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DPG 2011, Münster HK55.3. The CBM Time of Flight wall electronic readout chain. Pierre-Alain Loizeau. PI – Uni Heidelberg. 1. CBM and ToF Wall electronics specifications. 2. The electronic chain demonstrator. 3. Proton Test beam at COSY, Jülich. 4. Analysis procedure.
DPG 2011, Münster HK55.3 The CBM Time of Flight wall electronic readout chain Pierre-Alain Loizeau PI – Uni Heidelberg
1. CBM and ToFWall electronics specifications 2. The electronic chain demonstrator 3. Proton Test beam at COSY, Jülich 4. Analysis procedure 5. Performance: First preliminary results Conclusion & Outlook
1. CBM and ToF Wall electronics specifications • Number of channels: ~75k • Full system time resolution: better than 80ps => 40ps for electronics • Hit rate: <1 to 25 kHz/cm², => up to 200 kHz per electronic channel • Free running readout
2. The electronic chain demonstrator • Clock System: CLOSY2 board and distribution tree (GSI) • Pre- amplifier and discriminator: PADI III (GSI), ASIC with 4 channels • Free-running digitizer: GET4 (GSI), ASIC with 4 channel • ReadOut Controller: ROC firmware loaded on the SYSCORE FPGA board, (KIP/ZITI) • DAQ: DABC software (GSI) for free-running systems acquisition • Monitoring: GO4 framework, (GSI, from the CERN ROOT), used for both online and offline analysis ROC and network protocol presented in HK 20.6 and .7 by S. Manz and F. Lemke
3. Proton Test beam at COSY, Jülich: Setup 40 equipped channels: 32 for RPC (16 strips) & 8 for PMTs (4 time reference scintillators) Reference 3 Reference 2 Front-end electronics RPC Reference 1 Readout controller Reference 4 BEAM Clock generation and distribution
3. Test Beam at COSY • Channel hit rates between 40Hz and 4kHz, mean rate around 700Hz (correspond to 4Hz/cm², 300 Hz/cm² & and 50 Hz/cm²) Triggered system used as reference for the performance: • Data in triggered system taken with the same detector settings • Performance: presented in previous talk (HK 55.2) by I. Deppner
4. Analysis procedure Cleaning, Time Order, Hits: GO4 Unpacking using GO4: • Checking data synchronization • Ordering data messages (edges) • Building hits • Ordering hits Analysis using ROOT scripts: • Building events from channel coincidences and external reference signal • ToT & event structure • Correction and analysis • Calibration scripts tested first on triggered data root file with raw hits Event Building root file with raw events Simplification, ToT root file with reduced events Calibration: Walk and differential non linearity Calibrated Data
5. Performance:First preliminary results • Time difference = difference between the mean time in reference PMTs (4 signals) and the mean time in the RPC strip (2 signals) • System Resolution for RPC strip 6 after preliminary calibration: 104ps (with best reference channels and on a fraction of data with stable rate) • RPC data loss in same data: ~40%
5. Performance: Data loss example Channel 37 was lost after ~45 minutes because of a stuck FIFO on digitizer
Conclusion Full readout chain put into operation in Nov 2010 First free streaming data recorded for our sub-detector, analysis is ongoing Allowed to find some source of data corruption and corresponding recovery methods Still some source of data loss to identify Outlook New tests with updated monitoring tools Optical readout of the ROC (tested in lab, HK 20.6) Test with different RPC demonstrators New version of chain components under development
Thank you for your attention CBM-TOF Group Contributing institutions: Tsinghua Beijing, NIPNE Bucharest, GSI Darmstadt, USTC Hefei, PI Heidelberg, KIP Heidelberg, INR Moscow, ITEP Moscow, IHEP Protvino, FZD Rossendorf, KU Seoul, RBI Zagreb. Many thanks for their help to: Norbert Herrmann, Ingo Deppner, JochenFrühauf, Sebastian Manz, MirceaCiobanu, HaraldDeppe, HolgerFlemming, MladenKis, KarlstenKoch, SergueyLinev, Walter F.J. Müller, Dieter Prasuhn(COSY) And to all people involved in the development of the readout chain components