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Bell-ringer. On the first page of your composition book dated Sept 19, 2012 read the comic strip and respond silently in writing to the following prompts: What made the comic strip funny? What did you do to read it?. OBJECTIVES. Practice thinking aloud when reading a text. AGENDA.
Bell-ringer • On the first page of your composition book dated Sept 19, 2012 read the comic strip and respond silently in writing to the following prompts: What made the comic strip funny? What did you do to read it?
OBJECTIVES • Practice thinking aloud when reading a text.
AGENDA • Discuss BR • Review class norms • Model Think Aloud Using Student Text • Practice Think Alouds Using Science Text • Wrap-Up
DIRECTIONS • Pay attention to what I am thinking and writing as I read the text. Make notes on paper of my questions and anything I may write in the margins. • Pay attention to what I am thinking as I read the science text. Make notes on your copy of my thoughts and questions. Use the Think Aloud checklist to keep track of my thoughts.
DIRECTIONS • Now its your turn! Pair up with the person sitting next to you. • The taller person reads the next paragraph and thinks aloud using the Think Aloud Bookmark while reading. The shorter person uses the Think-Aloud Checklist to keep track of their partner’s processes. • Switch roles for the next paragraph and repeat step 2.
REMINDER • Tape your Think Aloud Bookmarks in your textbook or binder and bring them to class everyday! You will use them daily.
Homework • Supplies due tomorrow: • Composition book (preferred over spiral) • 2” binder with 4 dividers for homework, notes, tests/quizzes, class handouts • Last page of syllabus
Bell-ringer • On a new page in your composition book dated Sept 20 make a 3 column KWL chart. Write down everything you know about evolution in the first column and everything you want to know in the second column.
OBJECTIVES • Observe and analyze a fossilized hominid name “Lucy” to explore how living things might have changed across a long period of time.
AGENDA • Begin Evolution KWL chart • Read about “Lucy” • “Lucy” class discussion • Wrap-Up/Exit Ticket
DIRECTIONS • Read p36-37. “Talk to the Text” as you read. Use your Think Aloud Bookmarks! With a pencil make marks in the textbook. • Answer questions 1 & 2 silently on looseleaf. • Discuss your answers with your tablemates.
DIRECTIONS • Read Evidence and Inference on p38. As you are reading practice Talking to the Text using your Think Aloud bookmarks. Make notes in the margin in pencil. • On your paper write a one sentence summary of what you just read.
EXIT TICKET Silently respond to the following prompt on the same sheet of looseleaf: • If a 6th grader asked you about “Lucy”, what is the most important thing you learned that you would tell them?
Bell-ringer In your composition book put the following events in the order that you think they occurred from past to present: • First dinosaurs • Formation of Rocky Mountains • First hominids • First life (bacteria) • First modern humans • First oxygen in atmosphere • First land plants
OBJECTIVES • Construct a timeline that models earth’s history. • Analyze the timeline to explore the relationship between biological and geological events.
AGENDA • Discuss bell-ringer in teams then as a class. • Construct timeline. • Analyze and interpret timeline. • Wrap up.
DIRECTIONS • With your team, cut out the major events. • Discuss what order they should go in. • Paste them on the paper in order from Past(top of paper) to Present (bottom of paper). • Post your team’s paper in a location designated by your teacher.
DIRECTIONS • With your team, discuss where on the clothesline your events should be placed. • Elect one member from your team to place the events on the clothesline when your table is called upon. • After all events have been placed, answer Analysis questions on p40 with your team. Everyone must answer their own questions.