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IBM Technology Day 18 th September, 2009 BITS, Pilani

WELCOME ADDRESS Prof. Navneet Goyal Department of Computer Science & Information Systems BITS, Pilani. IBM Technology Day 18 th September, 2009 BITS, Pilani. Topics. Cloud Computing High Performance Computing Software Modeling. Cloud Computing. Web-email (remember hotmail!!)

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IBM Technology Day 18 th September, 2009 BITS, Pilani

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  1. WELCOME ADDRESS Prof. NavneetGoyal Department of Computer Science & Information Systems BITS, Pilani IBM Technology Day18th September, 2009BITS, Pilani

  2. Topics • Cloud Computing • High Performance Computing • Software Modeling

  3. Cloud Computing • Web-email (remember hotmail!!) • Web folders • Bank ATMs • Switching mobile phones • Device independence • 3.5 bn mobile phones worldwide (1/3rd in China & India) • Open source stacks • Privacy, security, & ownership

  4. Cloud Computing • Have you ever wondered why searching for files on your own PC takes much longer than searching the web using a search engine?

  5. Cloud Computing Three main purposes • Software as a service (SaaS) • Employees in different locations collaborating using voice, video etc. • Enterprise resource management through internet • Platform as a service (PaaS) • Developing software on a shared platform on the cloud • Infrastructure as a service (IaaS) • Getting service from a full computer infrastructure through the internet • Storage & databases

  6. Cloud Computing • Collection of servers owned by a cloud provider • Cloud automatically utilizes the right no. of servers, adding or releasing servers, as load fluctuates • Data Centers

  7. Cloud Computing • “New” computing model • Computing chores increasingly move off individual desktops and out of corporate computer centers to be handled as services over the Internet • Applications • Search • Social networking • Web email • Web albums • Web hosting

  8. Cloud Computing • Driving forces behind cloud-based computing include: • plummeting cost of storage • ubiquitous broadband • Computing as a utility • IBM and DEC conceived computing as a utility in early 1990s which is becoming a reality now

  9. Cloud Computing • PCs – hardware centric • Client-server Model – software centric • Cloud computing – service centric

  10. Cloud Computing: Possibilities • Organizations can scale to massive capacities without having to invest in • New infrastructure • Train people • Acquiring new software • Data intensive scientific research • Genome Project • Cyclotron???

  11. Cloud Computing: Concerns • Larry Ellison, CEO & founder ORACLE Cloud Computing is "fashion-driven" and "complete gibberish“ • Richard Stallman, Founder GNU “One should not use web applications to do your computing if you do not want to lose control,“ “Do your own computing on your own computer” • Interoperability between cloud computing vendors • Safeguard against outages (SLA) • Total dependence on the Internet (QoS) • Real-time applications

  12. Cloud Computing • What Academia & research community gains from Cloud Computing?

  13. High-Performance Computing • Computer Systems approaching the teraflops/petaflops region are considered as HPC computers • Mainly linked to computing used for scientific research • HPTC – CFD, EDA, CAE • BI applications • Benchmarking

  14. High-Performance Computing • Multi-core architectures • Application specific hardware

  15. Software Modeling • How best to develop software? • Modeling Languages (UML), frameworks (MDA), & Processes (EUP) • Bound by PLs • IDEs - direct an organization toward specific tools as well as techniques of modeling


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