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Read about the various types of soil found in Mississauga and find out which one is right for your backyard - http://www.toemar.ca/mississauga-soil-types/
In our last post on soil preparation, we spoke of Mississauga’s soil types. Approximately 60% of Mississauga has three types of soil. Here is a fast recap of soil summary in Mississagua:Heavy clay soil – At 75% to 100% moisture, the clay soil is too wet, it is dark in color and feels slick when rubbed between thumb and forefinger. The soil will be completely pliable and you can draw with it. A ball will form moisture content is less than 50%.
Coarse clay soil – This soil is more of a sandy loam or silt loam. At 50% moisture, you can probably form a ball and will tend to crumble. At 75% to 100% moisture it will be similar to a heavy clay soil.Coarse sandy soil – A ball will not form at less than 50% moisture. At 75% to 100% moisture, a weak ball can be form but shatter easily.
You can see a map of Mississauga soil types at the Ontario Ministry of Northern Development Mines website. This map is called the Quaternary geology of Toronto and surrounding area, Southern Ontario. Essentially this is a map of the most recent geological period of time in Earth’s history, spanning the last two million years and extending up to the present day. http://www.toemar.ca/