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Heavy quark system near Tc. Su Houng Lee In collaboration with Kenji Morita Also, thanks to group members: Present: T. Song, K.I. Kim, W.S. Park, H. Park, K. Jeong Former: K. Ohnishi, S. Yasui, Y. Song. Early work on J/ y (Hashimoto, Miyamura, Hirose, Kanki).
Heavy quark system near Tc Su Houng Lee In collaboration with Kenji Morita Also, thanks to group members: Present: T. Song, K.I. Kim, W.S. Park, H. Park, K. Jeong Former: K. Ohnishi, S. Yasui, Y. Song
J/y in Quark-gluon plasma • Matsui and Satz: J/y will dissolve at Tc due to color screening • Lattice MEM : Asakawa, Hatsuda, Karsch, Petreczky …. • J/y will survive Tc and dissolve at 2 Tc • Potential models (Wong …) : • Consistent with MEM Wong. • Refined Potential models with lattice (Mocsy, Petreczky…) • : J/y will dissolve slightly above Tc • Lattice after zero mode subtraction (WHOT-QCD) • : J/y wave function hardly changes at 2.3 Tc • AdS/QCD (Kim, Lee, Fukushima ..) • : J/y mass change • And so on ……….
Comparison with experimental data of RHIC (√s=200 GeV at midrapidity)T. Song (preliminary)
sQGP J/y sQGP Some perspectives from Lattice data on (e , p) near Tc • Lattice data (Karsch et al) vs. Resummed perturbation (Blaizot et al.) Karsch hep-lat/0106019 • Operator representation: Gluon condensates
M0 and Bag pressure • M0 and Gluon condensate Dominated by non perturbative change at Tc SHLee PRD40,2484(89)
Time W(S-T) exp(-b V(T)) OPE 1- <a/p E2> (ST)2 +… L Space L W(S-S) OPE 1- <a/p B2> (SS)2+… Space • Relation to Electric and Magnetic condensate Kaczmareket al (prd04) <a/p B2>T =0 <a/p E2>T • Relation to deconfinement
Heavy quark system in sQGP OPE, QCD Stark Effect, and QCD sum rules
Large increase in E2 Vacuum with negative pressure Heavy quark system near Tc QCD vacuum sQGP at Tc MIT Bag
Heavy quark correlation function P(q2) • Definition • Operator product expansion (OPE) • OPE makes sense when • Even at finite temperature or as long as
q2=0 : photo production of open charm • q2=m2J/y : OPE for bound state (Peskin 79) • -q2 >0 : QCD sum rules for heavy quarks
= QCD 2nd order Stark Effect : e > Lqcd • OPE for bound state: m infinity • Attractive for ground state
2nd order Stark effect from pNRQCD • LO Singlet potential from pNRQCD : Brambilla et al. 1/r > Binding > LQCD, • Derivation • Take expectation value • Large Nc limit • Static condensate • Energy •
Q2=-q2>0, QCD sum rules for Heavy quark system • sum rule at T=0 : can take any Q2 >=0, Phenomenological side OPE r J/y Y’ s
sum rule near Tc Phenomenological side OPE r J/y D<G2>+c<G2> Y’ s D<G2> <G2> Matching Mn-1/Mn from Phen to OPE Obtain constraint for DmJ/y and G
QCD sum rule constraint (Morita, Lee 08) G [MeV] G [MeV] Dm [MeV] Dm [MeV]
D M y G (MeV) / J GeV NLO QCD Song (07) T/Tc G Mass and width of J/y near Tc (Morita, Lee 08) Summary Dm from QCD Stark Effect QCD sum rule limit with DG =0 G =constraint-Dm (Stark effect)
Prediction from the bottom-up AdS/QCD model Deconfinement + temperature effects. Effect of gluon condensate is missing. So, above Tc detailed study about the competition between the temperature and gluon condensate should be done . YK, J.-P. Lee, and S. H. Lee, PRD (2007)
OPE breaks down S-wave vs. P-waves Summary
bb system Summary
Experimental observation from RHIC is difficult at present 1. Expected mass shift for J/y is order 50 MeV at Tc 2. Larger effect for excited states 3. Small effect for U but larger cb
RHIC energy scan FAIR Gluon condensate in nuclear matter • Linear density approximation • Gluon condensate at finite density
Anti proton Heavy nuclei Expected luminosity at GSI2x 1032cm-2s-1 Observation of Dm through p-A reaction Can be done at J-PARC
Summary • Properties of QQ system in sQGP is still controversial • The mass and width will suddenly change at Tc different for s p wave and bottonium can probe confinement physics • Partial observation at nuclear matter through p A reaction might be possible. FAIR, J-PARC • A new constraint for heavy quark system near Tc