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Safety. Gas Explosions & Its Precaution. Made By 武弢 20th Apr. Fundamental Concepts. 1. The Significance of the Precaution of Gas Explosions. 2. Causes of Accidents. 3. The Method of Precaution & Attentions. 4. Table of Contents. Fundamental Concepts. Definition of Gas
Safety Gas Explosions & Its Precaution Made By 武弢 20th Apr.
Fundamental Concepts 1 The Significance of the Precaution of Gas Explosions 2 Causes of Accidents 3 The Method of Precaution & Attentions 4 Table of Contents
Fundamental Concepts • Definition of Gas The so-called Gas is a kind of poisonous gas which mainly composed by methane,and on occasions,it is a delegate of methane alone. • Gas Mine Agas mine is a kind of mine which is divided into high gassy mine and low gassy mine that contains gas. Gas concentration Gas concentration is the ratio of share of gas by volume in the air.(%)
Fundamental Concepts • Gas Ejection The phenomenon that gas ejects from the shot hole unconventionally . If the quntity of the ejected gas ≥ 1.0m3/min meanwhile lasting more than 8h, the area will be defined as a dangerous region. Mine explosion protected electrical equipment Equipments which are made in accordance with GB3836.1.
The Significance of Precaution • Sequences of Accidents • In Hubei province,Apr.12th, the accident caused 10 deaths,4 badly injured,direct economic loss 5.8 million; • In Henan province,on Sep.8th,the accident caused 21 deaths, plenty of people injured badly; • in Jilin province ,on Mar.24th,the accident caused 7 deaths,on the meantime ,a large number of people trapped . • In conclusion, there are thousands of miners being killed by gas explosions,innumerous financial loss has been posed. That is to say,gas safety should be capable of drawing a wide attention of public and the government.
Causes of Accidents • There're a few important factors which account for gas explosions,they are as follows--- • Gas accumulation • Invetigators say that most explosions occured because gas accumulated during a power outage that shut down the mine's ventilation syetem.
The concentration of other poisonous gases get over the common line. Causes of Accidents
Causes of Accidents • The existence of detonating fire • Investigations and accountings manifest that the sparkles created by electric equipments are the critical factors that cause gas explosions.
Causes of Accidents • Corruption. • Illegal mine owners are driven by huge profit to mine illegally which is the direct reason of mine accidents.The most disappointing part is that a number of leading cadres play a protecting role for them. So corruption is the deep reason for mine accidents.
The Method of Precaution & Attentions • Mines should establish a detecting syestem for gas, carbon dioxide and other poisonous gases. • Managers and technicians ought to carry a methane detecter while get down to descent. • Workers have the responsibilities to persevere the working circumstance well ventilated,this is the most important point.
Ending • Generally speaking,raising the concept of safety is the fundamental factor that contributes to less tragedies.
Reference • The datas above conme from Safety regulations for coal-derived nonmetal underground mines • 煤系非金属地下矿山安全规程
Acknowledgment • Thanks for attentions and • any attempts for discussion are welcomed.
基本概念 1 预防瓦斯爆炸的重要性 2 造成瓦斯爆炸的原因 3 预防瓦斯爆炸的措施及警示 4 目录
基本概念 • 什么是瓦斯? 新闻媒体中经常提到的瓦斯就是一种主要由甲烷构成的有毒气体.有时,瓦斯也用来单指甲烷. • 什么是瓦斯矿井? 瓦斯矿井就是指含有一定浓度的瓦斯气体的矿井.同城被分为高浓度瓦斯矿井和低浓度瓦斯矿井. 什么是瓦斯浓度? 瓦斯浓度是指瓦斯气体的体积在空气中所占的比例,通常用百分数(%)来表示.
基本概念 • 什么叫瓦斯喷涌? 瓦斯喷涌是指瓦斯非常规地从空洞中喷涌出来的现象.如果某一地域喷涌速度超过1m³/分钟,并且此现象持续八小时以上,那么该地域即被定义为危险区域. 什么是矿井防爆电气设备? 即按照国家GB3836.1标准生产的具有一定抗爆能力的井下许用的电气设备.
预防的重要性 • 下面是一系列的矿井事故 • 4月12日,在湖北省发生的瓦斯爆炸事故造成了10人死亡,4人重伤,直接经济损失580万元; • 9月8日,在河南省发生的矿井瓦斯爆炸事故造成了21人死亡,多人严重受伤; • 3月24日,在吉林省发生的瓦斯爆炸事故造成了7人死亡,同时有多名矿工被困井下.. • 综上所述,无数矿工被瓦斯爆炸夺去了生命,并造成了难以计量的经济损失.因此,瓦斯安全操作应该引起政府和公众的广泛关注.
事故原因 • 下面这些是造成瓦斯爆炸事故的重要因素: • 1.瓦斯气体积聚 • 调查人员称,大部分的瓦斯爆炸都是由于在停电过程中,通风设备无法使用引起的瓦斯积聚所造成的.
The concentration of other poisonous gases get over the common line. 事故原因
事故原因 • 2.井下存在引爆火源 • 各种调查和记录证明,由电气设备产生的火星是引起爆炸的重要原因之一..
事故原因 • 3.腐败. • 非法矿主被巨大利益驱使而非法开采,唯利是图的他们是造成一些矿难的直接原因.但更令人失望的是,很多相关部门的领导在”掩护”着他们从事非法开采以获取利益分成.因此,腐败是造成矿难事故的深层次原因!
爆炸预防的措施及警示 • 1.矿井应该建立一个如二氧化碳等易爆气体浓度的检测系统 • 2.管理者和技术人员应该携带一个甲烷浓度探测仪才可下井作业 • 3.井下工作人员应该保持矿井的通风良好,这一点尤为重要.
结束语 • 综上所述,强化安全意识是减少悲剧发生的最基本的措施.