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2. Performance Appraisal . Performance appraisal is a process that involves communicating to an employee how well he/she is performing the jobIdeally, this also involves establishing a plan for improvement. 3. Performance Appraisal . Performance appraisals are generally handled in one of two ways:Via an informal system, with no formal procedures, methods, or timesVia a formal appraisal systemAny supervisor's comment about an employee's performance is viewed by the employee as a form of appr31385
1. 1 Chapter 16Appraising and Rewarding Performance
2. 2 Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal is a process that involves communicating to an employee how well he/she is performing the job
Ideally, this also involvesestablishing a plan forimprovement
3. 3 Performance Appraisal Performance appraisals are generally handled in one of two ways:
Via an informal system, with no formal procedures, methods, or times
Via a formal appraisal system
Any supervisor’s comment about an employee’s performance is viewed by the employee as a form of appraisal
4. 4 What is Performance? Performance is how well an employee is fulfilling the requirements of the job
It is determined by a combination of three factors:
Effort: how hard a person works
Ability: how capable a person is
Direction: how well the person understands what is expected on the job
To obtain an acceptable level of performance, all three factors must be present to some extent
5. 5 What is Performance? Performance should be evaluated on results achieved, not effort expended
Performance factors outside employee control:
Inadequate facilities and equipment
Restrictive policies
Lack of cooperation from others
The supervisor should eliminate environmental factors that negatively impact performance
6. 6 What is Performance? The key to obtaining good performance is:
Encouraging effort by employees
Helping employees develop their abilities
Clearly communicate what employees are expected to do on the job
7. 7 Job Descriptions and Specifications Two of the best ways to ensure that employees are properly directed:
A job description states the characteristics of a job and the type of work required in the job
A job specification states the qualifications necessary to do the job, including experience, training, education, knowledge, skills, and abilities
8. 8 Job Descriptions and Specifications A job description and job specification result from a job analysis
Job analysis is the process of determining, through observation and study, the pertinent information regarding a specific job
In most large organizations, job analyses, descriptions, and specifications are developed by the human resources department
9. 9 Job Descriptions and Specifications When developing job descriptions and specifications, carefully study each job to ensure that it is described accurately
The overriding purpose is to communicate what the employee is to do on the job
Many organizations combine the job description and job specification into one document
10. 10 Performance Appraisal Defined The performance appraisal communicates how well a job is being done and how performance can be improved
Appraisals are also used for:
Wage and salary administration
Promotions or demotions
Transfers, layoffs, and discharges
Human resource planning
11. 11 Performance Appraisal Defined Appraisal systems have three principal purposes:
Improve employee performance in present job
Prepare employee for future opportunities
Provide a record of employee performance
12. 12 Appraisal System Benefits For the organization
Provides an evaluation of the organization’s human resources
Gives a basis for future human resource decisions
Increases the potential for the present human resources to meet future needs
Improves employee morale
13. 13 Appraisal System Benefits For the supervisor
Presents a clearer picture of the employee’s understanding of job duties
Allows supervisor input into employee development
Improves employee morale and productivity
Helps identify capable replacements for higher-level jobs within the work unit
Helps identify future training needs
14. 14 Appraisal System Benefits For the employee
Is allowed to present ideas for improvement
Presents opportunity to change work behavior
Lets employee know how the supervisor feels about current performance
Assures employee of regular, systematic performance reviews
Is an opportunity to discuss problem areas and design mutual solutions
15. 15 Performance Appraisal Methods Performance appraisals should be directly related to job success
Creating measures of success can be difficult
Job type can make measuring difficult
Performance may be influenced by factors outside the employee’s control
Using personal characteristics and other subjective factors is common, but has problems
16. 16 Performance Appraisal Methods Graphic rating scale
Employee is rated on factors such as initiative, dependability, cooperativeness, and work quality
Supervisors tend to evaluate everyone a little above average
