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How to complete an AFROTC IMT 48 Planned Academic Program. Guide for Cadre and Cadets. Why complete a Form 48?.
How to complete anAFROTC IMT 48Planned Academic Program Guide for Cadre and Cadets
Why complete a Form 48? The Form 48 reflects a tentative schedule of all courses (including summer terms, PNA, extended status, co-op, field training, and terms abroad) to be taken from the time of enlistment until commissioning. Det personnel must ensure each cadet’s academic program is realistic. Once the academic plan is established, all cadets must have their academic plan reevaluated and recertified by their academic advisor every Fall term. The academic plan must be completed before an applicant may compete for an allocation or scholarship.
Why complete a Form 48? College Scholarship Program (CSP) winners from the 4-year scholarship board, including 3-year guaranteed winners, may complete it as soon as practical after the start of the academic year, but not later than the end of the AS 100 fall term. Ensure cadets AFROTC specifies a minimum of 12 hours for undergraduate courses and 9 hours for graduate level courses, including AFROTC courses. Ensure cadets do not exceed 1 academic year in “completed status.” A Period of Non-attendance is not authorized in lieu of completed status.
How to complete a Form 48 • Prepare the AFROTC IMT 48 in pencil--signatures must be in blue or black ink. • Minors and double majors CANNOT be reflected on the academic plan if doing such will impose on satisfying program objectives (receiving a baccalaureate degree). Cadets are authorized to pursue a double major or obtain a minor only upon receiving an academic plan signed by an academic advisor establishing a valid date of commission for ONE major. • Adding additional hours must not place the cadet at risk of taking too many hours a term or require unnecessary terms in extended status; or, change the already established commissioning date.
How to complete a Form 48 Ensure the determined date of commissioning (DOC) and date of graduation (DOG) are realistic; many technical majors take 4 ½ to 5 years to complete. A cadet in an academic program that is traditionally 4 1/2 or 5 years in length should have a DOG and DOC reflecting that reality. Block 6. LEAVE BLANK UNTIL JUST PRIOR TO COMMISSIONING AND SIGN WHEN ALL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS TO GRADUATE HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. Cadet must sign and date certifying all degree requirements have been successfully completed and graduation will occur as stated in Block 5.
Smith, Who A. Enter the cadet’s name here. Example: SMITH, WHO A.
Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. Enter the name of the school from which the cadet will earn their degree from and our detachment’s designation. Example 1: Kent State University, DET 630 Example 2: University of Akron/DET 630
Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. Enter academic major here. If dual major, enter the major listed on the AF IMT 1056. Example 1: Criminal Justice Example 2: Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Enter the specific degree cadet will earn (e.g. “B.A. in Applied Science”, “B.S. in Mathematics”, etc.) and the month and year projected for award of the degree.
Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Who A. Smith Cadet must sign in this block prior to submitting Form 48 to detachment personnel. Block 5 is the ONLY place the cadet will sign prior to submitting Form 48.
Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Who A. Smith SPRING 2006 Begin with the CURRENT academic term, unless otherwise directed.
Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Who A. Smith SPRING 2006 ENGR 30 STATICS 3 CALCULUS I 3 MATH 30 5 CHEMISTRY I CHEM 1A INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS 3 COMMS 1 FOUNDATIONS OF THE USAF, Part I AERO 001A 1 15 Indicate all courses planned for each academic term until graduation or completion of the AFROTC program (whichever is later). Provide course numbers and course titles as indicated in school’s course catalog. If cadet does not know exactly which course(s) to take, include as much information as possible. Additionally, provide the number of credit hours awarded for each course as indicated in the course catalog and total them at the bottom of the block.
