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A Grand Challenge For the Workplace

A Grand Challenge For the Workplace. [ Insert Organization/Committee Name and date of presentation]. Workplace Partnership for Life, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. 12 Weeks of Giving: A Campaign Overview. The Drive.

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A Grand Challenge For the Workplace

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  1. A Grand Challenge For the Workplace [Insert Organization/Committee Name and date of presentation] Workplace Partnership for Life, U.S. Department of Health & Human Services

  2. 12 Weeks of Giving: A Campaign Overview

  3. The Drive Goal: Register 400,000 new donors between November 2, 2007 and January 25, 2007 (12 weeks) Increase actionable donor designations: • Use the Workplace Partnership for Life (WPFL) program • Enroll donation organizations (organ, tissue, and eye) to work with Workplace Partners

  4. The Drive WPFL provides: • An Abundant Opportunity • Potential to reach 11,000 companies or organizations and 14.5 million employees • It Works! In 2006, the 12 Weeks of Giving campaign registered 384,511 new donors in the U.S • A Formula for Success • Enroll 75% of donation organizations as participants • 45 OPOs/DLAs commit to: • Engage a minimum of 10 Workplace Partners • Register 10,000 new donors in 12 weeks

  5. The Plan • Developed by a National Leadership Team • HRSA, AOPO PR/PE Council, UNOS, DLA, OPOs, EBAA, AATB and Workplace Partners • Coincides with National Donor Sabbath, Give Thanks, Give Life, Rose Parade, and the U.S. season of giving • Supports donation organizations and Workplace Partners with campaign resources

  6. The Strategy • Builds on the success of other WPFL challenges • Uses Best Practices in the WPFL • Leverages national resources and opportunities • Provides comprehensive guides and timeline for donation organizations and Workplace Partners • Provides measurable “Ideas for Action”

  7. Campaign Phases • Enrollment • Oct. 23 to Nov. 2, 2007 • Implementation • Nov. 2, 2007 through Jan. 25, 2008 • Maximize events that fall within 12-week period • Measurement • Through February 4, 2008

  8. Campaign Resources • Web banner • PPT template • Posters and table tents • Email letters and newsletter samples www.akoyaonline.com/wpfl

  9. Ideas for Action • “Give 5 – Save Lives” • Blast and viral email messages with registry links • Ask your Board members and volunteers to enroll their employers • Engage largest employers and “low-hanging fruit” partners (DDC team members, hospitals, blood centers, universities, statewide associations, and business organizations)

  10. Ideas for Action • Enroll local media and Internet providers, ask them to place web banners on their home pages and highlight their participation in the campaign • Launch a local 12 Weeks Challenge among your Workplace Partners • Success spreads success – highlight Workplace Partner accomplishments in monthly newsletter and email updates

  11. The Opportunity • October 23, 2007: 12 Weeks of Giving launch announcement • Enroll by Nov. 2, 2007 or partner with a donation organization • Implement “Ideas for Action” • Submit results reports • HRSA will recognize all Challenge participants and top performers in June, 2008

  12. Bold Requests & Offers • What commitments will you make today to: • Enroll in the campaign? • Enroll others in the campaign? • Help meet the national AIM to register 400,000 new donors in 12 weeks?

  13. Contact Information • [Insert your name and contact info] • Shelly Morningstar, Akoya shelly@akoyaonline.com412/481-9800

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