Provides the same information on all employees and is inexpensive to develop
17. 17 Performance Appraisal Methods Essay appraisals
Supervisor writes a series of statements about an employee’s past performance, potential for promotion, strengths, and weaknesses
Evaluations vary considerably from supervisor to supervisor
Method depends on the writing skills of the supervisor
18. 18 Performance Appraisal Methods Checklist
Supervisor records performance by checking yes or no to a series of questions
Is easy to use
Assembling the questions can be difficult and usually requires a different set for each job category
19. 19 Performance Appraisal Methods Forced-choice rating
Supervisor chooses mot applicable from set of two statements
Method attempts to eliminate bias by using statements where the supervisor cannot determine which answer is best
May frustrate supervisors
May be expensive to develop
20. 20 Performance Appraisal Methods Critical incident appraisals
Supervisor keeps a written record of unusual incidents that show both positive and negative actions by an employee
Employees should be given a chance to state their views
Method is time consuming and tends to stress negative incidents
21. 21 Performance Appraisal Methods Work standards approach
Establishes objective measures, such as number of pieced produced or sales quota
Used more frequently for operative workers in production
Standards must be fair, and viewed as such by the employees
22. 22 Performance Appraisal Methods Ranking methods
Alternation: ranks employees from most to least valuable by alternatively selecting the most and least valuable out of a group
Paired comparison: compares the performance of employee pairs to establish rankings
Forced distribution: distributes employee performance according to a bell-shaped or normal curve
23. 23 Performance Appraisal Methods Management by objectives
The supervisor and employee jointly agree on the employee’s work objectives and how they will be accomplished
The employee’s appraisal is based on the degree to which the work objectives are accomplished
24. 24 Frequency of Performance Appraisals Appraisals should be done as frequently as necessary to let employees know how they are doing
Many organizations require formal appraisals at least once a year
Supervisors should do at least two or three reviews each year, in addition to the formal annual review
New employees, or those being retrained, need more frequent appraisals
25. 25 Multi-Rater Assessment Also known as 360-degree feedback
Managers, peers, customers, suppliers, and/or colleagues are asked to assess the employee
The person being assessed also completes an evaluation questionnaire
The human resources department provides the results to the employee, who gets to see how his/her opinion differs from the others
26. 26 Supervisor Biases in Performance Appraisals Leniency: grouping ratings at the positive end of the performance scale
Central tendency: rating of all or most employees in the middle of the scale
Recency error: occurs when the supervisor recalls only the events just prior to the appraisal
Halo effect: a single prominent characteristic of an employee influences the supervisor’s judgment of all items in the appraisal
27. 27 Supervisor Biases in Performance Appraisals Personal preferences and prejudices can also cause errors in performance appraisals
Supervisors tend to look for employee behaviors that conform to their biases
First impressions can influence later judgments
People tend to retain these impressions even when faced with contradictory evidence later
28. 28 Overcoming Biases in Appraisals The potential for biases in performance appraisals is great
One way to overcome these biases is to refine the design of the appraisal method
It is unlikely that instruments can be refined to the point of overcoming all obstacles
A more promising approach is to improve the skills of raters
29. 29 Overcoming Biases in Appraisals Raters should receive training in:
The appraisal method used by the company
Rater biases and causes of those biases
The importance of the rater’s role in the appraisal process
The use of performance appraisal information
The communication skills necessary to provide feedback to the employee
30. 30 Conducting Appraisal Interviews Communicating the appraisal:
Provides a clear understanding of how the supervisor views the employee’s performance
Clears up any misunderstanding about what is expected
Establishes a program of improvement
Improves the working relationship between the supervisor and the employee
31. 31 Conducting Appraisal Interviews The appraisal interview should be:
Planned ahead of time
Held in a private room
Kept confidential
The employee should be asked for feedback
32. 32 Conducting Appraisal Interviews Questions to consider before the review
On what will you compliment the employee?
Which points do you intend to discuss?
What reactions do you anticipate?
Can you support the appraisal with facts?
What help or corrective action will you offer?
How will you gain acceptance of suggestions?
