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States of matter

Explore the concept of states of matter and the kinetic theory, which states that all matter is made up of tiny particles in constant motion. Learn about solids, liquids, gases, and the fourth state of matter, plasma.

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States of matter

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  1. States of matter

  2. Kinetic Theory • All matter is made up of tiny particles that are constantly moving

  3. Solids • Have definite shape and definite volume • Particles are closely packed, vibrate in place, & held together by strong force of attraction

  4. 2 Types of solids • Crystalline solids: particles arranged in a regular repeating 3D pattern Ex: salt, ice, diamonds

  5. 2. Amorphous solids: particles lack a regular repeating arrangement • Will flow slowly over time • Ex: Glass, Wax

  6. Liquids • Have definite volume, not definite shape • Force of attraction not strong enough to hold a definite shape • Particles close together but move more than solids • Liquids flow and take shape of container

  7. Liquids flow to take shape of their container

  8. Gases • Have no definite shape and no definite volume • Particles move quickly and collide often • Particles very far apart • Force of attraction between particles is very weak • Gases expand and will fill entire container

  9. 3 States of Matter

  10. Plasma • 4th state of matter (similar to gas) • No definite volume or shape • Most common form of matter in universe • Found in sun and stars • Particles collide violently at high temperatures • Collisions cause particles to become electrically charged

  11. Changing States of Matter • Adding energy causes particles to move faster and further apart • Particles overcome forces of attraction allowing matter to change states (solid-liquid-gas)

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