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It’s a Boy! Toby!. Baby Trivia 1. How many weeks is a full term pregnancy? 2. How much does an average baby weigh at term? 3. How long does the average baby measure in inches at birth? **Does size at birth determine how large you will be as an adult?**
Baby Trivia 1. How many weeks is a full term pregnancy? 2. How much does an average baby weigh at term? 3. How long does the average baby measure in inches at birth? **Does size at birth determine how large you will be as an adult?** 4. How many babies are born in the United States each day?
Baby Trivia 1. How many weeks is a full term pregnancy? 40 weeks not 9 months 2. How much does an average baby weigh at term? 7lbs 8 oz 3. How long does the average baby measure in inches at birth? 20” **Does size at birth determine how large you will be as an adult?** No, Shaquille O’Neal was 7 lb. 8 oz and 21" at birth (now 7'2" 315 lbs, size 22 shoe) 4. How many babies are born in the United States each day? 3,999,386
5. In which month are the most babies born? 6. On which day of the week are the most babies born? 7. On which day of the week are the fewest babies born? 8. Are there more baby boys or baby girls born on the average day?
5. In which month are the most babies born? September 6. On which day of the week are the most babies born? Tuesday 7. On which day of the week are the fewest babies born? Sunday 8. Are there more baby boys or baby girls born on the average day? 105 boys for every 100 girls but more boys die before their 1st birthday so its even.
9. How much does it cost to raise a child from birth to 18 years old? 10. What were the top 5 names given to babies last year? Boys: Girls: 11. Average age to get married: In 1950 (U.S. average):–men: women: Now (U.S. average):- men: women: In Utah now: men: women: 12. What is the average number of children per family in the US? In Utah?
9. How much does it cost to raise a child from birth to 18 years old? Next slide 10. What were the top 5 names given to babies last year? Girls: Emma, Olivia, Sophia, Ava, and Isabella Boys: Liam, Noah, Ethan, Mason, and Logan 11. Average age to get married: In 1950 (U.S. average):–men: 23 women: 20 Now (U.S. average):- men: 27.5 women: 25.5 In Utah now: men: 24.6 women: 22.1 12. What is the average number of children per family in the US? 2 In Utah? 2.5
Answer: $250,000 Please go home today and say to your parents: “Thanks for deciding to raise me instead of getting an awesome car!”
How babies come to be... If a sperm makes its way from the vagina through the uterus and meets the Ovum in the Fallopian tube, conception is likely to occur.
Pregnancy and Birth • Identical twins come from one fertilized egg that has separated into two before it begins to grow. • Identical twins are: • Always the same gender • Have very similar genetics • Rare in occurrences • It is not known why some fertilized eggs divide and other do not.
Pregnancy and Birth • Fraternal twins are created when the women releases more than one egg cell at one time. • If both egg cells are fertilized by two different sperm cells, fraternal twins will result.
Pregnancy and Birth • Fraternal twins: • Do not share identical genes. • Do look identical to each other. • Can be the same gender or different genders. • Are like any other siblings just born at the same time.
Pregnancy and Birth • Conjoined twins occur when the fertilized egg starts to divide but does not completely divide. • The result is the two identical twins share the same physical body where the fertilized egg did not completely split.
Egg surrounded by sperm. A sperm penetrates the egg and conception occurs. It is called a zygote until it reaches the uterus in 3-4 days.
Signs of pregnancy?? • Class Discussion: What are the signs of pregnancy?
Signs and SymptomsPregnancy ~ 40 weeks • A missing menstrual period • Morning sickness and nausea • Frequent urination • Cravings • Breasts enlarge • Fatigue and dizziness A simple urine test from the doctor will show whether or not a woman is pregnant.
Call the doctor if any of the following occur: • Vaginal bleeding • Sharp abdominal pain or cramping • Loss of fluid from the vagina • Severe or prolonged nausea or vomiting • Frequent dizzy spells • Painful urination • High fever over 100 degrees F. • Vaginal discharge that is irritating
Other considerations: • No medications, including over-the counter drugs, unless approved by your doctor. • No drugs or alcohol. • No x-rays. • No saunas and hot tubs. • No vaccinations during pregnancy. • Avoid cats, cattle, sheep and pigs. They have a parasite that causes toxoplasmosis.