ENGR 30 STATICS 3 Engr 4 Computer Graphics 3 CALCULUS I 3 MATH 30 CALCULUS II 3 MATH 31 5 CHEMISTRY I CHEM 1A 5 CHEMISTRY II CHEM 1B INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS 3 COMMS 1 History of Western Civilization 3 Hist 001 FOUNDATION OF THE USAF, Part I AERO 001A 1 1 FOUNDATIONS OF THE USAF, Part II AERO 001B 15 15 Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Who A. Smith SPRING 2006 2006 FALL Ensure the cadet does not attempt more than 18 units in a single term. If the cadet exceeds 18 units, try to have the cadet better balance the load between terms.
CALCULUS I CALCULUS II 3 3 MATH 31 MATH 30 Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Who A. Smith SPRING 2006 2006 FALL ENGR 30 STATICS 3 Engr 4 Computer Graphics 3 5 CHEMISTRY I CHEM 1A 5 CHEMISTRY II CHEM 1B INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS 3 COMMS 1 History of Western Civilization 3 Hist 001 FOUNDATIONS OF THE USAF, Part I AERO 001A 1 1 FOUNDATIONS OF THE USAF, Part II AERO 001B All Aerospace Studies courses must be included for each academic term. AS 100 and AS 200 courses are 1 credit hour while AS 300 and AS 400 courses are 3 credit hours. The only exception is for cadets attending UA—AS 100 and AS 200 are worth 1.5 units while AS 300 and AS 400 are worth 4.5 units.
Eye M. Cadre, Capt, USAF19 Feb 06 ENGR 30 STATICS 3 Engr 4 Computer Graphics 3 CALCULUS I 3 MATH 30 CALCULUS II 3 MATH 31 5 CHEMISTRY I CHEM 1A 5 CHEMISTRY II CHEM 1B INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS 3 COMMS 1 History of Western Civilization 3 Hist 001 FOUNDATION OF THE USAF, Part I AERO 001A 1 1 FOUNDATIONS OF THE USAF, Part II AERO 001B 15 15 Kent State University, Det 630 Mechanical Engineering Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Who A. Smith SPRING 2006 2006 FALL The Form 48 will be reviewed, signed, and dated by an AFROTC APAS or PAS and then the cadet will have a department academic advisor or university counselor sign and date Block 4.
School O. Ficcialiam Sept. 25, 2006 Eye M. Cadre, Capt, USAF19 Feb 06 3 ENGR 30 STATICS 3 Engr 4 Computer Graphics 3 3 CALCULUS I 3 MATH 30 CALCULUS II 3 MATH 31 5 5 CHEMISTRY I CHEM 1A 5 CHEMISTRY II CHEM 1B 3 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS 3 COMMS 1 History of Western Civilization 3 Hist 001 1 FOUNDATION OF THE USAF, Part I AERO 001A 1 1 FOUNDATIONS OF THE USAF, Part II AERO 001B 15 15 Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Who A. Smith SPRING 2006 2006 FALL Meet with the cadet at the end of each term and see how they did. If the cadet successfully completed all courses (use transcript or grade report), update the credit hours completed column. If there were no failures or dropped courses leave the “Deviations” column blank.
School O. Ficcialiam Sept. 25, 2006 Eye M. Cadre, Capt, USAF19 Feb 06 3 ENGR 30 STATICS 3 Engr 4 Computer Graphics 3 3 CALCULUS I 3 MATH 30 CALCULUS II 3 MATH 31 5 5 CHEMISTRY I CHEM 1A 5 CHEMISTRY II CHEM 1B 3 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS 3 COMMS 1 History of Western Civilization 3 Hist 001 1 FOUNDATION OF THE USAF, Part I AERO 001A 1 1 FOUNDATIONS OF THE USAF, Part II AERO 001B 15 15 Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Who A. Smith SPRING 2006 2006 FALL Great first semester! Remember to balance your Academic load and AFROTC. As a scholarship cadet you must maintain a 2.50 term and cumulative GPA throughout your college career to retain your scholarship. Cadet Smith, keep up the great work! Add any academic advice or comments in this block.
