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Lesson 7 The Greatest Invention

Lesson 7 The Greatest Invention. Lord Dunsany. P. 1-11. Rough-adj. 粗略的 , 大致的 Battleship-n. 战舰 Tropics-n.[ 天 ]( 天球的 ) 回归线 , 热带 Put into port -v. 进入港口 Tavern-n. 酒馆 , 客栈 Decent-adj.< 口 > 相当好的、象样的 Uncork-vt. 拔去塞子 , 开口 Liquid-n. 液体 , 流体 Mastery-n. 掌握 Caribbean-n. 加勒比海

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Lesson 7 The Greatest Invention

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  1. Lesson 7 The Greatest Invention Lord Dunsany

  2. P. 1-11 • Rough-adj.粗略的, 大致的 • Battleship-n.战舰 • Tropics-n.[天](天球的)回归线, 热带 • Put into port -v.进入港口 • Tavern-n.酒馆, 客栈 • Decent-adj.<口>相当好的、象样的 • Uncork-vt.拔去塞子, 开口 • Liquid-n.液体, 流体 • Mastery-n.掌握 • Caribbean-n.加勒比海 • Rival-n.竞争者, 对手 • Alter-v.改变

  3. p. 12-17 • Cavalry-n.骑兵 • Adapt-vi.适应各种不同情况和环境 --She lacked the ability to adapt easily.她缺少适应能力。 • Charge-n.分配的义务或任务 Uniform-n.制服 • Glory-n.荣誉, 光荣 • Aspiration-n.热望, 渴望 • Domination-n.控制, 统治, 支配 • Be born to-天生注定的: • Soothing-adj.抚慰的, 使人宽心的 • Speak for-v.代表...讲话 • Turn one’s mind on-把注意力转向某事上 • Let loose-v.释放, 放出, 放任 Plague-n.瘟疫

  4. P. 18-30 • Germ warfare-细菌战 Deadly-adj.致命的 • Idle-adj.空闲的, 懒惰的 Spur on-v.飞驰 • Ambition-n.野心, 雄心 • Rightly-【非正式用语】 确实地 • Folly-n.愚蠢 Determined-adj.坚决的 • Inspiration-n.灵感 • appeal to-vi.诉诸, 求助(于) • Splendor-n.光彩, 壮观, 杰出 Grip-vt.紧握, 紧夹 • Drug-vt.使服毒品 Fade-vi.褪色, 消失 • Fancy-n. 反复无常的怪想;怪念头 • Proper-adj.正当的 • Queer-adj.奇怪的, 不舒服的

  5. p. 31-45 • Lawn-n.草地, 草坪 • Square- 平方的 • Mark off-v.划分出 • Strip-n.条, 带 • Blade-n. 【植物学】 叶片: • Admit-v.承认;容许 -The evidence can not admit of doubt.证据确凿, 不容置疑。 • Exclaim-v.呼喊, 惊叫 • Facility-n.容易, 便利 • Artificial-adj.人造的 • Carry out-v.完成, 实现, 贯彻 • Brood-vt.沉思

  6. Translation on Page 183 • Where are you off to? • Mrs. Baker is out for a little stroll. • How long have you been back from Thailand? • They are not up yet. • Why are the lights on in broad daylight? • The film is still on. It won’t be over until 10 o’clock. • The car exhibition has been on for two weeks. • Li Yan is away for a meeting in Wuhan. • Please put all these magazines back when you’re through. • My mother is not in. She’s on night shift at the office.

  7. Translation on Page 186 • as many economists had expected • As a scientist pointed out • as an epic of the Tibetan people • As natural disasters go • as both their families had hoped • as the Venice of China • as a walking dictionary in out class • As everybody knows • as gifts • as scientists have proved

  8. Page 187 • It isn’t easy to find to qualified person for the position. • It takes patience to deal with complaints from difficult customers. • It upset her to see many of the trees destroyed. • It would be wonderful if you and your family could visit Beijing nest summer. • It must be exciting to report on sports events such as the World Cup and the Olympics.

  9. Page 187 • It helps a person a lot in the job market to have the three skills—driving, good English and the ability to use a computer. • It pleased Dr. Wu to see that his research was being carried on by dedicated young people. • It takes courage to ask what other people regard as “stupid” questions. • It’s a pity that they’ve decided to cancel the trip. • It’s necessary to show your ID tot eh guard at the entrance whenever you want to enter the building.

  10. Page 188 • The soil on which the road was laid was sandy. • Last summer we visited the cave in which Peking Man was discovered. • All members of the cast are expected to read the novel on which the film is based. • Every Spring Festival, he goes to see the peasant family with whom he worked 30 years ago. • He said that hw would keep forever the pen with which he had signed the first contract for his company.

  11. Page 188 • The little town, from which many scientists have sprung, is much reported by the media. • 0’ C is the freezing point at which water turns to ice. • The Braille system is the main method by which blind people all over the world can read. • Ms. Li, from whom my sister took piano lessons threee years ago, has started a school of her own. • The type of PC you should buy depend on the purpose for which the PC is to be used.

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