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Detailed examination of the midbrain, pons, and spinal cord structure and functions. Exploration of sensory and motor nuclei, internal structures, and nerve pathways in the rostral and caudal pons.
Microscopy of themidbrain and pons Dr. Gallatz Katalin
midbrain rostral pons caudal ponsal pons
The continousgreymatter of thespinalcord is dividedintopieces bytheinternalarcuatefibers and bythepyramidaldecussationandthe sensory and motor nuclei of thecranialnervesareformed rostrally. spinal cord medulla closed part medulla opened part középagy híd, locus coeruleus szintje nyúltvelő-híd átmenet caudal pons rostral pons midbrain
from Mark Kozsurek vestibular nuclei VI sup. saliv. STN sup. olive VII facial n. pn abducens n. pn: pontine nuclei - facial nucleus is a branchialmotor nucleus (mimetic muscles, stylohyoid, post.belly of digastric, stapedius) - superior salivatory nucleus is the general visceromotor nucleus of the CN VII.
from Mark Kozsurek facial colliculus vestibular nuclei VI sup. saliv. STN sup. olive VII facial n. pn abducens n. pn: pontine nuclei Abducens nucleus is a somatomotor nucleus of CN VI. Vestibular nuclei special somatosensory nuclei of CN VIII.(superior, inferior, lateral, medial The superior olivary nucleus is one of the relay nuclei of the auditory patway
from Mark Kozsurek Spinal trigeminal nucleus: general somatosensory (GSS) nucleus of CN V. vestibular nuclei VI sup. saliv. stt STN sup. olive stt-spinal trigeminal tract VII ML STT facial n. pn abducens n. pn: pontine nuclei Main sensory pathways: ML – medial lemniscus – epicritic sensibility STT – spinothalamic tract – prothopathic sensibility
from Mark Kozsurek MLF vestibular nuclei VI sup. saliv. TST stt CTT STN sup. olive VII ML STT py facial n. pontocerebellar tract pn corticopontine tract abducens n. Pyramidal tract – the main motor pathway – from the cortex to the spinal cord and CN nuclei Corticopontine tract(temporooccipitopontine and frontopontine tract)terminate in the pontine nuclei. From the pontine nuclei the pontocerebellar tract passes to the cerebellum.
Rostral pons Therearedifferencesbetweenthecaudal and therostralpons! • Nuclei: - principal (chief) nucleus of CN V., it is generalsomatosensorynucleus receivesepicriticinformationfromthehead, - motor trigeminalnucleusinnervatesthemusclesdevelopingfromthefirstpharyngealarch( muscles of mastication, tensortympanitensorvelipalatini and anteriorbelly of digastric).
superior cerebellar peduncle middle cerebellar peduncle chief sensory trigeminal nucleus LC motor trigeminal nucleus STT ML Motor trigeminal nucleus special visceromotor masticatory muscles, tensor tympani and t. veli pal. mylohyoid and post. b. digastric. Principal sensory nucleus general somatosensory epicritic pontine nuclei ML medial lemniscus STT spinothalamic tract
LC – locus coeruleus (noradrenerg) CTT – central tegmental tract MLF – medial longitudinal fascicle TST – tectospinal tract superior cerebellar peduncle MLF middle cerebellar peduncle LC TST CTT STT LM corticospinal et corticonuclear tracts pontocerebellar tract corticopontine tracts (Arnold, Türk)
Rostralpons LC – locus coeruleus -noradrenergic system or LC-NA system has widespread connections to the different part of the brain CTT – central tegmental tract (fascicle) from the thalamus and red nucleus to the inferior olive MLF – medial longitudinal fascicle it composed of ascending and descending fibers and has function in the vestibular system TST – tectospinal tract from the superior colliculus to the spinal cord (extrapyramidal)
