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Fauna in Silesia. Invertebrates. Turkuć podjadek Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa - A sort of insect, one of the biggest insects in Poland. It’s well adapted to life in the ground, where it spends majority of time. Invertebrates.
Invertebrates • Turkuć podjadek Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa- A sort of insect, one of the biggest insects in Poland. It’s well adapted to life in the ground, where it spends majority of time .
Invertebrates • Tygrzyk paskowany Argiope bruennichi- this spider owes its name from the colour similar to the fur of the tiger. It has silvery cephalothorax, golden abdomen with black crosswise stripes.
Invertebrates • Pachnica dębowa Osmoderma eremita- species of the big beetle. It lives in trunks of old trees. It is dark brown, or black with the olive sheen. In Poland it is under protection.
Fish • Płoć Rutilus rutilus- occurs in ponds, lakes and rivers. This fish isn’t under protection in Poland.
Fish • Pstrąg( Trout) - • It settles fresh waters. It has olive- russet back, golden sides with black small stains and silvery belly. It is bred in fishing households, led into rivers and lakes.
Amphibians • Salamandra plamista Salamandra salamandra • - species of the amphibian about a distinctive appearance and the wide reach of appearing. It’ s leading the solo, predatory lifestyle. In Poland it’s under the protection.
Amphibians • Ropucha zielona • Bufo viridis- common species of the amphibian. Its green colour really stands out. It sets diversified settlements, prefers the land to water. It feeds on small • invertebrates.
Amphibians • Rzekotka drzewna Hyla arborea- It is usually marked by green, grey, brown or yellowish colour which it is able to change depending on surroundings. Fillisters on its fingers help in climbing. This frog is the loudest amphibian. It lives on lowland areas. It is under protection.
Amphibians • Traszka grzebieniasta Triturus cristatus- It leads the water and land lifestyle. Its sides of the body are light grey, brown, olive or black. It's covered with dark small stains. In Poland it is under protection.
Amphibians • Minóg strumieniowy Lampetra planeri - It is a freshwater fish. In Poland it occurs in the Wisła (the Vistula) river. It resembles a snake. In Poland it is under rigorous protection.
Reptiles • Gniewosz plamistyCoronella austriaca -species of a nonpoisonous snake. Commonly found in many places of Europe and western Asia. Harmless to people, often confused with the adder. In Poland under protection.
Reptiles • Zaskroniec zwyczajny Natrix natrix- • species of a nonpoisonous snake. It appears almost in entire Europe.
Birds • Wróbel zwyczajny Passer domesticus- species of a small bird. It inhabits Europe and Asia. Originallyit is a bird of semideserts and steppes, probably comes from the Arabian Peninsula and Asia Minor.
Birds • Kaczka krzyżówka • Anas platyrhynchos- species of a big, water bird. It’s settling the majority of the northern hemisphere, but also appears in south-east Australia and in New Zealand.
Mammals Koszatka Dryomys nitedula- species of a little, arboreal rodent. It is reddish or light grey on the upper body and white on its belly .
Mammals • Kuna leśna ( Pine Marten) Martes martes- species of a little predatory mammal. It’s occurs in Poland in not very large number. Usually mistaken with a marten.
Mammals • Nietoperz (Bat) Chiroptera- the only mammal which can fly. It rests hanging with its head down. It has an ability of the echolocation. Bats are usually grey or black. In Poland they are under rigorous protection.
Mammals • Bóbr europejski (Beaver) Castor fiber- It leads a night lifestyle. It can stay underwater non-stop even up to 15 minutes. It has strong incisors therefore it is able to cut very thick trees down, about the diameter of even 1 meter. Beavers are building dams and beaver lodges. In Poland it is under partial protection.
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