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Analysis of Information

Analysis of Information. RTDS Kick Off 14 October 2010 Wolfgang Polt. Steps of Analysis. Sector analysis: In WP 2, an analytical report (60-100pages) based on the analyses of 25 sector reports (20-40pages) will be prepared.

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Analysis of Information

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  1. Analysis of Information RTDS Kick Off 14 October 2010 Wolfgang Polt

  2. Steps of Analysis Sector analysis: In WP 2, an analytical report (60-100pages) based on the analyses of 25 sector reports (20-40pages) will be prepared. The descriptive statistics and analytical approach for each sector reports will be guided by the refined framework developed in WP1. The aim of the horizontal analytical report will be to find major commonalities and differences found across sectors reports on indicators of most interest. In addition, it will aim to find correlation links between the major constructs of the overall conceptual framework linking drivers of innovation to economic performance. Intra-sectoral analysis: The objective of this WP is to add qualitative information from sectors experts on the analysis provided by the WP1 and WP2. The research themes are grouped into three main areas in which we will develop our research: 1) knowledge dynamics 2) Public Policy, Instruments and Market Implications 3) Recommendations.

  3. Steps of Analysis Cross-sectoral analysis: WP5 provides a synthesis of results of earlier working packages and a reflexion of sector specific policy mixes. Task A: The first aim of this working package is to make a cross comparison of the sectors based on a characterisation of the sectors from an R&D&I perspective and a comparison of performance in R&D investment and use of the different sectors from traditional to high technology sectors Task B: additional quantitative relations between existing stocks of knowledge, R&D investments, public R&D funding and innovation output for R&D high-performers Task C: Reconsidering the role of sector specific policy mixes. The discussion of the role of sector specific policy mixes will b will shed light on differences in sector specific policy mixes and assess for single sector (or as far as comparable for sector aggregates) the role of policy mixes.

  4. Steps of Analysis Analysis of collaboration and networking: wp6 is concerned with the analysis of the role of r&d collaboration in innovation behavior and performance at the firm and sectoral levels of analysis. more specifically, work here will attempt to identify: 1) the types and patterns of collaboration, within and across sectors 2) the motives underlying the formation of collaborative schemes as well as the enabling (or conversely, inhibiting) factors driving performance. 3) the impact of these collaboration types on (i) the level of r&d investments; (ii) on innovation performance (i.e., product and process innovation) as well as other indicators of knowledge production and use resulting from collaboration (e.g., patents) 4) the impact of policy/institutional factors on collaboration patterns and performance Structural Change analysis: The objective of wp7 is to analyze the factors that are important determinants of structural changes in sectors in the European Union, the European Research Area and in benchmarking countries. The work package would contribute to a better understanding of the patterns of change at the industry level and the factors that influence these patterns across sectors with a view to raise sector performance. To that end, the work package would identify not only the factors that are likely to hamper or enhance sector performance but it would also determine the factors that are common or specific to sectors. In this regard, the results of the work package should inform policy makers on the extent to which policies should be customized to certain sectors.

  5. Risk Assessment For the implementation of WP2 there are three major factors of contingency: the first concern the time required to secure access to the community innovation survey (cis). It is well known that the access approval process in by statistics offices in member states can take several months (6-8). Second, related also to cis access is the fact that member states are not obliged to grant access. Experience with past assignments has shown the lack of access to several countries. Third, the character of the analysis demanded in this study includes longitudinal analysis in several datasets. These three sources of contingencies are not only likely to bring delays in the performance of the overall assignment but might limit the type of analyses that is feasible to conduct.

  6. Proposals and Clarfications in the analytical Work Packages WP 4: Letter of endorsement from the EC Project Office to use when contacting experts, Recommendations of names for the expert interviews; what are the “musts” more specifically than what was expressed in the call? Clarification of expectations in terms of weigh to devote to the various subjects of investigation (1-8), e.g., bottom-up focus to identify needs for instruments vs. top-down focus to assess the efficiency of existing measures. WP 5: Task B: knowledge production function should be subject to the availability of firm level data. Task B: Support and letter of endorsement from the EC Project Office to open up access to the firm-level database developed by IFRIS research consortium (http://www.corporateinventionboard.eu/en) Task C: Letter of endorsement from the EC Project Office to use when contacting experts, Task C: Recommendations of names for the expert interviews; what are the “musts” more specifically than what was expressed in the call?

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