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Enhancing Transparency and Civic Monitoring in Cohesion Policy

Explore how Open Data on public funds promotes transparency, citizen engagement, and efficient fund use. Learn about Europe's readiness, rules, and initiatives for data publication. Discover OpenCoesione's features like detailed project info, funding sources, maps, and user-generated content. Utilize the platform for monitoring, decision-making, and stakeholder involvement. Access a wealth of data on cohesion policy projects for informed decision-making and evaluation.

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Enhancing Transparency and Civic Monitoring in Cohesion Policy

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  1. OpenCoesione Transparency and civicmonitoring on Cohesion Policy Simona De Luca Evaluation Unit – Departmentof Development and Economic Cohesion (DPS), Italy Evaluation Network Meeting Brussels, 22-23 November 2012

  2. Open Data on public funds • Availability of Open Data (machine-readable) on projects funded by public resources helps in: • fostering transparency in the use of funds • improving decision making and policy design • encouraging the creation of new tools and services for citizens • increasing involvement of stakeholders in ensuring efficient and effective use of funds Is Europe ready?

  3. farmsubsidy.org Recovery.gov eufunds.ftdata.co.uk http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/projects/map/index_en.cfm InforegioNewsroom23 October 2012 Countries with interactiveportals on Structural Funds projects: DK, F, H, NL, PL, IT

  4. Eu rules on transparency & Open Data 2007-2013, Art. 7 Reg 1828/2006 – Three mandatory fields for online publication: name of the project, name of the beneficiary, total value of the project  Hundreds of Managing Authorities are free to decide how much information is to be published and the format of the downloadable datasets European Transparency Initiative (2008) – Suggestion of some useful details to be published: public payments to beneficiaries at the end of the project, final year of payment, date of last update • 2014-2020, Art. 105 General RegulationProposal- Machine-readable Format (CSV, XML), National Centralized System, User Licence, mandatory fields for online publication (headings & name of the projects to be provided in at least one other official EU language): • name of the project, name of the beneficiary, total value of the project (as in 2007-2013) • summary of the project, start date, end date, EU eligible expenditure, postcode of the location of the project, country, category of intervention of the project, date of last update (newly introduced).

  5. Machine-readable format ? 2011 2012 The transparency on the beneficiaries of Structural Funds in Europe and Italy L. Reggi, Materiali UVAL, Issue 27, 2012 OpenCoesione published in Italy in July, 2012

  6. What’s in OpenCoesione? • Information about projects undertaken for implementing regional policies: • description • funding (amount and sources) • locations • thematicareas • public/private subjects involved • deployment timing Highlights of data provided Access to web portalsincelaunch (July 17th) to October 31st : 64,000visits, 50,000uniquevisitors, 3+ minutes average time on the site, 8% from outsideItaly

  7. What’sNOW in OpenCoesione? EU structural funds + domesticresources for regional policy 549,705 # of projects ALL projects financed by cohesionpolicy monitoring date: 30.6.2012 52.4 billionEuros - Financing 16.9 billionEuros - Payments

  8. Surfing OpenCoesione (LIVE DEMO) Direct search of public authorities in charge for programmingand othersubjectsinvolved in the deploymentof projects Total projects and funds by overallcohesion policy or withinuser’squeries Interactive graphsfor immediate distribution of investments and number of projects by topic, location area, typology of intervention Direct access to locationsthroughinteractivemapsandsearchto discover the number of projectsundertaken, the amount of overallinvestments in the place and the list of projects Easy overview of distributionof investments by topic and typology of intervention Top projectslisting in home page

  9. Projectsat a glance Detailsincludedin a single page (availableonly in Italian)

  10. Civicmonitoring Citizens and organizationsgetinvolved Uploadinguser-generatedcontents

  11. From navigationto rawdata More information for specificallyskilledusers Monitoring Data are updated every 2 months by Managing Authorities and are made available in OpenCoesione approximately 3 months after the reference date User license Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (CC BY-SA)

  12. Expectedresult & impact Bettermonitoringtowardsbetterspending & betterevaluations Improvingthe quality of information available to national community when making decisions Promotingcitizens’ voice and getting civic partners involved in the decision making process Better spending: efficient and effective usage of resources and destination of funds consistent with people’s needs Better evaluations: broad range of analyses and evaluations based on public data on projects

  13. Thankyou for yourattention www.opencoesione.gov.it www.dps.tesoro.it/opencoesione dps.opencoesione@tesoro.it

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