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JAA JAR-FSTD A Working Group

JAA JAR-FSTD A Working Group. 3rd Meeting 9 th December 2003 Zurich. Terminology. FSTD = Flight Simulation Training Device. JAA STD = Simulation Training Device. FAA FSD = Flight Simulation Device. FSTD-A WG Members. Mark Dransfield UK CAA Peter Barrack UK CAA/FSTD H WG

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JAA JAR-FSTD A Working Group

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  1. JAA JAR-FSTD A Working Group 3rd Meeting 9th December 2003 Zurich

  2. Terminology FSTD = Flight Simulation Training Device JAA STD = Simulation Training Device FAA FSD = Flight Simulation Device

  3. FSTD-A WG Members • Mark Dransfield UK CAA • Peter Barrack UK CAA/FSTD H WG • Colin Stephens BAFT • Jim Brady IAA • Manfred von Allmen FOCA • Bruno Haller DGAC • Gerry Elloy TTS • Don Irving CJAA • Tony Buckley FSTD H WG Chair

  4. NPA-STD 11 - Objectives • To draft the amendment and associated advising material to the existing JAR-STD(A) family of documents: • Create JAR-FSTD A from JAR-STD 1A, 2A, 3A and 4A • Incorporation of existing Temporary Guidance Leaflets as appropriate • Compliance with JAR-11 regarding the format and structure of JAR documents • Ensure commonality with NPA-10 for the production of JAR-FSTD H

  5. Objectives - 2 • To develop and propose the resulting NPA to the appropriate division of Central JAA • To review the comments following the consultation process of the NPA & generate responses to the comments • To develop and agree the final draft of the proposed JAR-FSTD A

  6. Terms Of Reference Working Group Composition • The WG will comprise members of • JAA STD Advisory Board • JAA National Authorities • Interested Parties • Central JAA • Chairman • Mark Dransfield • Secretary • Gerry Elloy

  7. Terms Of Reference Meetings • STD WG meetings will typically last either one or two working days and occur approximately once every 8 weeks until the JAR-FSTD A is complete. • Frequency of meetings after this point will be determined as necessary. Working Methods and Objectives • By means of meetings and correspondence.

  8. JAR-STD(A) Current Status

  9. JAR-STD(H) Current Status

  10. JAR STD-1A Amendment 3 • NPA-STD 8 Amendment 3 incorporated… • QTG tests and tolerances as per revised ICAO • Updated functional and subjective tests • Criteria for extending STD qualifications • Level C visual requirements same as Level D • Field Of View and Daylight requirements • Publication date – Tuesday 1st July 2003

  11. Other Questions / Food For Thought • Maintain integrity with ICAO version 2 • Avoid changing 1A Amendment 3 for technical reasons compared to ICAO. • Starting point will be JAR-STD1A Amdmt 3 • Commonality with JAR-FSTD H (NPA-STD 10) • Tony Buckley • AMC and IEM replaced by ACJ (JAR 11) • Acceptable Means of Compliance • Interpretative and Explanatory Material • Advisory Circular Joint • TGLs 8 and 3 to be incorporated • TGL 3 Integrated testing (Omitted from Amdt 3) • TGL 8 Applicability of JAR-STD amendments to flight simulator data packages for existing aeroplanes

  12. Timescales & Schedule • Convene JAR-FSTD 1A WG 1ST July 2003 • Draft amended JAR (May 2004) to CJAA • CJAA Review (July 2004) • Consultation (Jul - Dec 2004) • Review of comments (Feb 2005) • Adoption (May 2005) • Publication (Sep 2005) • Implementation (+12 months?)

  13. Work Assignments • Section 1 • Subparts a), b), c) + minimum reqmts – BH • 3A tech requirements to be simplified as per 2A • Check terminology with JB • Simulator Standards – MD/GE/DI • Arrange a 2 day meeting to review the combined version of standards and identify format and areas of commonality, wording etc • Eventually check compatibility back against validation tests (Latency eg) • Review FNPT MCC instrument standards with view to collapsing to a few lines and moving detail to ACJ

  14. Work Assignments • Section 2 • 1A.005 Terminology / Abbreviations – JB • Compare combined version against equivalent sections in JAR-FSTD H • 1A.015 Application etc – JB • Review combined material – requires WG discussion • 1A application letter format ? • 1A.020 Validity – JB • Review combined material – requires WG discussion • 1A.025 Quality System – JB • Review combined material – requires WG discussion • Also depends on MD/BH Quality System review paper as part of AB meeting in March 2004

  15. Work Assignments • Section 2 • 1A.030 Validation Tests – MVA • Combined Validation tests lead in material & table has been produced • Review combined material – requires WG discussion • Suggest all WG members review the proposed validation tests versus the comparison table and forward all comments to MVA/MD by end January. • Following these comments we will agree the date for the review of the next version.

  16. Work Assignments • Section 2 • 1A.030 Section 3 Functional & Subjective Tests – CS • Review combined material – requires WG discussion • Suggest all WG members review the proposed validation tests versus the comparison table and forward all comments to CS/MD by end February. • Following these comments we will agree the date for the review of the next version.

  17. Work Assignments • Section 1 and 2 • 1A.030 to 1A.050 plus associated ACJs – MD/DI • Review compatibility of remaining ACJs/AMCs/IEMs between 1,2,3,4A and combine

  18. Other Actions • Commonality with JAR-FSTD H • Common meeting between WG chairs on structure, possibly 3rd week in February 2004 at Gatwick DI/MD/TB/PB • NPA-11 & 10? • Write and get approved via Agenda for Change – DI/MD

  19. Next Milestones • 15th,16th January 2004 LGW • MD/DI/GE review of FS standards • End January 2004 • Validation test comments received from WG to MVA/MD • End February • F&S test comments received from WG to CS/MD • Meeting between WG chairs on common structure, DI/MD/TB/PB at LGW (1st/2nd week?) • End March 2004 • Quality system update via AB meeting paper • 1A.030 to 1A.045 ACJs – MD/DI • Next WG meeting to follow AB meeting on 16th, 17th March in Madrid to produce first draft of FSTD A?

  20. Next Milestones • End April 2004 • Complete draft document available for WG Review and final WG mtg prior to submittal to CJAA • End May 2004 • Submit draft FSTD A (and H?)to CJAA • CJAA Review July 2004 • Consultation Jul - Dec 2004 • Review of comments Feb 2005 • Adoption May 2005 • Publication Sep 2005 • Implementation +12 months?

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