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National Housing Database on Demand (NHNR)

National Housing Database on Demand (NHNR). PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS 28 FEBRUARY 2017. Content. Purpose of database Current Status No. of households on the database No. of households that registered their need per provincial & municipal level

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National Housing Database on Demand (NHNR)

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  1. National Housing Database on Demand(NHNR) PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE ON HUMAN SETTLEMENTS 28 FEBRUARY 2017

  2. Content • Purpose of database • Current Status • No. of households on the database • No. of households that registered their need per provincial & municipal level • No. of household records imported from waiting lists • Built In Controls (One system & One Database) • Allocation of housing opportunities in fair, auditable & transparent manner

  3. Purpose of Database • To provided households with the opportunity to register their need for adequate shelter; by providing information about their current living conditions, household composition & to indicate the type of housing assistance they require from government; • To ensure that the allocation of housing opportunities that are created through the various programmes contained in the National Housing Code is done in a fair, transparent & audible manner; by selecting households from relevant geographical areas based on the agreed criteria e.g. age,preference, employment & income status ; and

  4. Purpose of Database • The information on the database is utilized during the planning, prioritisation, budgeting and implementation of human settlements projects as the information about per household is area based: Province, Municipality, Town Area & Ward, including physical address or house / stand number. • The database forms the foundation of the registration, allocation and approval of households for subsidised housing to eradicate corruption, manipulation, collusion and mismanagement.

  5. No. of Households per Province

  6. No. of Households per Province • LP – in the process to implement the database; and • NW - received existing records on households, and in process to validate & prepare records to be imported onto the database, and processed for full implementation. • KZN – Figures are being captured and verified and will be revised • Free State – Figures are being captured, verified and will be revised.

  7. No. of Households on the Database Captured Per Province & Municipality

  8. No. of Household Records Imported from Existing Waiting Lists

  9. Database Security and Compliance Controls • Does not allow: • editing of registration date (date household registered their need for adequate shelter – place on the list); • for a record to be deleted (information about a household); • a user to capture a record when the geographical location information has not been loaded (province, municipality, town, area); • An invalid ID to be captured; • A respondent (main household member) to be committed (allocated) more than once;

  10. Central NHNR Built In Controls • Does not allow: • Access if you are not a registered user (Access is administrated by the National Department); • Records to be imported at a provincial & local level this is done at a National level (To control the quality of records); • Only role players that have attended formal training sessions & achieved 80% & above during the assessment process are granted access; No of registered users: 670

  11. Central NHNR Built In Controls • User permissions depends on the level of access approved by the relevant manager: • Viewing; • Capturing / Registration of household need; • Editing / Updating of household information to ensure relevance; • Allocations; • Searches / Validation;

  12. Central NHNR Built In Controls • Allocation Process: Registration date and date that household has registered their need for adequate shelter is the underlying criteria that governs how the data is extracted. It is based on the oldest registration date per area/s. Average number updates & new registration per month: 8 700

  13. Central NHNR- Allocation Process • Done based on selected province, municipality, town & selection of various areas and not on a person level; • Number of households to be selected and • Criteria, multiple selection is possible as well as setting of priorities:

  14. Example of Allocation Process 1. Select geographical information 3. Select criteria to be used when households are retrieved 2. Select various areas linked to the town 4. Indicate no. of households to be retrieved

  15. Thank You!

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