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  1. Astra is today one of Indonesia’s largest company and a market leader in automotive, financial services, heavy equipment , and agribusiness. It also has a significant presence in the information technology and infrastructure industries. In the ever changing global business environment we understand that people is our most important capital and we realize that university students are our future potential leader. VACANCY at ASTRA • MT- SHARED SERVICES CENTRE (MT-SSC) • As a key player in automotive industry, we need dynamic and highly motivated individuals with excellent leadership and interpersonal skills as our future leaders. Your main responsibility is to handle back office : Finance, General affair & Personnel administration operations, and play a supportive function as a partner for our sales operation (Toyota, Daihatsu, Isuzu, Nissan Diesel, Peugeot, and BMW). • Requirements: • S1 degree from Accounting /Finance /Management with min GPA 2,75 • Ready for a placement throughout Indonesia HOW TO APPLY? Send application letter, full resumes with recent photographs (3x4), copy of educational certificate and transcript to : Email : novie.fitrianti@ai.astra.co.id (please not more than 2 MB)Or direct mail :Novie Fitrianti PT Astra International Tbk – Head OfficeJl. Gaya Motor Raya No. 8 , 5th FloorSunter II Jakarta Utara14330 Before: January 1st , 2010 www.astra.co.id

  2. Astra merupakan salah satu perusahaan terbesar di Indonesia dan telah menjadi market leader di bidang industri otomotif, pelayanan finansial, alat berat, agribisnis, teknologi informasi dan juga infrastruktur. Dalam upaya menyongsong perkembangan bisnis, maka saat ini Astra membutuhkan bibit muda potensial untuk terpilih menjadi pemain kunci dalam kancah bisnis Astra. LOWONGAN KERJA • STAFF ADMINISTRASI • Bertanggungjawabdalamprosesdanpelaporan data, sepertimenanganiperawatangedung, surat-suratkendaraan, prosespenjualandanstokbarang, laporanaccounting, pajak, cash, dan lain-lain. • Persyaratan: • LulusanD3jurusanAkuntansi/Pajak/AdministrasiBisnis • IPK minimal 2,75 • BersediaditempatkandiBandung/Samarinda/Manado • Mampubekerjadalamtim CARA MELAMAR? Kirimkan surat lamaran, riwayat hidup disertai dengan pas foto (3x4), salinan ijazah dan transkrip nilai melalui: Email : novie.fitrianti@ai.astra.co.id (kapasitas maksimal 2 MB)Atau via pos ke : Bagian Personalia SSC Office – PT Astra International Tbk Jl. Raya Magelang Km. 7,2 Yogyakarta Sebelum: 1 Januari 2010 www.astra.co.id

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