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Pakistan JoU/nal of Biological Sciences,2007. ISSNIO28-8880. C 2007 Asian Nctwork for Scientific Infonnation. Environment.u and Genctic Effects on Early Gro\'th Traits in Mogh:mi Sheep Brccds. IA. Lavaf,. IA. Noshary and 2A. Keshtkaran. 'Islamic Aznd University, Karoj Branch, Ir~n.
Pakistan JoU/nal of Biological Sciences,2007 ISSNIO28-8880 C 2007 Asian Nctwork for Scientific Infonnation Environment.u and Genctic Effects on Early Gro\\'th Traits in Mogh:mi Sheep Brccds IA. La\vaf, IA. Noshary and 2A. Keshtkaran 'Islamic Aznd University, Karoj Branch, Ir~n ~Yasuj ofL'niversity, Iran Abstrnct: Thc effects of envirorunental factors on early gro~ traits (birth weight, weaning weight, body wl:ight at6 months of age aiJddaily gain from birth to weaning and weaning to 6 months of age) using 10432 records in Mogharli sheep breed \vere suldied and Genetic and Environmental variance component were estilnnted usirlg 8468 records of Jafaraood Animal Breeding Station from 1999 to 2004. BiI1l1year on aU traits I1I1d dtun age had significant cffect only for birth and weanir.g weight Sex of lumbs and birth type had no significant etTectonly d:'1ilygain from weaningto 6 months of agc. Additive gcnctic dirccr vari:\ncc, matcrnal cnv irorunental val'ianc~and h~ritability wer.: estimateby REML fittirlg two diff~r~nl Anullal m(XJ~I~.Th~ t!~tim[l~ of mal~mal env irolunenl val'iance was higher tl1an additive ger~ctic duect y,lriance in some trait.'!. E~timalc~ of direct heritability for all trails were 10\\". Kev words: Enviroruncntal n.,d" ro\o.'tl1 traits, Mocllnni shee I!'.'TRODUCTIOl\" Th~ objective of Uus re~em-ch was to estimate direct MogllUni i~ an Il.UU:l!1 fat-tailed sheep alld its main additiv.: gello:tic vari;u1co:(1.0; as non-g~n.:tic o:ffectson well brec;Jing CCnlcr i~ Mogharl pl[lin on the North East of carly growtll tr!lits ~1al.:null cnvironmcnu11vl1riurlcc was AZ3rp;lyjan and W.:st of Caspian sea and categorizcd in also cstlmated. meal-wool type breed (Saadat 1\'ori and Siah Mansollr, . 1989; Tavakkoli8ll, 2000) Tilc early grO\vtll traits (Birth M,\TERI,,\LS ,\NO t\'1EllIODS Weight (13W), We.ming Weight (W\\'), Body Weight at 6 monl1ls of age (BW6)) is an important role in Th~ t:fft:cts of envirorullt:ntal f:lclors on BW, \Iv'\!,', produ;;livily urld is onc oCtile m(1jorselection traits in Illis BW6. Daily ODin fr",n l3ir"t!llo WCallUI£"(DG13-W)W1d breed Daily Gain from \\'eaning to G montl1s of agc (DGW-6) Th,,'~,:tr:\ltS arc knO\V11 bc mllul::1Cedby dlrcct and to using I ut\32 r.:cords of Moghani brccd m Jaf~abad 111Ulclll:!1 geoctic t:cr.:ct.o; wt:ll (1.0; I:nviroruoo:n~l :\.0; by SJII:':PBro:t:dirlg ;uld GI:IIClic:; Stalioll ill &$t ,\~bayj;1:1 ~ffcct.,; A IIwol~r of repor1$ jrl(UCale corlSidt:raol~ inrO:!;llct!ofJahaJCo:-giuli;';lti(Jllwerl:~tucli~u uum 1999lc mato:mal eff~cls for Ul!:~1:tJ"ail$in shet:p (Has~en 1:1aI, 200-1 TIIO:eff~c;l~ of gcnctic; faclor$ on l!le,;~ lrilit.o;\v~re 2003; N(1sllolm, 2004; \'00 Vlcck c; a! , ':003)" From thc cstin1atcdllSing 8-1C-s' rccords Wl111 lJ!;'!U::1.1Lruld :\nlffial rnotho:rs pcr"pcctivc, IrlalcnJa] .:ffcct3 orl prCJgl:ny mud\:! rliCU1OJ due to ilrlplol~r suving illComlaliu:1 alld :,.." ;:.,;1"": (~3ulr frol..1 matcm;.l-.:;~~t1ttf.:..ll;o~"Ulikll"~'l1"f-"r',iajl'~":" "<,;I1.;.-<ki,;,..[;;nt~'r;;;";...;-':-,.i,, ..[.., ho:r go:notypt: 8lld nssociat.:J o:nliir::JIl!\!o:ntalfactors. dat:l for tile UfIJo:rstlldit:J lr.!it:; Wt\5 dono: u~ing SPSS Thcrctorc, UICSCcffcclli are divided into gcnetic urtd software lUlU till: fcllowirlg model. ~n\'iro!1lot:ntal compont:nts Ho~'elier, L.-omtile sido: of lll~ offs;:,ring, maternal cftccts arc rcflccted as enviro!1l11ental Yo:" = ~+YS,+SJ+~+A:+C'JkJ (SZ\\'aczkow~ki e/ al", 2006). Thcrefc;t:, il is essential fur genctj\: Hssay, sl:lcclion progranl:1, anima! br~o:dillg \\'hcrc: strnt.:g:, , bro:t:ding valut: t:slimatiq:1 and mating stJ"alo:gy Y"kJ= Obst:lvation cf tluch lr:lit t11atcstimatcs t11iscomponents and ccrrecting data for J.t ., Me(1nof t:aJt tillS e iTcct.'! Y S, = illl ycar-~"~Json of fixed ctlcct (ulclud.:J 1:= There arc many rcports for gcnetic paran1etcrs in classes) o1110:rbr.:o:d shCtlp, but in Moghail: sh~ep tiler.: i~ a S, = jtlllanlb se.x cf fi.\o:uo:ff.:ct (incllJd~J 2 clt\5:1~~) few ro:port and nor in ordo:r to mull:!-'le traits allHlysis B." kul birtl1 t:-1J1: lixcd efft:ct (includ~d lanlb arId of (CI~t~ e/ al., 2002; SaadalNori;md Sia.1~1imsour,1989). twin lalnL'S; - Corresponding Author: AbolghasernLa\'Vaf, Anim.'l! Science Group. Faculty of Agri-:ulture, Azadi Street,Er:un Ave~. Posttll Code 3l .)":'6-44511, Melushallr, Kuruj, Irnn Tel: +98.~61.3200173 I