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What is Inquiry-based Learning?. "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.” ( Chinese Proverb as cited in Rhem , 2004 ). Girls writing [ image] ( n.d ). Why is Inquiry learning an effective approach to use when teaching SOSE?.
What is Inquiry-based Learning? "Tell me and I forget, show me and I remember, involve me and I understand.”(Chinese Proverb as cited in Rhem, 2004) Girls writing [image] (n.d)
Why is Inquiry learning an effective approach to use when teaching SOSE? “SOSE provides opportunities for students to ask challenging questions, to be curious and to develop a lifelong love of learning.“ “It focuses on developing inquiry learning skills and providing experiences that are meaningful for students, engaging them with actual people, places and issues wherever possible.” “Through analysing information and values, students can make responsible decisions about social, economic, religious, civic and environmental issues that may affect them now or in the future.” (NSW Board of Studies, 2006) Tree-planting [image](n.d)
The Inquiry Learning Process in Primary Schools The Inquiry Learning Process Adapted from the NSW Board of Studies Syllabus - HSIE 2006 as cited in Reynolds, 2009
Incorporating the Inquiry Process in the NSW HSIE Stage 1 unit – Year 2: Transport • 1. Initiate the investigation • Students pose questions and plan investigations. Initial Question: How does Transport affect people’s lives? Students to brainstorm: What do we already know about transport and its affects? What do we want to find out? Children to brainstorm open ended questions to research (teacher to model, guide and support this part of the process) How will we find out the answers? Children mindmap[image] (n.d)
2. Gather • Students access, select and record information. Initial Question: How does transport affect people’s lives? Other investigation questions: Why do transport systems need to link? Who and what helps to keep the transport system running successfully? What problems can occur? How does this affect people? How is the environment affected? What are the pros and cons of each form of transport? How are problems solved? In groups gather information from pictures of different transport systems. Students to make notes. Ferry Cirqular Quay [image] (n.d) Go on an excursion using different forms of transport along the way. (Bus, train, ferry) Bus line[image] (n.d) Observe the different systems in place that help to keep the transport system as a whole, running successfully. Students to record using video, take photos or make notes as they gather the information. Students to interview workers asking them questions they have formulated. Bloom’s Taxonomy Processes: ask, observe, locate, read, research, listen, find, list, brainstorm, recall, specify
3. Organise • Students arrange the information into forms which can be analysed. Model different ways to organise the information gathered. For example… graphs, diagrams, databases, maps, family trees… Two examples of ways students could organise information gathered. Six Thinking Hats [image] (n.d) Bloom’s Taxonomy Processes : explain, compare, categorise, separate, contrast, survey, graph, investigate
4. Synthesise • Students express their understandings and share them with others. Students to draft and then present their findings to others. Students could choose an activity that would develop one (or more) of the multiple intelligences. Students can present by… Who students could present to… • writing a report • designing a poster or artwork • performing a play • making a power point presentation • creating a movie or advert • producing a pamphlet • making a speech • writing a blog or website • the class or small groups • younger children • assembly • members of the public (council, government groups, general) • staff and student council • parents Bloom’s Taxonomy Processes: combine, compose, hypothesise, role play, create, infer, imagine, write, design, produce, invent, plan
5. Apply • Students verify their understandings by applying them to other situations, planning, implementing actions and solving problems. • Students are to… make connections, explore new ideas, think creatively, take action on what they have learntand become engaged, active citizens of their community. Some examples… Invent a new form of transport or system for the future Using the information collected list the transport problems that need to be considered e.g. pollution Give suggestions for solving these problems using your new transport design. Draw and label your design, making sure it tries to solve one or more of the transport problems you listed. Make a movie to educate parents and children in the school community of how different modes of transport affects the environment and humans. Be a road smart kid [image] (n.d) Design a poster to educate school children of how to behave on public transport. Present work to the Ministry of Transport for advertising purposes. Children filming[image](n.d)
6. Refect • Studentsreview what they have learnt and how they have learnt it. Use Dr. de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats throughout the learning process … Review the process using the ‘Six Thinking Hats’ How did we feel at the start? How do we feel now? Communicate between groups and individuals What did we know? What have we learnt?d id Self assessment Peer assessment Group assessment Teacher/student assessment What challenges did we encounter? Why did they occur? What were the good points? How were problems solved? What new ideas did we invent and create? How did you learn best? What thinking tools did you use to help you? Specific questions and strong guidance will be needed when reflecting on each part of this matrix. (Reynolds, 2009) Six Thinking Hats [image] (n.d) Bloom’s Taxonomy Processes: judge, justify, debate, choose, recommend, decide, rank, prove, discuss, verify
References • Be a road smart kid [image] (n.d) Retrieved from: http://www.tmr.qld.gov.au/Safety/Safety-campaigns/School-transport-safety.aspx • Board of Studies. (2006). Human Society and it’s Environment- K-6 Syllabus. Retrieved from http://k6.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/files/hsie/k6_hsie_syl.pdf • Board of Studies. (1998). Human Society and it’s Environment- K-6 Units of Work. Retrieved from http://k6.boardofstudies.nsw.edu.au/go/hsie • Bus line[image] (n.d) Retrieved from (http://resources0.news.com.au/images/2011/07/18/1226096/514740-bus.jpg • Cheree, R. (2011, August 6) What is Inquiry Learning? Retrieved from http://rachelcheree.blogspot.com/p/inquiry-learning-hsie-syllabus.html • Children filming[image](n.d) Retrieved from http://newsimg.bbc.co.uk/media/images/45199000/jpg/_45199828_kidsnews466.jpg • Children mindmap[image] (n.d) http://inquiry-learning-representation.wikispaces.com/file/view/325776.jpg/244093789/325776.jpg • EXARC. (2011). Redefining a Teacher's Role for Inquiry Teaching. Retrieved from http://exarc.net/books/reaching-teaching-adult-public/redefining-teachers-role-inquiry-teaching • Ferry Cirqular Quay [image] (n.d )Retrieved from http://images.travelpod.com/users/lizandste/1.1273162122.ferry-in-at-circular-key.jpg • Gray, A. (nd). Contructivist Teaching and Learning. Retrieved from http://saskschoolboards.ca/research/instruction/97-07.htm#The%20Constructivist%20Classroom • Girls writing[image] (n.d) Retrieved from http://www.visualphotos.com/photo/2x2237622/two_girls_writing_42-16298540.jpg • Information Age Inquiry. (2006) Inquiry-Based Learning. Retrieved from http://virtualinquiry.com/inquiry/inquiry7.htm • Reynolds, R. (2009)Teaching studies of society and environment in the primary school. Melbourne, Victoria: Oxford University Press. • Rhem, J. (2004). Quotations on Teaching, Learning, and Education. Retrieved from http://www.ntlf.com/html/lib/quotes.htm • Rimes, E. (2011) HSIE Unit – How does transport affect our lives?. Retrieved from http://www.slideshare.net/erikarimes/erika-rimes-stage-1-hsie-transport • Six Thinking Hats [image] (n.d) Retrieved from http://blogs.funiber.org/formacion-profesores/files/2011/01/Six-Hats.gif • Thirteen Ed Online. (2004). Concepts to Classroom. Retrieved fromhttp://www.thirteen.org/edonline/concept2class/inquiry/index.html • Tree-planting [image](n.d) Retrieved from http://www.coolbrisbane.org/images/tree-planting.jpg