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Technology, Society, Education, the Workplace and Religion. Exploring the Times By Tia McMillan. Color Code Key. 4 Waves Technology Workplace Education Society & Culture Religion. 8000 BC - 1910. Toffler’s First Wave, Agricultural Age, lasted through 1750 1
Technology, Society, Education, the Workplace and Religion Exploring the Times By Tia McMillan
Color Code Key 4 Waves Technology Workplace Education Society & Culture Religion
8000 BC - 1910 • Toffler’s First Wave, Agricultural Age, lasted through 17501 • Toffler’s Second Wave, Industrial Age, lasted through 19551 • 1903 E. L.Thorndike’s Law of Effect3 • 1904 Industrial Workers of the World organized7 • 1905 St . Louis Educational Museum became 1st unit of instructional media in public school2 • 1906 First visual instruction guide called Visual Education published2 • 1906 Azusa Street revival4 • 1907 First application of the Montessori Methods2 • 1907 National Child Labor Committee organized6 • 1908 First workers compensation law passed8 • 1908 First principles of scientific management published in F. W. Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management9 • 1908 Jews granted full legal equality in Ottoman Empire5 8000 BC 1750 1900 1910 References
1910 - 1924 • 1910 Start of the Great Migration11 • 1912 F. Burk created the first system of individualized instruction8 • 1913 H. Ford creates assembly line6 • 1914 World War I begins (USA joined in 1917)8 • 1914 Assemblies of God founded3 • 1916 C. T. Russell, founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses, died4 • 1917 Allen’s Show, Tell, Do, and Check method of job instruction5 • 1918 W. H. Kilpatrick’s Project Method1 • 1918 H. Gantt’s Gantt chart7 • 1919 C. W. Washborne’s Winnetka Plan1 • 1920 H. Parkhurst’s Dalton Plan adopted by a high school1 • 1920 19th Amendment Ratified9; First regularly scheduled public radio broadcast10 • 1921 First handbook on the mechanics of visual instruction called The Cinema Handbook1 • 1921 M. Murray published “The Witch-Cult in Western Europe”2 1910 1920 1924 References
1924 - 1940 • 1924 Teaching Machine created1 • 1924 Hawthorne Effect studies began2 • 1925 H. Fayol’s Unity of Command Theory3 • 1925 C. Judd introducestesting and assessments4 • 1926 Progressive Judaism founded5 • 1930 Second national school of air launched on CBS6 • 1931 The Movietone School Series was created6 • 1931 J. F. Rutherford adopts the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" for the group7 • 1932 K. Barth's Church Dogmatics8 • 1932 E. L. Thorndike’s Connectionism Theory9 • 1933 Worst point of Great Depression – a quarter of Americans unemployed10 • 1935 Unemployment insurance began as a part of the Social Security Act11 • 1938 C. H. Bernard’s Theory of Authority and Theory of Incentives12 • 1938 B. F. Skinner’s Operant Conditioning Theory13 • 1938 First television for sale in US14 1924 1930 1940 References
1940 - 1955 1941 First educational training film completed and delivered to US Office of Education1 1941 Attack on Pearl Harbor2 1943 C. L. Hull’s Learning Rule Theory3 1946 First digital computer, ENIAC, introduced to the public4 1946 K. Lewin’s Field Theory5 1947 M. Weber’s Theory of Bureaucracy published in his book Theory of Social and Economic Organization6; H. A. Simon’s Theory of Corporate Decision Making published in his book Administrative Behavior7 1948 World Council of Churches founded8 1949 R. Tyler’sTyler Rationale1 1949 Buddhism suppressed by Chinese communist government9 1952 Piaget’s Theory of Cognitive Development10 1954 Theory of management by objectives created by Peter Drucker11 1954 Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas 12 1940 1950 1955 References
1955 - 1965 1955 1955 Toffler’s 3rd Wave, Industrial Age1 1955 Federal Interstate Commerce Commission bans segregation on interstate buses and trains2 1956 B. Bloom’sTaxonomy3 1956 First issue of ChristianityToday4 1957 M. R. Walker‘s Critical Path Method (CMP)5 1957 B. F. Skinner’s 1st use of Programmed Instruction3 1959 The Dalai Lama goes into exile6 1959 D. L. Kirkpatrick’s 4 Levels of Evaluation7 1960 N. A. Crowder’s Programmed Instruction8 1960 M. Murray (later O'Hair) filed suit in the Baltimore to force the end of required Bible readings and recitations of the Lord's Prayer in public schools9 1960 PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operation) Project started3 1961 R. Likert’s Participative Management theory published in his book New Patterns of Management10 1962 R. Mager’s Behavioral Objectives3 1960 1965 References