School O. Ficcialiam Sept. 25, 2006 Eye M. Cadre, Capt, USAF25 May 06 Eye M. Cadre, Capt, USAF19 Feb 06 3 ENGR 30 STATICS 3 Engr 4 Computer Graphics 3 3 CALCULUS I 3 MATH 30 CALCULUS II 3 MATH 31 5 5 CHEMISTRY I CHEM 1A 5 CHEMISTRY II CHEM 1B 3 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS 3 COMMS 1 History of Western Civilization 3 Hist 001 1 FOUNDATION OF THE USAF, Part I AERO 001A 1 1 FOUNDATIONS OF THE USAF, Part II AERO 001B 15 15 Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Who A. Smith SPRING 2006 2006 FALL Great first semester! Remember to balance your Academic load and AFROTC. As a scholarship cadet you must maintain a 2.50 term and cumulative GPA throughout your college career to retain your scholarship. Cadet Smith, keep up the great work! Cadet and officer sign current term. Who A. Smith
School O. Ficcialiam Sept. 25, 2006 Eye M. Cadre, Capt, USAF19 Feb 06 Eye M. Cadre, Capt, USAF25 May 06 3 ENGR 30 STATICS 3 Engr 4 Computer Graphics 3 3 CALCULUS I 3 MATH 30 CALCULUS II 3 MATH 31 5 5 CHEMISTRY I CHEM 1A 5 CHEMISTRY II CHEM 1B 3 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS 3 COMMS 1 History of Western Civilization 3 Hist 001 1 FOUNDATION OF THE USAF, Part I AERO 001A 1 1 FOUNDATIONS OF THE USAF, Part II AERO 001B 15 15 Advisor I. Am 19 Sep 06 Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Who A. Smith SPRING 2006 2006 FALL Annual re-evaluation of academic plan. All cadets must have their academic plan reevaluated and recertified by their academic advisor every Fall term. Who A. Smith
School O. Ficcialiam Sept. 25, 2006 Eye M. Cadre, Capt, USAF19 Feb 06 3 3 ENGR 30 STATICS 3 Engr 4 Computer Graphics 3 3 3 CALCULUS I 3 MATH 30 CALCULUS II 3 MATH 31 5 5 5 CHEMISTRY I CHEM 1A 5 CHEMISTRY II CHEM 1B 3 3 INTRODUCTION TO COMMUNICATIONS 3 COMMS 1 History of Western Civilization 3 Hist 001 1 1 FOUNDATION OF THE USAF, Part I AERO 001A 1 1 FOUNDATIONS OF THE USAF, Part II AERO 001B 15 15 Advisor I. Am 19 Sep 07 Mechanical Engineering Kent State University, Det 630 Smith, Who A. BS ME June 2010 Who A. Smith SPRING 2006 2006 FALL SIGN WHEN ALL PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS TO GRADUATE HAVE BEEN COMPLETED. Cadet must sign and date certifying all degree requirements have been successfully completed and graduation will occur as stated in Block 5.
Maintenance,Re-evaluation, andRe-accomplishment Retain the academic plan as a permanent record. Corrections and revisions are acceptable. Make course changes by adding the new course in pen or pencil and lining out or erasing the changed course. Maintain only the current (complete) academic plan in the cadet’s record. All other existing copies may be destroyed upon approval of change. When requesting a new major through HQ AFROTC/RRFP, DO NOT discard the old IMT 48 until the new major has been approved.
Re-evaluation of Academic Plan Once an academic plan is established; at a minimum, all cadets must have their academic plan reevaluated and recertified by their academic advisor every subsequent Fall term. During fall reevaluations, the academic advisor will review entire academic plan to ensure cadet is still on schedule to receive a degree and to graduate as indicated on the academic plan; or, make any necessary changes. Upon reevaluating the academic plan, the academic advisor will sign/date in the “Remarks” section of the academic plan in the appropriate fall term the review is conducted.
Re-accomplishment A cadet is required to re-accomplish the entire academic plan only when the cadet changes academic major, changes institutions, or requires a DOG and DOC change to a new fiscal year. To re-accomplish an academic plan, begin with the current term and then complete each additional term to graduation.