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Jan. 26

Jan. 26. No Need to log on to computer! Talk about entertainment marketing Short Assignment/Thinking Question Time to finish logo assignment. REVIEW QUESTIONS:. Your answer doesn’t count if you don’t raise your hand. Review Questions: Raise you hand.

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Jan. 26

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  1. Jan. 26 • No Need to log on to computer! • Talk about entertainment marketing • Short Assignment/Thinking Question • Time to finish logo assignment

  2. REVIEW QUESTIONS: Your answer doesn’t count if you don’t raise your hand

  3. Review Questions:Raise you hand • Specific information about people, such as income, age, and gender, is known as: • Demographics • Population variables • Poll results • None of these

  4. Review Question: • Specific information about people, such as income, age, and gender, is known as: • Demographics • Population variables • Poll results • None of these

  5. ENTERTAINMENT MARKETING • Purpose: To influence how people choose to use their leisure time and money • Two ways to approach it: • As a product to be marketed • How it uses entertainment to attract attention to other products

  6. WHAT IS ENTERTAINMENT? • Whatever people are willing to spend money and spare time viewing, rather than participating in. • Sports are games of athletic skill • Entertainment can be movies, theater, circus, arts, etc.

  7. Is a distinction required for successful marketing? • The sponsoring companies must know their customers’ needs. • Again, back to demographics, etc.

  8. The beginning of change… • Where do we see marketing and advertising now (Besides t.v., radio, & internet)? • Public buses • Subway cars • Stadiums • Theme parks (Disneyland)

  9. THE BIG EYE IN EVERY ROOM (Don’t write down) • Early Days of T.V. & Marketing • WWII—9 stations and < 7,000 tv sets • 1945-American Association of Advertising Agencies encouraged the start of t.v. advertising • 1946-NBC & Gillette Co. staged the 1st t.v. sports spectacular: heavyweight boxing match. 150,00 watching on 5,00 sets

  10. Increasing Influence • From 9 stations in 1945 to 98 stations by 1949. • 1996 (50 years later) – 223 Million sets (many homes having at least 2) • Advertisers spent almost $42.5 Billion on t.v. ads in 1996.

  11. INTERMISSION: • How have consumers’ lives changed because of t.v.? • What are some benefits of TV to marketers and advertisers?

  12. Assignment: • In Groups of 3-4 (no more) • #1—How has the Internet changed entertainment marketing? • #2—What other technology changes have had an impact on entertainment marketing? How? Give examples

  13. Continue Assignment:How creative are YOU? • Design a new logo for a major sporting goods manufacturer. • Explain what the logo represents and why it will be successful. • This logo cannot resemble current logos • Get paper & markers from me

  14. Video & assignment • http://www.apple.com/ipad/#video • What impact do you see the iPad having?

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