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Under the Sea

Under the Sea. Animals of the Ocean. Under the Sea.

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Under the Sea

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  1. Under the Sea Animals of the Ocean

  2. Under the Sea There are thousands of different fish and animals in the ocean. Today you are going to learn about just a few different types of animals. Navigate your way through the animals in the Ocean at your own pace, and pay attention because there is a test at the end!

  3. Also, answer questions correctly at the end of each section to earn Treasure Maps. Once you have collected all the treasure maps, you can start searching for the treasure!

  4. Main Menu Fish What would you like to learn about today? Anytime you want to come back to this page, click this button: Sharks Dolphins Treasure Hunt Test

  5. Fish Clown Fish Blue Tang Fish Flame Angelfish Once you have learned about the different fish, click here to get a treasure map!

  6. Clown Fish

  7. Clown Fish Fun Facts 1. Clown Fish live in Anemones. 2. Clown Fish feed off of Anemones and protect Anemones. 3. Clown Fish live on the Ocean floor in warm water. Anemone

  8. Blue Tang Fish

  9. Blue Tang Fish Fun Facts 1. Blue Tang fish feed only on algae. 2. Blue Tang fish live in coral reefs and like rocky or grassy places. 3. Blue Tang fish are flat like pancakes!

  10. Flame Angelfish

  11. Flame Angelfish Fun Facts 1. Flame Angelfish love to eat algae. 2. Flame Angelfish usually do not get along with other Flame Angelfish. 3. Flame Angelfish live around coral reefs.

  12. Which fish is known as a Flame Angelfish?

  13. Correct! Next Question

  14. Hmm… You might want to rethink your answer. Click here to review.

  15. Review Clown Fish Blue Tang Fish Flame Angelfish Back to Question

  16. Which of the 3 fish live in an Anemone?

  17. Correct! You have just collected a Map for your Treasure Hunt! Collect all 3 maps to find the treasure. X Click the arrow to continue…

  18. Hmm… You might want to rethink your answer. Click here to review the fish!

  19. Review Clown Fish Blue Tang Fish Flame Angelfish 1. Flame Angelfish love to eat algae. 2. Flame Angelfish usually do not get along with other Flame Angelfish. 3. Flame Angelfish live around coral reefs. • 1. Clown Fish live in Anemones. • 2. Clown Fish feed off of Anemones and protect Anemones. • 3. Clown Fish live on the Ocean floor in warm water. • 1. Blue Tang fish feed only on algae. • 2. Blue Tang fish live in coral reefs and like rocky or grassy places. • 3. Blue Tang fish are flat like pancakes! Back to Question

  20. Move on to Sharks or Go back to Main Menu

  21. Did you know? Sharks Sharks are fish! Great White Shark Hammerhead Shark Whale Shark Once you have learned about the different sharks, click here to get a treasure map!

  22. Great White Shark

  23. Great White Shark Facts 1. The Great White Shark’s favorite food is seals and sea lions. 2. Great White Sharks are known to attack humans. 3. Great White Sharks use their nostrils to sniff out their prey, but they do not breathe through their nostrils. They breathe through their gills. Nostril

  24. Hammerhead Shark

  25. Hammerhead Shark Facts 1. Hammerhead Sharks form schools. 2. The Hammerhead Shark’s favorite food is the stingray 3. Hammerhead Sharks have amazing hearing and smelling capabilities.

  26. Whale Shark

  27. Whale Shark Facts 1. The Whale Shark is the World’s largest fish! 2. The Whale Shark eats plankton. 3. Whale Sharks are not aggressive towards humans.

  28. Which of the 3 sharks is the World’s Largest Fish? Great White Shark Hammerhead Shark Whale Shark

  29. Correct! Next Question

  30. Hmm… You might want to rethink your answer. Click here to go back and review.

  31. Review Great White Shark Hammerhead Shark Whale Shark 1. The Great White Shark’s favorite food is seals and sea lions. 2. Great White Sharks are known to attack humans. 3. Great White Sharks use their nostrils to sniff out their prey, but they do not breathe through their nostrils. They breathe through their gills. 1. Hammerhead Sharks form schools. 2. The Hammerhead Shark’s favorite food is the stingray 3. Hammerhead Sharks have amazing hearing and smelling capabilities. 1. The Whale Shark is the World’s largest fish! 2. The Whale Shark eats plankton. 3. Whale Sharks are not aggressive towards humans. Go Back to Question

  32. Which of the 3 Sharks are known to attack humans? Great White Shark Hammerhead Shark Whale Shark

  33. Correct! You have just collected your 2ndMap for your Treasure Hunt! Collect all 3 maps to find the treasure. Click the arrow to continue… X

  34. Hmm… You might want to rethink your answer. Click here to go back and review.

  35. Review Great White Shark Hammerhead Shark Whale Shark 1. The Great White Shark’s favorite food is seals and sea lions. 2. Great White Sharks are known to attack humans. 3. Great White Sharks use their nostrils to sniff out their prey, but they do not breathe through their nostrils. They breathe through their gills. 1. Hammerhead Sharks form schools. 2. The Hammerhead Shark’s favorite food is the stingray 3. Hammerhead Sharks have amazing hearing and smelling capabilities. 1. The Whale Shark is the World’s largest fish! 2. The Whale Shark eats plankton. 3. Whale Sharks are not aggressive towards humans. Back to Question

  36. Move on to Dolphins Or Go Back to Main Menu

  37. Dolphins Bottlenose Dolphin Spotted Dolphin Once you have learned about the dolphins, click here to earn your final Treasure Map!

  38. Bottlenose Dolphin

  39. Bottlenose Dolphin Facts 1. Bottlenose Dolphins live in groups called pods. 2. Bottlenose Dolphins often hunt together. 3. Bottlenose Dolphins are very playful. *All Dolphins are mammals, meaning that the mothers care for their young.

  40. Spotted Dolphin

  41. Spotted Dolphin Facts 1. Spotted Dolphins have spots all over their bodies. The older the dolphin, the more spots it has. 2. Spotted Dolphins travel in groups of thousands. That is a lot of dolphins! 3. Spotted Dolphins go through 5 color phases. That means they change colors 5 times in their lives!

  42. Which Dolphin is very playful? Bottlenose Dolphin Spotted Dolphin

  43. Correct! Next Question

  44. Sorry! Try Again…

  45. Which Dolphin changes colors 5 different times in their lives? Bottlenose Dolphin Spotted Dolphin

  46. Correct! You have just collected your FinalMap for your Treasure Hunt! Take the Test to Find the Treasure! X

  47. Sorry! Try Again…

  48. Treasure Hunt Test *Click the wheel to start the hunt!

  49. Which Ocean Animal lives in an anemone? Hammerhead Shark Clown Fish Bottlenose Dolphin

  50. Sorry! Try again…

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