1965 - 1975 1965 • 1965 Flex Time begins in Germany movement began1 • 1965 The first American combat troops arrived in Vietnam for war2 • 1967 Jerusalem reunited by Israeli victory in Six-Day War3 • 1968 F. S. Keller’s amplified Personalized System of Instruction published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis4 • 1968 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is assassinated5 • 1970 The Mormon Church officially declared that blacks could not become priests6 • 1971 E. DeBono’s Lateral Thinking Theory7 • 1971 R. House’s Path-Goal Theory leadership8 • 1972 R. Gagne’s Taxonomy of Five Learning Capabilities4 • 1972 Watergate begins9 • 1972 First female rabbi ordained in Reform movement3 • 1972 MITRE Corporation and Brigham Young University started development of the Time-shared Interactive Computer Controlled Instructional Television (TICCIT) using the instructional philosophy Learner-Controlled Instruction (LCI)10 • 1973 Abortion becomes legal11 1970 1975 References
1975 - 1990 1975 • 1975 F. Dansereau, G. Graen, & C. Haga’s Leadership-Member Exchange Theory1 • 1976 R. House’s Theory of charismatic leadership2 • 1978 W. Dick and L. Carey’s ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Develop, Implement and Evaluation) model 3 • 1980 M. Porter’s Competitive Strategy Theory4 • 1981 New plague announced called AIDS5; Personal computers introduced by IBM5 • 1982 First instructional television series called “ThinkAbout”6 • 1983 H. Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences disclosed in his book Frames of Mind7 • 1985 R. Gagne, Conditions of Learning revised to include 9 events of instruction8 • 1988 J. S. Livingston’s Pygmalion Effect9 • 1989 First Electronic Performance Support Systems (EPSS)10 • 1989 First woman ordained in a Protestant Episcopal church11; International Network of Engaged Buddhists founded12 1980 1990 References
1990 - 2000 1990 • 1990 J. Bradford and Cognition & Technology Group at Vanderbilt‘s (CTGV) Anchored Instruction Theory1 • 1990 J. Kotter’s 8 Change Phase Model2 • 1991 Apartheid laws abolished3 • 1993 Fourth Wave, Communication Agei4 • 1993 Assault on the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas5 • 1995 L.Harasim, S. R. Hiltz, L. Teles and M. Turoff’s Learning Network Model6 • 1995 Oklahoma bombings3 • 1995 The Christian Coalition created the "Catholic Alliance," a "fully owned subsidiary" of the Christian Coalition designed to appeal to conservative Catholics5 • 1996 R. House revised his Path-Goal Theory of Work Unit Leadership7 • 1997 Anchored Interactive Learning Environment (AILE) created by combing Anchored Instruction and computer technology8 • 1997 D.Chandler’s Schema Theory9 2000 References
2000 - 2008 2000 • 2001 Destruction of standing Buddha statues at Bamiyan by Taliban regime1 • 2001 Destruction of Twin Towers • 2002 "Reform Mormonism" founded 2 • 2002 Integrated Blended Learning3; M. D. Merrill’s First Principles of Instruction4 • 2003 Siemens launched the 1st unified communication application called OpenScape5 • 2005 Project Zero’s Cultures of Thinking program6 • 2006 Project Zero’s Artful Thinking Program is to help teachers regularly use works of visual art and music in their curriculum in ways that strengthen student thinking and learning7 • 2007 Digital Video Enterprises announces the launch of Tele-Immersion Room which offers a surreal teleconferencing experience8 • 2008 Election of 1st African American President 2008 References
References 8000BC - 1910 • 1. Toffler, A. (1980). The third wave. New York: Bantam. • 2. Saettler, P. (2004). The evolution of American educational technology. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. • 3. Learning Theory Timeline. (n.d.) Retrieved March 20, 2009 from http://hagar.up.ac.za/catts/learner/smarks/Learning_theory_timeline.html. • 4. Religious Facts: Just the facts on religion. (2009). Timeline of Christianity. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from • http://www.religionfacts.com/christianity/timeline.htm. • 5. Religious Facts: Just the facts on religion. (2009). Timeline of Judaism. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from http://www.religionfacts.com/judaism/timeline.htm. • 6. National Child Labor Committee. (2008). History of NCLC. Retrieved March 16, 2009 from http://www.nationalchildlabor.org/history.html. • 7. Labor Unions in the United States. (2008). In MSN Encarta online. Retrieved March 16, 2009 from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761576185_2/Labor_Unions_in_the_United_States.html • 8. Workers’ Compensation. (2008). In MSN Encarta Encyclopedia online. Retrieved March 16, 2009 from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761574391/Workers%E2%80%99_Compensation.html. • 9. Accel. (2008). Historical perspective on productivity improvement: scientific management and Frederick Winslow Taylor. Retrieved March 18, 2009 from http://www.accel-team.com/scientific/scientific_02.html. Return to 8000BC-1910
