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The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • Why this, why now? • Do we know what is means to be a REAL CHRISTIAN LEADER? • Do we know what it means to be a REAL CHRISTIAN man? • TheQuest for Authentic Manhood taught us that the definition of a real man is: • A man who REJECTS PASSIVITY, ACCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY,LEADS COURAGEOUSLY, andEXPECTS THE GREATER REWARD, GOD’S REWARD. • How do we lead courageously?
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • Our prayers are answered not when we are given what we ask for, but when we are challenged to be what we can be. - Mortimer Adler • We must seek the challenge, we must demonstrate leadership… • Men were created by God to be __________ and ______________. • When men abandon this pursuit or when this pursuit is taken away from them…. chaos always ensues. • Isaiah 3:1-12 • Versus 4 – 9…what happens when a nation loses its leaders… • In today’s world sin is made to appear glamorous • God will bring about justice in the end and He will reaward those who have been faithful
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • What Genesis 3 Says about Manhood • The temptation seeks to ___________ and ____________ God’s original social and spiritual order. (Genesis 3:1-6)….the original design is obliterated • God holds __________, not the ________, accountable for this first sin. (Genesis 3:8-9)…..as the head of the family, where are you? • Adam’s sin has an unacceptable ______________ attached to it. (Genesis 3:11-12) Dis the man not sin long before Eve took the fruit?...did he not become small, passive, and the victim….? • Adam’s curse is based on the _________ of God’s original created order. (Genesis 3:17)…she was leading, he was following and disregarding the truth. • Women need to be pursued…when the woman initiates, courage and leadership will soon dissolve
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • Adam’s sin unleashes the destructive curse of male ______________. (Genesis 3:16)….today many men lead through domination, not initiation, courage and true leadership. • Adam dies. (Genesis 2:16-17) This judgment of ________ also extends to all those who come after him (Romans 5:19) He, not Eve, is ________ with the fall of the human race. • Adam’s death was not a sudden death…social order had died, man’s purpose died, life became very hard….similar to what we see today…many men hide behind $$, success, job, and titles • Adam helps us understand that leading is the essence of masculinity • Becoming a man means many things must die within you • Jesus’ birth was divine so he would not be a descendent of Adam
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • The male leadership of Genesis is not natural but _______________ with specific_______________ (what each man needs to do, our core responsibilities)….Genesis 3:1-17 • Will to _________________ • Work to _____________ • Woman to ___________ and __________ • The number 1 fear of children in America is ________________________. • Real men reject __________________________ • Every man will finish their life in the ___________ or in the _________________
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • The ability to accept responsibility is always the measure of a man… • Matthew 26:39 • Psalm 40:8 • John 4:34 • John 17:4 • “We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not only because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too. “ • There is a work and a purpose for every man on this earth – something greater than themselves.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • The definition of a real man begins with rejecting passivity and accepting responsibility….sounds like _________…sounds like ___________. • Dad’s example is the greatest influence a young man or woman will ever have regarding what it means to reject passivity, accept responsibility, and lead courageously. • A man will never become the man God wants until he lines up his _______, __________, and _____________. Change in life will be the result of submitting to a healthy process which develops good character. • “The cheaper the internal quality of merchandise the more gloss needed externally – this is not only true of cars, furniture, and silverware – but men too.” • 1 Cor. 15:33 Do not be misled: ”Bad company corrupts good character”
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • “Character is an internal quality that is fed by external sources. The best character is in constant need of checks and balances from without. It requires stimulus from without, so it will not fail in development. Character deteriorates over time unless it is fed from external sources. The purity of the external source determines the strength of our character” Edwin Louis Cole • Real growth can only take place when we are willing to commit to a process
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • _________ is a crossroads that makes a person choose one of two paths: character or compromise. Every time we choose character, we become stronger, even if the choice mans negative consequences. • The development of character is at the heart of our development not just as leaders, but as human beings. • What must every man know about character…..
