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Pastoralists-Internal and Cross-Boarder Movement (NDMAs-Lessons and Experience ). Paul M. Kimeu National Drought Management Authority KENYA. National Drought Management Authority.
Pastoralists-Internal and Cross-Boarder Movement(NDMAs-Lessons and Experience ) Paul M. Kimeu National Drought Management Authority KENYA
National Drought Management Authority • NDMA a Government Statutory organization Mandated to Coordinate Drought Management and to ensure appropriate Mitigation for climate change and adaptation impacts . • Uses the Drought Cycle Management –action directed to changing situations and impacts on the livelihoods.
NDMA Vision and Mission Vision: To be a world-class authority in drought management and climate change adaptation for sustainable livelihoods Mission: To provide coordination and leadership of Kenya’s efforts in the management of drought risks and enhancing adaptation to climate change.
Geographical coverage A national institution, Gives Priority to 23 of Kenya’s 47 counties which: • Are either arid or semi-arid • Prone to drought • Account for 36% of the population • Host 70% of the national livestock herd • Cover 85% of the land • Generate 90% of the revenue from tourism
Pastoralism • Pastoralism is way of life based primarily on raising livestock, particularly small ruminants. cattle and camels. • They are mostly found in Kenya's vast arid and semi arid areas of northern Kenya. • The areas are characterized by marked rainfall variability, uncertainties in spatial and temporal distributions. • Pastoralists in Kenya, number about 3 million
Threats to pastoralism • Diminishing natural resources, Grazing patterns and corridors , land sequestration • Erosive impact of livestock diseases • Insufficient market access and decline in terms of trade, commodity price steadily increasing • Water scarcity, Insecurity, conflicts, cattle rustling • Insignificant investments to enhance pastoral production systems and alternative livelihood
Effects of the above threats . Close to 1 million pastoralists have abandoned pastoralism –pastoral dropouts . Establishment of new villages along the roads in order to access emergency food aid . Movement of pastoralists from one area to another in search of pastures and water for their livestock. . Migration by pastoral drop-outs to urban centers to seek casual work / depend on gifts from relatives . Move to near urban centers – IDPs . Migration to far off areas within the GHA capital in search of water and pasture . Emerging conflicts and cattle rustling –Pokot/Turkana, Turkana/Karamajog/s.Sudan,
Causes of drought vulnerability in Kenya (ASAL Counties) “In Kenya, the most affected areas coincide with those that have suffered from entrenched poverty over many decades… It is clear that an adequate response to droughts must not only meet urgent humanitarian needs but also as urgently, address underlying vulnerabilities.” Post-Disaster Needs Assessment, 2008-11
What is the EDE? • A commitment made by the Government of Kenya at a Summit of Heads of State & Government in 2011, to ‘end drought emergencies’ within 10 years. • Objective: To Transform the management of drought, substantially reduce its impact and eventually end drought emergencies in Kenya by 2022 • A ‘foundation for national transformation’, in the second Kenya Vision 2030 MTP, 2013-17. • Risk=Hazard x Vulnerability/Capacity.
Achievements. • Development Common Programming plans to Address Priority areas raised in the EDE.
1.Common programming- Institutional Framework for EDE MTP-Pillars Each Pillar co-chaired with GOK and a DP. County Forum Co-Chaired –GOK and NGOs Strategic leadership & oversight GoK/ASAL Development Partners Group Operational coordination (chairs & co-chairs) Steering Group 6. ASAL Institutions, Coordination & KM
2.Strong Partnerships With Common Vision • GoK /County Government • Communities • NGOs (National/Local and International) • UN(FAO-IFAD, UNDP,WFP Etc), • Donors (EU,DFID,WB,USAID • Research Institutions ICRAF,JKUAT, CIAT • Private sector-Banks
5.Social Safety-net Programming Resilience Building thro use of FFA (WFP/GOK/NDMA/CP-KRC,WVI,….) Hunger Safetnet Cover 6 counties. Target vulnerable households. Provide the beneficiaries with a certain about of monly every 2 months. • Covers-13 Counties and about 750,000 Beneficiaries. • Assets-RWH-Crop, livestock,environmental conservation. • Drylandfarming,pasture production and conservation. • Use value chain production systems.
6.Integrated Early Warning Systems-Driving Contingency Planning and Response as well as longer sustainable development. 7.Drought/Disaster Contingency Fund- Work in Progress. 8.Comprehensive Communication Strategy. 9.Capacity Building-Mainstreaming of DRR in County Integrated Development Plans
Challenges • Funding for County Planned activities-Prioritization by the County governments. • Private Sector-Absent and Low participation • Capacity-Ministry activities devolved to the Counties ,County Leadership Capacities. • Perception of Pastoralists-poor and primitive way of life. • Research-low functional and supportive research to the livelihood.
Early warning systems-limited to in country activities, very little from the cross boarder areas . • Host communities support limited and rendering them to be servants.
Recommendations • Policy-allow cross boarder movements of the pastoralists and their livestocks (no passports),review and adopt the AU policy. • Map out the migration routes and secure the land for settlements as well provision necessary livelihood support services. • Integrated EWS and provision of information from both sides of the boarders. • Consider livestock insurance-cushion against vulgaries of the climate change
Consideration of the host communities-compensations. • Comprehensive development packages for host communities. • Enhanced partnerships between government, NGOs,Developmentpartners,UN etc • Develop industries to process pastoral products-hides and skin, camel milk,meat etc