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The Roaring Twenties

The Roaring Twenties. 1919-1929. I. The Shaky Postwar Economy. people have money to spend too many dollars and too few goods leads to inflation (prices go up) In two years, prices doubled Workers wanted to be paid more 3,600 strikes in 1919

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The Roaring Twenties

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  1. The Roaring Twenties 1919-1929

  2. I. The Shaky Postwar Economy • people have money to spend • too many dollars and too few goods leads to inflation (prices go up) • In two years, prices doubled • Workers wanted to be paid more • 3,600 strikes in 1919 • Boston police went on strike, as well as steel and coal workers

  3. II. The Red Scare 1919-1920 • Russia had become a communist country in 1917, so people feared that workers would revolt in the United States • Government decides to crack down on suspected communists • 5,000 people were arrested without warrants and often denied lawyers in the Palmer raids • Only 3 pistols were seized

  4. III. Sacco and Vanzetti • immigrants were suspected of bringing radical ideas like communism with them • Two anarchists were found guilty of murder and put to death even though the evidence was flimsy • The government and people were overcome by fear

  5. IV. Prosperous Times • What were people buying? • Why did education become more important?

  6. V. Advertising and CreditVI. Popular EntertainmentVII. Music and DancingVIII. Fads and FanciesIX. Lucky LindyX. Literary LifeXI. The Scopes Monkey TrialXII. Black MigrationXIII. The Return of the KKK

  7. V. Advertising and Credit Ads made people believe the products were a necessity and would make life better. People were more willing to go into debt and buy on credit in good economic times.

  8. VI. Popular Entertainment People had more spare time and more money to spend. Radio, movies, and sports were popular. nickelodeons The Jazz Singer (1927) Jack Dempsey Babe Ruth

  9. VII. Music and Dancing Broadway musicals Jazz- Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and Bessie Smith Big-band music played; people danced the fox-trot, camel-walk, tango, and Charleston. Flappers wore short skirts and short hair

  10. VIII. Fads and Fancies • Mah Jong • Crossword puzzles • Magazines like Time, Reader’s Digest and New Yorker started in the 20s

  11. Lucky Lindy Charles Lindbergh was the first to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean (NYC to Paris) He became a hero and symbolized individual effort and the adventuresome spirit of the 1920s

  12. Literary Life Lost Generation- American writers who wrote of hypocrisy and greed • Ernest Hemingway • F. Scott Fitzgerald Harlem Renaissance- Black life was celebrated in literature, music, and art • Langston Hughes • Zora Neale Hurston

  13. The Scopes Monkey Trial • The theory of evolution divided Americans • John Scopes, a biology teacher, broke the law by teaching Darwin’s theory in school • Scopes was found guilty and fined $100 • The trial symbolized the conflict between country and city values

  14. Prohibition • Volstead Act- provided the enforcements of prohibition enacted by the 18th Amendment • “speakeasies” and “bootlegging” became popular • Organized crime spread distributing illegal alcohol • Gangs fought over territory • Al Capone was the most famous gangster of the 1920s

  15. One-Way Ticket I am fed up With Jim Crow laws People who are cruel And afraid, Who lynch and run, Who are scared of me And me of them I pick up my life And take it away On a one-way ticket- Gone up North Gone up West Gone! -Langston Hughes

  16. Presidents of the 1920s • Warren G. Harding (1921-1923) Republican - promised to let the U.S. run itself without too much government interference - brought his loyal (but unqualified) friends from Ohio to be his political advisers - died in office of a possible heart attack • Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) Republican - a “hands-off” president, laissez-faire - believed the business of America is business • Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) Republican

  17. Black Migration • Blacks looked to the North as a place with less racial prejudice. • Millions moved to the northern cities of New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia. • Prejudice was found in the North, too. • Marcus Garvey led a movement to lead blacks back to Africa.

  18. The Return of the KKKpage 704 • Membership increased greatly in the 1920s. • The KKK became successful in politics. • KKK members felt threatened by the changes of the 1920s.

  19. Stock Market Crash of 1929page 732 People thought they could get rich quick by playing the stock market. Dangerous practices: speculation- buying on margin-

  20. Stock Market Crash of 1929page 732 People thought they could get rich quick by playing the stock market. Dangerous practices: speculation- the practice of making high-risk investments in hopes of getting a huge return. buying on margin-

  21. Stock Market Crash of 1929page 732 People thought they could get rich quick by playing the stock market. Dangerous practices: speculation- the practice of making high-risk investments in hopes of getting a huge return. buying on margin- the practice that allows investors to purchase stock for only a fraction of its price (10 to 50 percent) and borrow the rest. On October 29, 1929, a record 16.4 million shares were sold. The collapse of the stock market is known as the Great Crash.

  22. Stock Market Crash of 1929pages 741-742 How did the effects of the Crash spread to all Americans? • Risky loans hurt the banks • Consumers borrowed heavily • People rushed to withdraw their money from the banks • Banks failed and closed • Savings were wiped out • Production went down • Unemployment went up • Cycle continued leading to the Great Depression

  23. The Great Depressionpage 744 A time of economic hardship in the U.S. from 1929 to 1941 What caused the Great Depression? 1. Stock market crash 2. An unstable economy Unequal distribution of wealth Overproduction 3. Overspeculation 4. Mistakes in monetary policy

  24. Social Effects of the Depressionpages 745-750 • What were Hoovervilles? • What happened on the farms? • What was the Dust Bowl?

  25. Election of 1932page 756 • Franklin Delano Roosevelt defeats Herbert Hoover to be president in the greatest landslide the U.S. had ever seen. “So first of all let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” -FDR, First Inaugural Address, 1933

  26. The New Dealpage 769 relief recovery reform New Deal- Programs of FDR’s administration that were aimed at combating the Great Depression. FDR’s first act as president was the “bank holiday”. Banks were closed for the next four days and could not re-open unless they were healthy and insured.

  27. The New Dealpage 774-5 relief recovery reform Choose three New Deal agencies: Write the name and purpose of it. 1. 2. 3.

  28. Critics of the New Dealpage 782 • Some felt that the New Deal did too much (bringing state socialism), while others felt the New Deal did not do enough (poverty still existed). • Some felt the programs created a bloated and dangerously powerful federal bureaucracy and encouraged inefficient use of resources. • Some opposed deficit spending- • Paying out more money from the annual federal budget than the government receives in revenues.

  29. FDR’s Problems with the Supreme Courtpage 783 • The Supreme Court had declared some acts of the president unconstitutional. • FDR asked Congress to allow him to _______________________________. • His real intention was to _______________. • The number of justices on the Supreme Court remained at _____.

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