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER 1. Character sets you apart. There was a time when people who lacked integrity stood out from the crowd. Now the opposite is true–charisma can make people stand out for a moment, but character can set them apart for a lifetime. 2. Character creates trust. Leadership functions only on the basis of trust. If you pull out trust, then you will lose your leadership foundation. 3. Character promotes excellence. If you lead people, good character sets a standard for everyone who is following you. People will eventually become like their leader. If leaders compromise on their standards, cheat the organization, or take shortcuts, so will their followers.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER 4. Character gives staying power. During the tough times that all leaders face, character has the ability to carry you through, which is something that charisma can never do. When you are weary and inclined to quit, the self-discipline of character keeps you going. 5. Character extends influence. Charisma, by its nature, doesn’t last long or extend very far. It’s like a flash of gunpowder. It produces a quick, blinding light, but then it’s gone. The only thing left is smoke. Character, on the other hand, is more like a bonfire. Its effects are long-lasting. It produces warmth and light, and as it continues to burn it gets hotter, giving fuel that burns brighter.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER 6. Character is more than Talk. Anyone can say they have integrity, but action is the real indicator of character. Your character determines who you are. Who you are determines what you see. What you see determines what you do. This is why you can never separate a leader’s character from their actions…alignment?? 7. Talent is a gift, Character is a Choice. We have no control over a lot of things in life. We do not choose our parents. We do not select the location or circumstances of our birth and upbringing. We do not pick our talents or IQ. We do choose our character. We create it every time we make choices – to cop out or dig out of a hard situation, to bend the truth or stand under the weight of it, to take the easy money or pay the price.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER 8. Character brings Lasting Success with People. True leadership always involves other people. As a leadership proverb says, if you think you are leading and no one is following, then you are only taking a walk. Followers do not trust leaders whose character they know is flawed. 9. Leaders cannot rise Above the Limitations of their Character. Have you ever seen highly talented people suddenly fall apart when they have achieved a certain level of success? The key to this phenomenon is character. - Real character is being bigger on the inside than on the outside…
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • Christian Leadership is… • • “… a God-given responsibility. It is a part of our stewardship responsibility. And it is a gift given to each person.” • • “…servanthood, as revealed by Christ” • • “…concerned with God and His Kingdom and His People.” • • “…enabling persons to become all they were created to be in the image and likeness of God.” • • “…the responsibility of all and the charge of some.” • “Become what you are, find Him who is already yours, listen to Him who never ceases speaking to you, and own Him who already owns you” – St. Gregory of Sinai
“Become what you are, find Him who is already yours, listen to Him who never ceases speaking to you, and own Him who already owns you” – St. Gregory of Sinai
A Parenting Framework for Servant Leadership • • Demonstrate love daily in word and action. • • Treat my sons with the respect and dignity I expect from them. • • Teach how to determine right from wrong; stress the values of honesty, integrity and trust. • Ensure understanding that trust is hard to regain once lost. • • Encourage independence and ensure they honor the interests of others. • • Teach them to “fish” rather than giving them a “fish.”
The process of influencing people -- by providing... • – Purpose • – Direction • – Motivation
Purpose • • Give people a reason for doing things that need to be done. • • Focus attention and effort on the task at hand. • • Ensure complete understanding of your intent.
The purpose of Jesus Christ can be summarized as follows; • 1) To save us from our sins, • 2) To reveal the Father to us and lead us to Him, • 3) To reveal the Kingdom of God so that we can live according to God's WAY. • Overall, Jesus came to reconcile us to God so that we can have eternal life. Jesus came to free us not bind us. Jesus is the express image of God so that when we see Jesus we see God the Father. We are free from the bondage and penalty of sin when we believe in Jesus Christ.
Some Fundamentals • Leaders are made, not born. • Leadership skills can be learned and developed by Servant Leaders. • Build and convey a Leadership Framework in all you do; for you and those you lead, mentor, coach, and love. • 1. Define leadership • 2. Describe an effective Christian leader in terms of Be, Know, Do. • 3. Prioritize characteristics • 4. Analyze selves – how closely do you match the characteristics of an effective leader? • 5. Write all of the above as if you were explaining it to your 10 year old. • 6. Set aside for a week and come back to it. Add/delete and modify and let it sit for another week. In the third week, finalize.
