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INSTITUTO MEXICANO MADERO. 3rd Period. 1 ST Period. 5th Period. 2 nd Period. 4th Period. Puebla-Project. PORTAFOLIO DE EVIDENCIAS INFORMATICA 1. REALIZADO POR Martin Jimenez Morales Grado 1ro Grupo A Profesor Jose Luis Carrillo Valdez Puebla,Pue 4 de Marzo de 2013.
INSTITUTO MEXICANO MADERO 3rdPeriod 1STPeriod 5th Period 2ndPeriod 4thPeriod Puebla-Project PORTAFOLIO DE EVIDENCIAS INFORMATICA 1 REALIZADO POR Martin Jimenez Morales Grado 1ro Grupo A Profesor Jose Luis Carrillo Valdez Puebla,Pue 4 de Marzo de 2013
1st Period Evaluation criteria Topics
1ST PERIOD • 1. Introduction of Computer Science2. Uses of the computer3. Parts of the computer4. Input/Output Devices5. Hardware (HW) and Software (SW)6. Operating Systems7. Common problems using the computer8. Network: Internet9. Browsers
2ND PERIOD 1Prezi account 2Prototype-Power Point presentation3Prototype-Prezi presentation4Technology presentation5Puebla Presentation6Being Certified Brochure 7Computer brochure8Computer Brochure9Puebla Brouchure10Video-Power Point11Video
3TH PERIOD 1Faces of internet1.1The interenet and e-mail1.2The web1.3Chat and conferencing1.4Internet security2Basic software2.1Operating system2.2World processing2.3Publisher-Part 22.4Spread sheets and databases-Excel
4TH PERIOD EVALUATIONCRITERIA TOPICS Cartoons World Free Cube Topology Advertisement Manufacturing Animated Gif Of Lego Our Company Pac man Logo IMM Your Photo Portfolio
TOPICS • Personal entertainment • Communication systems • Manufacturing • New Technologies • Transport
PRESENTATION In this presentation with start the fourth period. PRACTICE 1 In the first practice I learn more about Internet. PRACTICE 2 In the second practice I learn about how to make the Earth rotate.
PRACTICE 3 PRACTICA 5 In the third practice I work in Picasion to learn more. PRACTICE 4 In the fourth practice I learn about how to scan an image to do an animation. In the fifth practice we do more complex things because we work with more slides.
PRACTICA 8 PRACTICE 6 In the sixth practice I learn how to do a basic comercial. PRACTICA 7 In the seventh practice I learned about how to do a sequence of something in picasion. In the eight practice I do a commercial of my industry.
PRACTICE 9 In the ninth practice I do my logo of my industry. PRACTICE 10 In thins practice I do my front pages of my Portfolio.
PRACTICE 11 In the eleven practice I do my cycle of live. PRACTICE 12 In thins practice I investigate about some future things.
PRACTICE Of Puebla In the practice I work in Puebla. PRACTICE 12 In thins practice I investigate about some future things.
TOPICS • Personal entertainment • Communication systems • Manufacturing • New Technologies • Transport
PRACTICE 0 In this practice we see future things. PRACTICE 1 In thins practice I do my front pages of my Portfolio.
PRACTICE 2 In this practice I start to learn how to do flow charts. PRACTICE 3 In this practice I do some flow charts.
PRACTICE 4 In this practice I do a lottery game. Extra Practice In this practice I do a continues movements of a car.
PRACTICE 5 Extra In thins practice I do a flow chart in a new page. PRACTICE 6 In this practice I write the information about my school’s in which I study.
PRACTICE 7 In thins practice I create an animation of a car. PRACTICE 8 In this practice I do an animation of a plant in process to grow.