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Data Collection & Analysis Practices

Data Collection & Analysis Practices. By: Lauren Friedrich. Student Achievement Data. The school assessment that is consistent with all grade levels at Desert Garden is DIBELS.

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Data Collection & Analysis Practices

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  1. Data Collection & Analysis Practices By: Lauren Friedrich

  2. Student Achievement Data • The school assessment that is consistent with all grade levels at Desert Garden is DIBELS. • DIBELS provides teachers with standards for looking at the progress of all the students. DIBELS recommends goals for all students in order for them to be on track of becoming successful readers (UO Data DIBELS System, 2012). • DGS DIBELS DATA

  3. Subgroup Analysis • Kindergarten • Students dropped in intensive by 24%. • Students went up in core by 15% and in strategic by 8 %. • Overall grade level improved in every area of assessment from the beginning to the middle. • First Grade • More students were intensive in the middle of the year compared to the beginning, about 14%. • Strategic students dropped by 4%. • Fewer students are core, by about 10%. • Looking at 1st grade, more interventions need to be done with reading fluency and whole word reading.

  4. Subgroup Analysis • Second Grade • Students remained the same in intensive. • Students increased in strategic about 6%. A 9 students’ difference. • Students dropped in core, 10 students. • Little progress was made from the beginning of the year until the middle of the year. • Teachers need to target strategic and intensive students and start interventions.

  5. Subgroup Analysis • Third Grade • More students are intensive. • Strategic remained about the same. • Fewer students are core. • Teachers need to target intensive and strategic students and start interventions. • Teachers need to also progress monitor to see if students have made any progress before the end of the year test.

  6. Equity Audit Survey • Below is a link to the survey I sent out to my colleagues. • I was unable to send to most parents because of limited use of technology available to them. • The language barrier made it extremely difficult for parents to particpate. http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/QYXPVVL

  7. Interview • All teachers said very similar things for the school goal because we go over the school goal weekly in cluster and have meaningful and thorough conversations on student progress and reflections. • We have been working hard at this school to implement and develop student strategies according to the program TAP that will increase student achievement in reading. • TAP focuses on student strategies and increasing teacher’s proficiency by offering coaching and working together as a team in Clusters (TAP, 2012).

  8. Interview • When asked what strategies they would have for our school teachers and administration came up with Analyze, Discuss, and Support (ADS) while reading. • Implementing the ADS strategy will help improve our school. If implemented correctly the teachers will gradually introduce each step (different literary elements) of the strategy through their Cluster.

  9. Plan of Action • Bottom 25% of students: • Intervention groups- with flex grouping between classrooms at grade levels. • Intervention groups in classroom. • Tutoring for students not reading, based of DIBEL scores and benchmarks. • Title I money to support • Reading Support: Supports Move on When Reading • TAP • Cluster goal will align with CCR-1 • Support and watch progress in cluster through Strategy, DIBELS progress monitoring, Pre-assessments, midyear assessments, and post assessments.

  10. Plan of Action • Common Core State Standards • Professional development on unwrapping and re-wrapping the standards. • Professional books that help look at standards in different ways. • Pathways to the Common Core, by Lucy Calkins, Mary Ehrenworth, and Christopher Lehman • AIMS/PARCC • By focusing on reading standard and intervention groups, this should help students test better because we are helping them be better and closer readers.

  11. Support • TAP: Through ASU National Institute for teacher achievement. • Tutoring- Title 1 money: After school program to support reading and school goal. • Reading Achievement Advisor: Runs cluster and professional developments with assistance of mentor teachers. • Interventions: Identify bottom 25% based off data • DIBELS progress monitoring to track students progress and growth.

  12. References • Bendezicci, A, Boyle, R., McIntyre, K, Rudisil, K, Sell, K, Stankiewicz, J., Graves, J., Dawn, M., personal communication/interview, February , 2013. • Common Core State Standards. 2012. http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy. • TAP; A System for Teacher and Student Advancement (2012). Retrieved from http://www.tapsystem.org/about/about.taf?page=history • UO Data DIBELS System. University of Oregon Center on Teaching and Learning. 2012. Retrieved from: https://dibels.uoregon.edu/reports/report.php?report=SummaryEffectiveness&Scope=School&year=2011&district=460&School=3333&Assessment=13000&NeedForSupport=Former&Step=Beginning+of+Kindergarten+to+Middle+of+Kindergarten

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