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Stephanie Morris 3/6/08 Propulsion Final Propellant and Pressurant Cost Thanks to Nicole Wilcox!

Stephanie Morris 3/6/08 Propulsion Final Propellant and Pressurant Cost Thanks to Nicole Wilcox!. Final Propellant and Pressurant Cost. Propulsion. Report Outline. Launch Method Analysis for Aircraft Feasibility of different types of aircraft Cost Hybrid Propellants

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Stephanie Morris 3/6/08 Propulsion Final Propellant and Pressurant Cost Thanks to Nicole Wilcox!

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  1. Stephanie Morris3/6/08PropulsionFinal Propellant and Pressurant CostThanks to Nicole Wilcox! AAE 450 Spring 2008

  2. Final Propellant and Pressurant Cost AAE 450 Spring 2008 Propulsion

  3. Report Outline • Launch Method Analysis for Aircraft • Feasibility of different types of aircraft • Cost • Hybrid Propellants • Research for advantages/disadvantages • Non-Catastrophic Failure for Propulsion • Historical values for Standard Deviations • Statistics for liquid and hybrid propellant • Cost for Finalized Launch Vehicle of Propellant and Pressurant • Analysis of the cost calculation • Future Work • Complete writing the sections outlined for the report. AAE 450 Spring 2008 Propulsion

  4. References • Code written by Nicole Wilcox to calculate the pressurant and propellant mass for each stage of the design. • The MAT output from the optimization runs from Saturday which give the propellant mass and pressurant mass for each stage of the finalized launch vehicles. AAE 450 Spring 2008 Propulsion

  5. %AAE 450 Project - Nicole Wilcox%Small code exerpts taken from prop_code_1.m and three_stages.m%Those codes written by Nicole Wilcox, Stephen Bluestone, Dana%Lattibeaudiere, and Alan Schwing.%Code written solely for the purpose of calculating cost of propellant and%pressurant for final design phase.% Inputsmass_prop(1) = input('Please input the mass of stage one propellant.  ');mass_prop(2) = input('Please input the mass of stage two propellant.  ');mass_prop(3) = input('Please input the mass of stage three propellant.  ');mass_press = input('Please input the mass of pressurant.  ');% Calculation of Costsfor i = [1:1:3]    if i == 1        O_F = 6;mass_ox = mass_prop(1)*O_F/(1+O_F);mass_f = mass_prop(1)/(1+O_F);cost_o(i) = 0.13*mass_ox;               %dollarcost_f(i) = 8*mass_f;                   %dollarelseifi == 2cost_f(i) = 5*mass_prop(2);             %dollar    elsecost_f(i) = 5*mass_prop(3);             %dollar    endendcost_stg1 = cost_o(1)+cost_f(1);                %Cost of 1st stagecost_stg2 = cost_f(2);                          %Cost of 2nd stagecost_stg3 = cost_f(3);                          %Cost of 3rd stagecost_tot = cost_stg3+cost_stg2+cost_stg1;       %Total cost of propellantscost_press = mass_press*0.50;                   %dollar AAE 450 Spring 2008

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