References 1910 - 1924 1. Saettler, P. (2004). The evolution of American educational technology. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. 2. Religious Facts: Just the facts on religion. (2009). Timeline of neopaganism, wicca and witchcraft. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from http://www.religionfacts.com/neopaganism/timeline.htm. 3. Religious Facts: Just the facts on religion. (2009). Timeline of christianity. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from http://www.religionfacts.com/christianity/timeline.htm. 4. Religious Facts: Just the facts on religion. (2009). Timeline of jehovah's witnesses. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from http://www.religionfacts.com/jehovahs_witnesses/timeline.htm. 5. Clark, D. (2000, January 22). Word war 1 - show, tell, do, and check. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from http://www.skagitwatershed.org/~donclark/hrd/history/war1.html. 6. About.com: 20th Century History. (2009). Timeline of the twentieth century: 1910-1919. Retrieved March 16, 2009 from http://history1900s.about.com/library/time/bltime1910.htm. 7. Gantt Charts. (n.d.) Evolution of the Gannt charts. Retrieved March 18, 2009 from http://www.ganttchart.com/Evolution.html. 8. World War I. (n.d.). In MSN Encarta online. Retrieved March 16, 2009 from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761569981/World_War_I.html. 9. National Women’s History Project. (n.d.) Timeline of legal history of women in the United States: a timeline of the women's rights movement 1848 – 1998. Retrieved March 15, 2009 from http://www.legacy98.org/timeline.html. 10. Communication. (2008). In MSN Encarta online. Retrieved March 16, 2009 from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761564117_3/Communication.html#p41. 11. African American History: The Great Migration. (2008). In MSN Encarta online. Retrieved March 16, 2009 from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761595158_6/African_American_History.html#p203. Return to 1910-1924
References 1924 - 1940 1. Clark, D. (2008, January 6). A time capsule of training and learning. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from http://www.skagitwatershed.org/~donclark/hrd/history/epss.html. 2. History of Management Thought. (n.d.). Retrieved March 17, 2009 from http://polaris.umuc.edu/~tgrodsky/admn601/managethought.html. 3. Mass production. (2009). In Encyclopædia Britannica online. Retrieved March 18, 2009 fromhttp://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/368270/mass-production/368270main/Main 4. StateUniversity.com. (2009). Educational psychology - history, contemporary views of learning and motivation, issues and controversies. Retrieved March 22, 2009 from http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1938/Educational-Psychology.html. 5. Religious Facts: Just the facts on religion. (2009). Timeline of Judaism. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from http://www.religionfacts.com/judaism/timeline.htm. 6. Saettler, P. (2004). The evolution of American educational technology. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing. 7. Religious Facts: Just the facts on religion. (2009). Timeline of jehovah's witnesses. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from http://www.religionfacts.com/jehovahs_witnesses/timeline.htm. 8. Religious Facts: Just the facts on religion. (2009). Timeline of christianity. Retrieved March 24, 2009 from http://www.religionfacts.com/christianity/timeline.htm. 9. Thorndike's Connectionism. (1998). Retrieved March 20, 2009 from http://neuron-ai.tuke.sk/NCS/VOL1/P3_html/node10.html . 10. Great Depression in the United States. (2008). In MSN Encarta online. Retrieved March 16, 2009 from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761584403/Great_Depression_in_the_United_States.html. 11. Apprenticeship. (2008). In MSN Encarta Encyclopedia online. Retrieved March 17, 2009 from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761565484/Apprenticeship.html. 12. Chester (Irving) Bernard. (2009). In Cambridge Encyclopedia online, Vol 15 online. Retrieved March 17, 2009 from http://encyclopedia.stateuniversity.com/pages/4338/Chester-Irving-Barnard.html. 13. Learning Theory Timeline. (n.d.) Retrieved March 20, 2009 from http://hagar.up.ac.za/catts/learner/smarks/Learning_theory_timeline.html . 14. Communication. (2008). In MSN Encarta online. Retrieved March 16, 2009 from http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761564117_3/Communication.html#p41. Return to 1924-1940
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