1st Trimester 0-12 Weeks 10/30 Month 1- ¼ of an inch - Heart the size of a poppy seed - Heart starts beating - Head, mouth, liver, and intestines Month 2- 1 inch - Veins visible - Placenta fully formed - Right and left chambers in heart develop Month 3- 2 ½-3 inches - Developed and called a fetus now - Swallowing and slight movements - Muscles and organs formed
How does Mommy feel? • Skin – Every woman’s body reacts differently to pregnancy. • Oily, dry or scaly • Stretch marks • Facial skin may darken • Emotions • Need a few extra breaks or time to relax. • May experience mood swings, depression and bad dreams. • Feel slight baby movements
2nd Trimester 13-28 Weeks Month 4 - 6 inches - Lanugo develops - Face features develop - Heartbeat is clear and consistent - Mothers feel their babies first kicks Month 5 - 8 inches - Weight almost a pound - Skull bones develop Month 6 - 10 inches - Eyebrows and eyelids - Baby can hear - amniotic fluid in lungs to practice breathing - Fingerprints
3rd Trimester 29-40 Weeks Month 7 - 12 inches - 3½ pounds - Body formed - Fingernails developed - Response to light Month 8 16 inches - 4-6 pounds (1/2 pound/week) - Head rotating down - Fat Month 9 - 20 inches - 6-9 pounds - lungs develop - less movement (too big) - “Drops”
Delivery • Early Labor • Cervix Dilates • 12 hours- days • Contractions • Active Labor • Cervix is 10 cm • 1 hour-8 hours • Birth • C-section • Size • Direction • Fatigue
Discomforts that might be experienced • Heartburn • Shortness of breath • Heart palpitations • Leg cramps • Ligament pains • Tiredness
Vaginal bleeding Sharp abdominal pain/cramping Loss of fluid Frequent dizzy spells Visual disturbances Nausea or vomiting Sudden and excessive swelling of face, hands, and feet Headache Burning, painful urination Fever Vaginal discharge Danger Signals Call the doctor if any of these problems occur.
Weight gain during pregnancy25-30 pounds • Baby – 7 ½ pounds • Placenta – 1 ½ pounds • Uterus – 2 pounds • Amniotic fluid – 1 ½ pound • Extra blood and water – 4 ½ pounds • Breast tissue – 3 pounds • Maternal stores of protein – 4 pounds
Pregnancy Issues • Toxemia • Ectopic Pregnancy • Stillborn • Spontaneous Abortion
Stages of Development • The 8 stages of life described by Erickson are: • Infancy • Early Childhood • Middle Childhood • Late Childhood • Adolescence • Young Adulthood • Middle Adulthood • Maturity and Old Age
1. Infancy Infancy is the first year of life. Physical Growth: The child’s weight triples and height increase by about 50% Mental Growth: The child starts to recognize shapes, colors, and sounds Emotional Growth: The child begins to trust people and needs to be loved Social Growth: The child begins to communicate through sounds, smiles, and crying
2. Early Childhood Early childhood (also known as toddlers) is between the ages of one and three who are learning to walk and talk. Physical Growth: Learns to walk, run, and climb Mental Growth: Develops ability to complete tasks on own Emotional Growth: Feels proud of their achievements Social Growth:Verbal communication improves
3. Middle Childhood Middle Childhood is between the ages of three and five years of age. Physical Growth: Fine motor skills and coordination improve Mental Growth: Ask lots of questions Emotional Growth: Praise from parents and adults increase self esteem Social Growth: Able to play and create games
4. Late Childhood Late Childhood is between the ages of six and eleven. Physical Growth: Growth occurs at an even rate Mental Growth: Ability to comprehend new information and skills Emotional Growth: Pride in work increases Social Growth: Friends become important in building social skills and self-esteem
5. Adolescence Adolescence also known as puberty (the time when you begin to develop certain physical traits of adults of your own gender. Physical Growth: The second fastest period of physical growth Mental Growth: Learn how to think, reason, and solve problems in and adult way Emotional Growth: Learn more about who they are and define personal value Social Growth: Form more mature relationships with people of both genders
Physical Changes During Adolescence • Both • Growth Spurt • Acne may appear • Permanent teeth come in • Underarm hair appears • Perspiration increases • Pubic hair appears • External genitals enlarge • Males • Facial hair appears • Larynx enlarges and the voice deepens • Shoulders broaden • Muscles develop • Sperm production • Females • Breasts develop • Hips widen • Uterus and ovaries enlarge • Ovulation occurs • Menstruation begins • Body fat increases
6. Young Adulthood Young adulthood is between the ages of 19 and 30 years. Physical Growth: Physical growth slows down and stops Mental Growth: Learn and master skills for employment Emotional Growth: Tries to develop close personal relationships Social Growth: Begin sharing their lives with another person
7. Middle Adulthood Middle adulthood is between the ages of 31 and 60 years. Physical Growth: Physical body peaks and begins to decline Mental Growth: Pursue advancements in career Emotional Growth: Great desire to give back to family and society Social Growth: Deal in many different social spheres – family, career, and community
8. Maturity and Old Age Maturity and old age begin with the age of 61 and ends with death. Physical Growth: Physical abilities decline Mental Growth: Pursue interests they didn’t have time for when they were busy with their children and careers Emotional Growth: Tries to understand the meaning of life, develop integrity, and feeling satisfied with life Social Growth: Enjoy being a member of a community and staying active with family