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CHEN Program Assessment Advisory Board Meeting June 3 rd , 2012. ABET Role of the Advisory Board Accreditation of CHEN Program CHEN Program Objectives and Student Outcomes: Assessment Tools and Processes Assessment Results Recommendations and implemented actions
CHEN Program Assessment Advisory Board Meeting June 3rd, 2012
ABET Role of the Advisory Board Accreditation of CHEN Program CHEN Program Objectives and Student Outcomes: Assessment Tools and Processes Assessment Results Recommendations and implemented actions Program Educational Objectives Surveys Discussion and Comments Outline
ABET Accreditation means the program has: meaningful long-term objectives that its alumni achieve; a set of measurable outcomes for its students at the time of graduation; a process in place for continuous assessment and improvement.
Role of the Advisory Board Meet with CHEN faculty members to discuss Program assessment results and recommendations (1-2 times a year); Help assess CHEN Program outcomes: Evaluation of students capstone project presentations (once a year) Exit interviews of graduating students (twice a year) Meet with ABET reviewers during accreditation and mock visits (once every 5-6 years)
Accreditation of CHEN Program • ABET-accredited in Fall 2009 for six years – Next General Review (NGR) • ABET team visited TAMUQ in Oct. 2008 • Evaluator’s feedback was very favorable (no deficiencies, weaknesses, or concerns) • Next visit will be in Fall 2014
CHEN Program Educational Objectives • Educational objectives are few and broad, yet measurable, statements about the skills alumni should have some (e.g., five) years after graduation.
New CHEN Program Educational Objectives For CHEN at TAMUQ, they are: Our graduates will apply the foundation, depth, and breadth of knowledge for successful chemical engineering careers in industry or government. Our graduates will apply effective communication, leadership and teaming skills. Our graduates will have a sense of responsibility, be ethical in the conduct of their profession, and have an appreciation for the impact of their profession on society.
CHEN Program Educational Objectives – Assessment Tools • The Program objectives are assessed using: • Alumni Survey • Employer Survey • Surveys conducted every two years – next in the Fall, 2012. • Survey Results: • Most recent 2009-10.
CHEN Program Educational Objectives – Assessment Results • Alumni Survey Results Summary:
CHEN Program Educational Objectives – Assessment Results • Employer Survey Results Summary:
CHEN Student Outcomes Outcomes involve skills and knowledge students should have by the time they graduate; ABET has an “A to K” list of compulsory outcomes. Programs may choose to have more. We use “A to K”.
CHEN Student Outcomes • TAMUQ CHEN graduates will have the: • Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering • Ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data • Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability • Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams • Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems
CHEN Student Outcomes Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility Ability to communicate effectively Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context Recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning Knowledge of contemporary issues Ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Tools • Program outcomes are assessed using several tools: • External: • Capstone course evaluation form • Senior exit interview • Internship survey • Internal: • Course-based outcome assessment sheet • Senior exit survey
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Tools • Capstone Project Evaluation Form (External): • Conducted by external examiners • Based on students final project presentations • Goal: • At least 70% of all responses from all evaluators for each outcome should be either “Exceed” or “Meet” expectations, as opposed to “Needs Improvement”.
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Results • Capstone Project Evaluation Form (External): • Outcome B (“design and conduct experiments”) is not assessed in the capstone project evaluation. c) Ability to design a system, component, or process… • j)Knowledge of contemporary issues
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Tools • Senior Exit Interview (External): • Conducted by external examiners • Two examiners jointly interviewed each senior student • Goal: • At least 70% of all responses to each outcome should be either “Well” or “Adequately” prepared, as opposed to “Needs Improvement”.
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Tools • Senior Exit Interview (External): b) Ability to design and conduct experiments… • f)Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Tools • Internship Survey (External): • Supervisors of trainees are asked questions about the performance of our students. • Does not assess all outcomes – conducted usually after sophomore or junior year • Goal: • At least 70% of all responses to each outcomes should be either “Exceed” or “Meet” expectations, as opposed to “Needs improvement.
