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THE PROCESS OF ASSESSING A STUDENT EIGHT STEPS STUDENT INFORMATION FORM. Begin by having the student (or helping the student) complete the Student Information Form. This provides basic data about the learner. LITERACY & EVANGELISM INTERNATIONAL Student Information Form
Begin by having the student (or helping the student) complete the Student Information Form. This provides basic data about the learner. LITERACY & EVANGELISM INTERNATIONAL Student Information Form Background Information: 1. Name: _________________________________ Date: 2. Address: (street & #) (city, state, zip) 3. Home Phone: ________________________ Work Phone: _____________________(if OK to call) E-mail: _______________________________________________ 4. Sex: ____M ____F 5. Race/ethnic background: 6. Age group: __10-18 __19-30 __31-40 __41-50 __51-60 __61-70 __71-80 __81+ 7. Are you __employed full-time __employed part-time __retired __unemployed 8. What is/was your occupation? 9. What is the highest level in school you completed? 10. How did you hear about this program? (please be specific) 11. Have you ever been tutored before?__Yes __No If YES, please briefly tell when, where, and with what program: 12. What kinds of things do you read? [street lights, stop signs, street names, newspaper, etc.] 13. Do you have a Bible? __Yes __No 14. Why do you want to take reading lessons? [Please be as specific as possible] 15. Name 3 things you wish you could read NOW: 16. Name 3 things you wish you could write NOW: 17. Which of the following do you have? __Radio __TV __Cable TV __VCR __Computer 18. When could you meet with a tutor for reading lessons? [We recommend at least two times a week, with each session lasting about 1.5 hours.] Days: ____________________________ Hours:
Begin by having the student (or helping the student) complete the Student Information Form. This provides basic data about the learner. (con’t) THESE NEXT QUESTIONS will help us get a little better acquainted and will help us to an appropriate tutor: 19. Name something you enjoy doing. Why do you enjoy it? How often do you do it? 20. What are your favorite TV programs? 21. Where were you born? Where did you grow up? 22. If you could change one thing in your neighborhood, what would you change? Why 23. Have you ever gone on a special trip? If so, where? Why was it special? 24. Please finish each of these statements: I hope that I wonder if I am good at For the Evaluator: Be Sure to Share with Student ___ Christian Organization! Bible-content materials ___ Cost of materials ___ Contacting Tutor if not able to make a lesson, etc. ___ We will match with a tutor, and then tutor will contact the student
Next open the Pre-Reader to the Table of Contents (page 1) and have the student read all of the words from the lessons. If he/she makes more than four mistakes in reading the 52 words, have the student begin with Lesson 1 in the Pre-Reader. Pre-Reading Program FIRM FOUNDATIONS SERIES CONTENTS *WORDS taught in the Pre-Reading Program Rebus Dictionary Lesson 1: a, and, in, of, the, to Lesson 2: for, he, is, it, that, was, with Lesson 3: as, at, be, by, his, I, on Lesson 4: are, but, from, had, have, not, this Lesson 5: an, one, or, they, were, you. Lesson 6: all, get, her, him, she, their, there, where, which, will, would, yes Lesson 7: fix, hope, just, like, love, quit, zoo
3. Then, turn in Book 1 to page 5 (How to Test for Placement). Have the student read A. Alphabet to check recognition of upper/lower case letters. Note any problems reading the letters. Testing each student should help you determine his reading level. It may also reveal problems that could slow down the learning process. A. Alphabet Show the student the lower-case letters below. Ask him to “Point to each of these letters and tell me its name.” If he can do this, let him try Group 2 and then Group 3. Group 1: Group 2: Group 3: abcdefghi jklmnopqr stuvwxyz zdefhinot bclmrsuvw ygkpjqxa ABCDEFGHI JKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ
4. Continue to B. Letter Confusion and point to letters in the boxes from left to right and top to bottom. Have the student read and again note any problems. B. Letter Confusion Show the boxes below to the student. Tell him, “These look a lot like each other, and sometimes people get them mixed up. Only two letters in each box are the same. Please point them out to me and tell me what they are.” Continue, one box at a time, from left to right and top to bottom. Make a note of any letters that the student confuses and study them later. b d p b m n n w l f t f n h n r c o e o h b n h q p g p a e o a
If the student made four or less mistakes in the Pre-Reader, turn to Book 1 Lesson 1 and have the student read the story silently. Afterward ask comprehension questions to check understanding. Finally have the student read the story aloud. If he/she makes more than four mistakes, you should start with Book 1 Lesson 1. Read the story. This is a man. This is a mat. This is a hat. This hat is tan. The mat is tan. Where is the man? The man is on the mat. Where is the hat? The hat is on the man. Ask comprehension questions. Is the man on the mat? Where is the hat?
Give the student a sheet of notebook paper with Lesson 1 and the numbers 1 through 7 printed by the margin. From the vocabulary of Lesson 1, select 7 words to dictate to the student. Have the student write the word next to the appropriate number. Here is a sample of the vocabulary from lesson 1 from which you can select words to dictate.
Assuming the student completes 5 & 6 (silent reading, comprehension questions, oral reading, dictation) above successfully, skip ahead 10 lessons and repeat steps 5 & 6. We are looking for a point where the student makes more than four mistakes in reading. This is probably a good place to begin the tutoring. However, students will frequently make a number of mistakes in writing/spelling before this level. It is usually good therefore to “back up” several lessons. This will make it easier to read initially and give help with writing/spelling.
On the back of the Student Information Form at the bottom you should indicate where you would recommend the tutor begin teaching in the curriculum.