Called to be Stewards and Leaders: • – Acceptance: that everything is a gift from God • – Freedom: to choose not to sin • – Life in the Spirit: which is characterized by behavior that uses and nurtures time, talents, and treasures entrusted to us by God • Servant Leaders: “what Christ taught us to be.”
Provide Direction/Vision • • Establish what right looks like; hold yourselft accountable. • • Set goals – “SMART” goals. • • Plan – determine the what, how, when; identify tasks and sequence; develop the schedule. • • Make decisions and solve problems; explain your decisions and problem solving methodology. • • Supervise and evaluate. • • Teach, coach, and train.
Think About Your... • • Purpose (Mission)- why do you exist? • • Vision- what will you look like in 5 years? • • Personal Manhood Plan - what are you doing this year to ensure you achieve your vision? • • Values – such as honesty, commitment, respect for others. • • Priorities – what’s important • • Operating Principles – description of how you will carry out your responsibilities. • • Non-negotiables– what you will demand and what you will not tolerate.
Lead yourself first, then lead others. “become what you are…” (St. Gregory of Sinai)…sounds like Character?
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • As aChristian man you are a LEADER OF OTHERS whether you want to be or not. If you are responsible for leading others, it is important to understand the nature of effective leadership. • As a Christian man you have a responsibility to break irresponsible cycles in your life…leadership is an everyday, everywhere thing. • In business today there are often labels attached to different leadership styles (autocratic, democratic) and the qualities of a good leader. • Do traditional worldly models reflect what Jesus exemplified as a leader? • Often, the struggle is between the necessity of principles and the outcome focused approach of values.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • Principlesare an unbreakable rule of conduct/action • Operate regardless of our awareness of them or our obedience to them • The Law of the Farm • Persistence, patience and perseverance, as well as attention to detail, are imperative • Valuesare the outputs. They are often stated as the results of following principles • The Law of the Harvest • If the Harvest is acceptable, do we need to change anything? • Need to tackle projects with thorough intentional preparationand planning • Develop new behavior patterns for ‘doing things the right way’ • Principles are only as good as the valuable consequences they support
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • Natural laws/systems, based upon principles, operate regardless of our awareness of them or our obedience to them. • The only thing that endures over time is the law of the farm: I must prepare the ground, put in the seed, cultivate, weed, water, and nurture growth. • In life, many of us procrastinate and then successfully cram for tests. But does cramming work on a farm/work when needed to lead? • Leadershipis a platform from which to instill/utilize principles • True leaders are effective because of who they are on the inside – in the qualities that make them up as people. To go to the highest level of leadership, people have to develop these traits from the inside – out (start with principled vision, thought, and practice) • Lessons a relationship with Christ and consistent effort and attention to detail will teach.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • JESUS IS OUR MODEL FOR LEADERSHIP…IF WE DO NOT HAVE A DEEP LOVE FOR THOSE WE LEAD WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO LEAD AS JESUS LED. • JESUS was not in front pulling – or behind pushing. He walked with his followers – he was there for them. They followed him because they knew he cared for them and their well being. • MATTHEW 22:37-40 LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND. THIS IS THE FIRST AND GREATEST COMMANDMENT. AND THE SECOND IS LIKE IT: LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR AS YOURSELF. • By its nature, LEADERHIP is the capacity to inspire others. • LEADERS are able to convince you that they see the light at the end of the tunnel (vision), and are prepared to take responsibility for getting everyone there.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • Indispensible Quality #1: SERVANTHOOD, be aSERVANT-LEADER • The best leaders desire to serve others, not themselves • Luke 22:26 • Mark 9:35 • A true Servant Leader: • Puts Others Ahead of their Own Agenda • Possesses the Confidence to serve • Initiates Service to Others • Is not Position Conscious • Serves out of Love