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Results • Internship Survey (External): Few students reported doing internship in the Summer, 2011. A survey of internships in the Summers of 2011 and 2012 will be conducted in the Fall, 2012.
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Tools • Course-Based Outcome Assessment Sheet (Internal) • Prepared by faculty members • Each “A to K” outcome is assessed using 2-3 courses • Specific tools, e.g., exam question, project, etc. are used • Goal: • At least 70% of all students should pass each outcome in all courses assessed
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Results • Course-Based Outcome Assessment Sheet (Internal) • A lot of data is generated and analyzed in this process; • All courses pass the goal of at least 70% of the students achieving the outcomes they measure.
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Tools • Senior Exit Survey (Internal): • Students are asked how they feel the CHEN Program prepared them with respect to the outcomes. • Students are also asked questions related to other areas, such as advising, courses, etc. • Goal: • At least 70% of all responses for each outcome should be either “Well” or “Adequately” prepared.
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Results • Senior Exit Survey (Internal):
CHEN Student Outcomes - Assessment Results • Senior Exit Survey (Internal): • Recent answers to survey questions allowed us to detect a specific issue: several students have concerns about career mentoring. • Action: every semester, when students come for academic advising, faculty members discuss with them career options and opportunities.
Continuous Improvement:Recommendations and Actions Taken Based on 2010/2011 Cycle At the end of each semester, faculty members submit their course reports. Among other items, these reports contain: recommendations for future course editions; comments on compliance with previous recommendations. Courses are well established - typical recommendations are: Minor changes in the number hours dedicated to a topic; Inclusion/exclusion of specific examples; Changes in work load (home works, number of exams).
Summary of Program Assessment Results – 2011/2012 Cycle • Program Objectives: • The process of changing the CHEN Program Educational Objectives, now approved, delayed our surveys: will take place in the Fall, 2012. • Student Outcomes: • All external assessment tools of Student outcomes demonstrate satisfactory performance with respect to all outcomes. • Internal tools (course-based and exit survey) reinforce the same conclusion.
New tools to assess the Program Educational Objectives • We have new surveys to assess the Program Educational Objectives, not used yet. • We tried to keep the surveys short, yet informative, with three open questions. • We would like to have your feedback on them.
CHEN Program Educational Objectives For CHEN at TAMUQ, they are: Our graduates will apply the foundation, depth, and breadth of knowledge for successful chemical engineering careers in industry or government. Our graduates will apply effective communication, leadership and teaming skills. Our graduates will have a sense of responsibility, be ethical in the conduct of their profession, and have an appreciation for the impact of their profession on society.
Employer survey On average, approximately how many graduates from Texas A&M University at Qatar, Chemical Engineering Program, does your company hire per year? ______________ TAMUQ graduates have the foundation, depth, and breadth of knowledge for successful chemical engineering careers in industry or government. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree no basis for answering TAMUQ graduates communicate effectively and have leadership and teaming skills. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree no basis for answering TAMUQ graduates have a sense of responsibility, are ethical in the conduct of their profession, and have an appreciation for the impact of their profession on society. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree no basis for answering
Employer survey • What qualities do you like about our graduates? • Have you identified areas in which improvements are needed? If so, what are these areas? • Based on the performance of TAMUQ graduates, would you be willing to hire more in the future?
Alumni survey I have the foundation, depth, and breadth of knowledge for a successful chemical engineering career in industry or government. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree no basis for answering I can communicate effectively and have leadership and teaming skills. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree no basis for answering I have a sense of responsibility, am ethical in my professional conduct, and have an appreciation for the impact of my profession on society. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree no basis for answering The educational experience at TAMUQ prepared me well for a successful professional career. strongly agree agree disagree strongly disagree no basis for answering
Alumni survey • What skills you gained at TAMUQ that you found most useful in your professional career? • What recommendations would you make to the Chemical Engineering Program at TAMUQ to improve the preparation of its graduates for successful professional careers? • Would you recommend the Chemical Engineering Program at TAMUQ to a friend or family member?
Comments or Suggestions? Thank you