Parts of themesencephalon TECTUM inferiorcolliculi superiorcolliculi CEREBRAL PEDUNCLE tegmentum cruscerebri TECTUM TEGMENTUM
AT THE LEVEL OF SUPERIOR.COLLICULUS CS CGM nucl. mesenceph. n. V nucl. oculomot. accessorius nucl. oculomotorius nucl. ruber subst. nigra n. oculomotorius Mesensephalic nucl. V. – somatosensory nucleus – prorioceptive (strech, masseter) reflex of the masticatory m. Accessory nucl.of III.n. – parasympathetic nucl. (general visceromotor nucl. GVM) SPHINCTER OF THE PUPIL AND CILIARY MUSCLE Oculomotor nucleus – somatomotor From Mark Kozsurek
CS CGM MTTN STT ML nucl. ruber subst. nigra n. oculomotorius SENSORY PATHWAYS STT – SPINOTHALAMIC TRACT – prothopatic sensibility ML – MEDIALIS LEMNISCUS - epicritic sensibility MTTN – MESENCEPHALIC TRACT OF TRIGEMINAL N. From Mark Kozsurek
From Mark Kozsurek CGM tr. tectospinalis TMNT TST FLM LM nucl. ruber tr. rubrospinalis subst. nigra n. oculomotorius MLD – MEDIAL LONGITUDINAL FASCICLE VENTRAL TEGMENTAL DECCUSATION deccusation of the rubrospinal tract DORSAL TEGMENTAL DECCUSATION deccusation of the tectospinal tract
colliculus inferior n. trochlearis from Mark Kozsurek TMNT TST nucl. IV. LM DSCP TÜRK subst. nigra Py ARNOLD AT THE LEVEL OF INFERIOR.COLLICULUS 1. Trochlear nucleus – somatomotor nucleus – innervates the superior oblique m. of the eye 2. Decussation of the superior cerebellar peduncle (DSCP)
Substantianigra • -parscompacta: Nigrostriataltract (DOPAMIN) • parsreticularis: nigrothalamictractstartsfrom here • striatonigraltractterminates here (GABA) • Nucleusruber • - magnocellular part rubrospinaltract(ectrapyramidal) • - parvocellular part CTT CENTRAL TEGMENTAL TRACTinf.olive. • CEREBELLUM cerebellorubral tract olivocerebellar tract
Superiorcolliculus • Tectoreticulartract: CS accessoryoculomotornuclei • visual reflexes • Tectospinaltract: CS spinalcord • extrapyramidalsystem • Inferiorcolliculus • LaterallemniscusCIbrachium of inf.colliculus • CGM • auditorypathway
Centralgrey – substanciagriseacentralis - SGC greymatteraroundtheaqueductus endogenanalgesia (dynorphin and encephalincells) DLF - dorsallongitudinalfascicle (Schütz) nuclei of the III., IV., V. (mesencephalicnucl.)
TRACTS ORIGINATING FROM THE MIDBRAIN • Tectospinaltr. CS SC EXTRAPYRAMIDAL • Rubrospinalistr. RN SC EXTRAPYRAMIDAL • CTF RN IO • Nigrostriataltract SN ST dopaminergpathway • Parkinson’sdesease • TRACTS TERMINATINGTING IN THE MIDBRAIN • Cerebellorubraltr. • StriatonigraltractGABAerg
TRACTS PASSING THROUGH THE MIDBRAIN 1. Corticospinaltract (pyramid) 2. Corticobulbartract 3. Corticopontine (Arnold and Türk) 4. Mediallongitudinalfascicle MLF 5. Trigeminallemniscus (ventr., dors.) 6. Mediallemniscus 7. Spinothalamictract DESCENDING ASCENDING
MASSETER REFLEX proprioceptiveorstrech reflex
PROPRIOCEPTIVE (STRECH) REFLEX OF MASTICATORY MUSCLESMASSETER REFLEX • Monoszinaptic reflex, • - Synapse is inthe motor nucleus, • - receptoresarethemusclespindles • (anulospiralnerve ending), • -I. neuroninthemesencephalicnucl. • (pseudounipolarneurons), • centralbranchesdescendtothepons, • mesencephalictract • and synapsewiththeneurons of • of the motor nucleus, • theiraxons go back tothemuscle
Patellary reflex masseter reflex