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • Ken Blanchard’s book, The Secret: What Great Leaders Know and Do. • The primary concept of the book is that regardless of their formal title or position, people who want to be great leaders must embrace an attitude of service to others. • S-E-R-V-E • See the future: They must help the people they lead see the destination as well as the advantages of going there. • Engage and develop others: We must engage heartsandheads. • Reinvent Continuously: The leader must be willing to re-invent on at least three levels. The first is personal. The second level of reinvention is that of systems and processes. Thethird level of reinvention involves the structure of the organization. • Value results and relationships (do we value product or process; people or outcome?): We have to raise the value of “relationships” to a position of equal importance with our value for “results.: It’s “both-and” not “either-or.”…Law of the Farm, Hal Urban? • Embody the values: We must do more than articulate the values, although that is very important. We must not only say it, we must show it.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • John 13:12-17 • Jesus symbolized His whole philosophy of servant leadership at the Last Supper ,where He washed the feet of the disciples and essentially told them, “Just as I have done for you, you must do for others.” He constantly was talking about the future. He engaged His followers. He was continually challenging people to change not only themselves but also each other and their organizations. He cared about both people and results. And He certainly embodied the values that He spoke.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • Standing outside the Steelers locker room after the recent Super Bowl loss for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Chris Myers of Fox told Head Coach Mike Tomlin he was impressed by how he stood at the door as the players entered after the game and shook hands and thanked each of them individually for their effort. Tomlin replied that it wasn't really a big deal; he does that after every game • William C. Rhoden, a writer for the New York Times, asked Tomlin about the impact another African American Super Bowl winning coach, Tony Dungy, has had on his life. Tomlin replied: • "I can give a really pointed answer because I am very conscious of Coach Dungy's influence in terms of how I do my job. He tries to lead through service, and I do the same. I learned that from him in providing the men what they need to be great. Every day when I go to work, I don't think about things I have to do, I think about the things I can do to make my men successful. So I have a servant's mentality in terms of how I approach my job, and I get that from Coach Dungy." • There's a lot of other things that one could say about servant leadership, but if you're looking for a brief definition of how it works, I don't think you can do much better than what Tomlin said. Does servant leadership guarantee you win every game? No, of course not. Does it make a positive difference?... • Would you play for him?
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • Ways to be a Servant-Leader at Home, at Work, and Everywhere… • A servant leader includes his wife in ____________ the future. • A servant leader accepts __________________ for his family. • A servant leader is willing to say __________ and _____________ to his family. • A servant leader discusses _________ responsibilities with his wife and makes sure they are _________ distributed. • A servant leader seeks the consultation of his wife on ALL ________________ decisions. • A servant leader __________________ with commitments he has made to his wife. • A servant leader _________________the different _____________ his marriage and his life will pass through.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • A servant leader anticipates the _________________ his children will pass through. • A servant leader ____________ tells his wife what he ____________ about her. • A servant leader provides _____________ for his family’s basic _____________. • A servant leader deals with _____________ so he can ___________ to his wife and family. • A servant leader ___________ with his wife on a regular basis. • A servant leader ____________ meaningful family _____________. • A servant leader ___________ fun outings for the family on a regular basis. • A servant leader takes the time to give his children ______________________ about life, which in turn gives them confidence with their peers. • A servant leader _____________ the _______________ schedule of the family and anticipates pressure points.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • A servant leader keeps his family _____________ sound and out of harmful __________. • A servant leader makes sure he and his wife have drawn up a ____________ and arranged a well- conceived plan for their _______________ in the case of ____________. • A servant leader lets his wife and children into the ___________ of his life. • A servant leader _____________ his wife at every opportunity (especially in public). • A servant leader encourages and creates __________ to allow his wife to ___________ as an individual. • A servant leader takes the ___________ in establishing with his wife sound, biblically supported family _____________. • A servant leader ______________ a small group of men who are dedicated to ____________ their skills as a man, husband, and father.
The indispensable QUALITIES OF A CHRISTIAN LEADER • “Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve.”…who said it?