A Friendship for Today • http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/contributor.jsp?id=3372
A Friendship for Todayby Patricia McKissack http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/contributor.jsp?id=3372 (Biographical information on Patricia McKissack) *http://www.sites4teachers.com/links/redirect.php?url=http:// www.kckpl.lib.ks.us/ys/puzzles/Friend02.htm (friendship wordsearch) *http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/collateral.jsp?id=10546 (print version of book talk. Click on view book talk to watch short video) A great book for Black History Month, segregation and friendship http://waw.emporia.edu/curriculumguides/cgpages0910/afriendshipfortoday.html (Gives synopsis, review, theme suggestions, biographical information, discussion questions, activity suggestions, and other books to read) Another good book by Patricia McKissack is Going Someplace Special. It is a picture book and deals with school integration. Subjects: School integration, Racism, Race Relations, Friendship, Divorce, African Americans, Missouri
Paulsen, Gary—Lawn Boy • http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/paulsen.html • http://www.randomhouse.com/features/garypaulsen/
Lawn Boy by Gary Paulsen http://www.randomhouse.com/teachers/authors/results.pperl?authorid=23384 (Biographical and title information) http://www.younginvestor.com/kids/playIt/ (Fun investment games for students. Might need shockwave for this site) http://www.state.lib.la.us/empowerlibrary/Lawn%20Boy.doc (Grade level activities using this book.) http://www.txla.org/groups/tbA/docs/readers/Lawn%20Boy.doc (Reader’s Theatre) *http://www.mysavingsquest.com/ (Student plays game to learn how to save money earned from a job.) http://www.moneyandstuff.info/books.htm (More investment information, activities, and games) Subjects: Money making projects for children, Business Enterprises, Summer Employment.
Perkins, Mitali—Rickshaw Girl • http://www.mitaliperkins.com/
Rickshaw Girl by Mitali Perkins http://www.mitaliperkins.com/rickshaw_girl.htm (Excellent site with author biography, reviews, synopsis, study guide questions, and activities in many subject areas.) http://www.mitaliperkins.com/about_mitali.html (Author YouTube video) http://www.powells.com/biblio/17-9781580893084-0 (Synopsis of book) *http://www.e4eureka.co.uk/Puja/alpana-rangoli-designs.html (Alpana art designs) Subjects: Painting, Sex Role, Rickshaws, Family Life
Schmidt, Gary D.—The Wednesday Wars • http://www.publishersweekly.com/article/CA6438766.html
The Wednesday Warsby Gary D. Schmidt http://readkiddoread.ning.com/page/gary-schmidt (Interview with Gary D. Schmidt, transcript only) http://www.nku.edu/~bookfest/TeacherResources_files/09%20bookfest%20teacher%20resource%20page.pdf (Website includes reviews, Extensions: VietNam War, Shakespeare, and religions) http://www.calvin.edu/publications/spark/2006/spring/schmidt.htm (Gary D. Schmidt biography) http://www.tracievaughnzimmer.com/wednesday%20wars.htm (Scroll to last book on page. Click on Discussion guide, Audio excerpt, theTeacher Resource Guide, and the ATPE discussion questions) *http://www.folger.edu/template.cfm?cid=588&CFID=5421868&CFTOKEN=297613662e6fe69e-B25CFB37-F3D1-7DFC-DB2B71F81F8F93A8 (Kid’s Shakespeare website with activities) *Edhelper handout – I repeat: This is worth every penny of the purchase cost. Subjects: Shakespeare, Coming of Age, Junior High School, Schools, Family Life, Long Island (N.Y.)
Spinelli, Jerry--Eggs • http://www.jerryspinelli.com/newbery_001.htm
Eggs by Jerry Spinelli http://www.bookbrowse.com/biographies/index.cfm?author_number=455 (Jerry Spinelli biography, interview) http://www.jerryspinelli.com/newbery_001.htm (Jerry Spinelli’s website) http://www.kidsreads.com/reviews/0316166464.asp (book review) *http://www.hachettebookgroup.com/_assets/lbyr/text-pdf/LB_DiscussionGuide_Egg2.pdf (Reader’s guide for Eggs) http://www.montgomerynews.com/articles/2009/05/14/entertainment/doc4a01ed234dab3746021509.txt (Media Specialist Interest: Theatre play based on the book. Synopsis only.) http://www.talkingbookproductions.com/samples/Eggs.html (Sample reading from Eggs) http://www.greenwichschools.org/uploaded/district/curriculum/alp/Gr_4-5_LA_Sum.pdf (pp.2,3 Author study and critical reading questions) *SCOPE handout Subjects: Friendship, Family Life
Woodson, Jacqueline--Feathers • http://www.jacquelinewoodson.com/
Feathers by Jacqueline Woodson *http://www.teachervision.fen.com/tv/printables/penguin/Feathers_RG.pdf (Reading Guide for Feathers) *http://us.penguingroup.com/static/images/yr/pdf/tl-guide-feathers.pdf (p, 2 of PDF – Biography and study guide questions) http://www.maupinhouse.com/pdf/DWL_Seventhmonth1.pdf (Very detailed lesson plan for Feathers) This book is a good book to read during Black History month. It is the reverse of what typically happens. Subjects: Race Relations, African Americans, Schools, Deaf, Family Life, Religion