What follow-up action will you take?
33. 33 Preparing for Your Appraisal Interview Evaluate your own performance
Outline ways in which your boss can help you do a better job
List any additional training you believe you need
Suggest any changes that would make you more effective
Develop a program for your self-improvement
Outline your long-range plans
34. 34 Handling the Poor Performer Possible causes for an employee’s poor performance:
Improper placement
Poor training
Poor communication
Lack of motivation
35. 35 Handling the Poor Performer Alternatives for dealing with the poor performer
Improve the employee’s performance
Transfer the employee to a job that better fits his/her abilities
Demote the employee to a job that can be handled
Terminate the employee
These alternatives are influenced by government regulations and unionization
36. 36 Handling the Poor Performer A supervisor who has decided that an employee’s performance is unacceptable should plan for an immediate interview
Delaying the interview is unfair to both the employee and the organization
Delaying can also increase the chance of litigation when action is finally taken
37. 37 Appraisal Interview with a Poor Performer Create a setting in which the employee can share his/her views and listen to what you say
Be firm but fair
Let the employee know exactly where he/she is weak and how to make improvements
Get the employee to participate in setting goals for the present job
If a transfer is in order, get the employee to participate in setting goals for the new job
38. 38 Appraisal Interview with a Poor Performer Reach an agreement on what is to be achieved and the deadline for achieving it
Emphasize your availability for future talks and encourage the employee to come to you if problems remain or develop
39. 39 Performance Appraisal and the Law Title VII of the Civil Rights Act permits the use of a bona fide performance appraisal system
Appraisal systems that have adverse effects for minorities, women, and older employees are not bona fide
Evaluating employees by assuming or insisting that they match a stereotype is illegal
40. 40 Performance Appraisal and the Law To make performance appraisal systems more legally acceptable:
Derive the content of the appraisal system from job analyses
Emphasize work behaviors, not personal traits
Ensure that the results of appraisals are communicated to employees
Ensure that employees are allowed to give feedback during the appraisal interview
41. 41 Performance Appraisal and the Law Train managers to conduct proper evaluations
Ensure that appraisals are written, documented, and retained
Ensure that personnel decisions are consistent with performance appraisals
42. 42 Rewarding Performance Organizational rewards: all types of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards received as a result of employment by the organization
Intrinsic rewards are internal to the individual and derived from involvement in work activities
Extrinsic rewards are directly controlled and distributed by the organization and are more tangible
43. 43 Rewarding Performance Intrinsic Rewards
Sense of achievement
Feeling of accomplishment
Informal recognition
Job satisfaction
Personal growth
44. 44 Rewarding Performance Compensation consists of the extrinsic rewards offered by the organization and includes:
Base wage or salary
Incentives or bonuses
Any benefits received in exchange for work
Benefits are rewards received because of employment with the organization
Paid vacations, health insurance, retirement plans, among others
45. 45 Relating Rewards to Performance The free enterprise system is based on the premise that rewards should depend on performance
Many extrinsic rewards do not lend themselves to being related to performance
Examples include paid vacations, insurance plans, and paid holidays
These rewards are often determined by organizational membership and seniority rather than performance
46. 46 Merit Pay Merit pay means basing an employee’s annual pay raise on his/her performance
Many U.S. companies offer merit pay, but most do a poor job of linking pay and performance
Surveys show that neither top management nor rank-and-file employees believe there is a positive link between performance and pay
47. 47 Linking Pay to Performance If relating rewards to performance is desirable, why isn’t it more widespread?
It is not easy to measure performance accurately
It requires discipline
Many union contracts require that certain rewards be based on objective variables, such as seniority
No successful formula for implementing a merit pay program has been developed
48. 48 Linking Pay to Performance Desirable preconditions include:
Trust in management
Absence of performance constraints
Trained managers
Good measurement systems
Ability to pay
Clear distinction among cost of living, seniority, and merit pay
Well-communicated total pay policy
Flexible reward schedule