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Online course Gender and Health Competencies Development. 29 March 2010. Today’s Situation. COMMUNITY. EVIDENCE PRODUCERS. ONG. Patients. POLICY MAKERS. Academic Centers. Legislators. Researchers. Virtual Networks. Ministries. Transference is not systematic. EVIDENCE.
Online course Gender and Health Competencies Development 29 March 2010
Today’s Situation COMMUNITY EVIDENCE PRODUCERS ONG Patients POLICY MAKERS Academic Centers Legislators Researchers Virtual Networks Ministries Transference is not systematic EVIDENCE NGO’s Contextual differences Different needs Public Health Professionals HEALTH MANAGERS Pan American Health Organization
The big picture… Pan American Health Organization
The big picture…“…design of an online “ virtual” course including sessions with expert tutors.Subject:Gender and Health based on diversity and human rights approaches.Platform: PAHO/WHO Virtual Campus of Public health Pan American Health Organization
Pan American Health Organization
ProductOnline Course Needs Pan American Health Organization
From To The competencies/content management process Needs ProductOnline Course Pan American Health Organization
Audiencesstudents From To The competencies/content management process ProductOnline Course Needs Pan American Health Organization
Ideas Mandates Gaps Others The Competencies/content management process Needs ProductOnline Course Pan American Health Organization
Definition of Skills Def. Knowledge Def. Behaviors Education materials Guidelines Taxonomies Models Frameworks References Tutorials Ideas Mandates Gaps Others ProductOnline Course The Competencies/content management process Needs Pan American Health Organization
Development-Production Audiences Ideas Peer review Mandates Online Course Gaps production Others Product Online Course Needs generation Competenciesdefinitions Information sources IT Tools Methodologies Processes Services Policies Etc Content selection Surveys -workshops Testing Pan American Health Organization
Training in Gender and Health1997http://www.paho.org/english/hdp/hdw/gendertraining.htm Pan American Health Organization
Gender and Health • Use of evidence in decision • making processes • Harmonize needs • Systematization COMMUNITY EVIDENCE PRODUCERS POLICY MAKERS AndHealth Gender Public Health Professionals Health managers Pan American Health Organization
Skills-Building Strategy Goals: • Organize and develop resources to address specific needs • Assist teams to acquire the necessary skills for Gender and health activities • Help to create a critical mass of trained individuals to promote the long term sustainability of evidence informed decision-making Pan American Health Organization
Rationale for developing the SB Strategy • Lack or deficit of the necessary skills for has been a main concern among the teams. • A comprehensive approach would have obvious advantages over isolated efforts. • It will help to standardize methods, save resources and evaluate both quality and impact. Pan American Health Organization
Impact and Quality Evaluation SB Strategy: Components Necessary Team Skills Strengths Curricula Needs Assessment Tool Specific skills Weaknesses Necessary Stakeholder Skills Pan American Health Organization
SB Strategy: Implementation • On-site, virtual and/or mixed format • Virtual/tutor-based courses will be • offered through VC • Information and access will be in VC • and GENDER Portal • “Tutorials/content/Products” (Cases,Policy Briefs, Summaries,etc) • will be accessible through GENDER Portal Virtual Campus SB Gender Portal On-Site Pan American Health Organization
Sources • Using Concept Mapping to Develop a Logic Model for the Prevention Research Centers Program http://www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2006/jan/05_0153.htm • Designing Competencies for Chronic Disease Practice http://cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2010/mar/08_0114.htm • Development of a Core Competency Model for the Master of Public Health Degreehttp://ajph.aphapublications.org/cgi/reprint/98/9/1598CORE COMPETENCIES FOR PUBLIC HEALTH IN CANADA • http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/ccph-cesp/pdfs/cc-manual-eng090407.pdf • EVIPNET PAHO Pan American Health Organization
Key Concepts and Definitions • Traits and Characteristics are the foundation for learning, the innate make-up of individuals on which further experiences can be built. Differences in traits and characteristics help explain why people pursue different learning experiences and acquire different levels and kinds of knowledge and skills. • • Skills, Abilities, and Knowledge are developed through learning experiences, broadly defined to include school, work, participation in community affairs, etc. • • Competencies are the result of integrative learning experiences in which skills, abilities, and knowledge interact to form bundles that have currency in relation to the task for which they are assembled. • • Demonstrations are the results of applying competencies. It is at this level that performance can be assessed. Pan American Health Organization
Characteristics of Competencies Pan American Health Organization
Pan American Health Organization
Prevention Groups & Research Pan American Health Organization
Búsquedas avanzadas y uso de la información para la toma de decisiones basadas en la evidencia Selección y valoración de la información Diseño e ejecución de estrategia para búsqueda bibliográfica exhaustiva. Contextualización y resumen de la información • Bases de datos • Términos • Filtros • Marco • de • referencia • Metodología para elabora- • ción de resúmenes basados • en la evidencia • Tipos de Evidencia • Selección y valoración • crítica de la evidencia Buscadores (www) BVS/ SCIELO • Definición • de la • pregunta • Registros y flujogramas de • búsquedas Cochrane NLM Pan American Health Organization
Core Competencies online courses for IPNet Teams • Team Building • Identifying Priorities • Framing Issues • Knowledge Gathering • Knowledge Synthesis • Knowledge Packaging • Facilitating Exchange And Pull/Push Efforts • Monitoring and Evaluation Pan American Health Organization
EVIPnet Competences Pan American Health Organization
• Identify Priorities: The team should be able to single out Health Policy priority areasaccording to context.• Framing Issues: The team should analyze the issue and identify key aspects that ought to be considered when informing decisions with the best evidence available. These elements should include political and social context, cultural environment, financial issues, etc• Knowledge Gathering: The team should demonstrate knowledge and skills to pose appropriate questions, develop efficient search strategies, find and retrieve relevant evidence.• Knowledge Synthesis: The team should appraise evidence for quality, eligibility andapplicability and interpret the information according to the context.• Knowledge Packaging: The team should be able to summarize the relevant information in a user-friendly format that facilitates its incorporation into policy.• Facilitating Exchange and Pull/Push Efforts: The team should advocate for evidence informed public health policies and raise awareness about the advantages of this approach amongstakeholders. They should choose effective dissemination efforts to convey their message and help bring stakeholders together for constructive dialogues.• Monitoring and Evaluation: The team should advocate for and participate in theimplementation of tools to identify strengths, deficiencies and impact of the process• Team Building: The team should demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills thatpromote the cooperative environment necessary for knowledge exchange Pan American Health Organization
Competenciessample Pan American Health Organization
Pan American Health Organization
Synthesis DisseminationStrategic Functions Knowledge Selection Knowledge Dissemination Knowledge Exchange Pan American Health Organization
Team Policy Mak. Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis Participate in discussion Forums Facilitators Gender content • Supports network creation/functioning • Recovers info of people involved • Facilitates knowledge mapping/ • expertise locator • Facilitates linkage/ exchange/ • dissemination • Facilitates connection w/other networks Knowledge Mapping Evidence for decision making Linkage and exchange Monitoring and Impact evaluation Introductory Module Team Problem Solving Appraise Evidence Synthesize and format evidence Dissemination Incorporating Evidence into policy Social Network Analysis (Expertise Locator Tool) How to make a Policy Brief Evidence for Policy Markers Pan American Health Organization
Next Steps • Provide necessary support to help with Competencies information • Provide support for Gender Unit and The Workshop team to define the necessary competences. Pan American Health Organization
Thank you! Lucia Ruggiero - KMC PAHO/WHOEmail: ruglucia@paho.org Pan American Health Organization