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  1. Background Information for RAs: PACT5 is a national movement to end sexual assault on college campuses started by students and faculty from five universities: Rowan University, California State University at Northridge, Western State Colorado University, Northern Illinois University, and Framingham State University. Each institution is creating student-produced documentaries and partnering with the Clery Center for Security On Campus to distribute them, for free, to other institutions and individuals. PACT5 wants other institutions, student groups, other organizations, and individuals to join them in making the PACT (included within these bulletin board materials.) The documentaries and discussion guides will be available for you to use during National Campus Safety Awareness Month and throughout the year. For more information, visit www.makethepact.org.

  2. Make

  3. the

  4. PACT

  5. What is the PACT?

  6. PACT5 is a national movement to end sexual assault on college campuses started by students and faculty from five universities: Rowan University, California State University at Northridge, Western State Colorado University, Northern Illinois University, and Framingham State University.

  7. The PACT signifies a commitment to ending sexual violence on college and university campuses.

  8. Why should I make the PACT?

  9. About 1 in 5 women are victims of completed or attempted sexual assault while in college • Less than 5% of campus sexual assaults are reported to law enforcement • A large majority of victims are victimized by someone they know and trust, rather than strangers CHRISTOPHER P. KREBS ET AL., THE CAMPUS SEXUAL ASSAULT STUDY: FINAL REPORT xiii (Nat’l Criminal Justice Reference Serv., Oct. 2007), available at http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/221153.pdf.

  10. Because I play an important role in my campus community… And my actions matter.

  11. The PACT

  12. 1

  13. I am aware that sexual assault can happen to anyone at any time.

  14. 2

  15. I believe we can end sexual assault through education.

  16. 3

  17. I will always be sure of genuine consent before any sexual activity.

  18. 4

  19. I will take action if I see a situation that could lead to sexual assault.

  20. 5

  21. I will commit to learning more and promoting the PACT.

  22. To make the PACT visit: www.makethepact.org

  23. We’ve made the PACT… …have you?

  24. NOTE: It is useful to use photos from individuals at your own institution, preferably within your own residence hall

  25. Rowan University’s PACT5 Documentary Team

  26. “I made the PACT because if people don’t speak, nothing will change.”

  27. “I made the PACT because it can happen to anyone.”

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