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Air & Space and Decision Superiority in the 21 st Century. Presented by Air Commodore Garfield Porter. Scope. Network Enabling Where are we? Where are we going? Command Model BSM in the Air Environment I2 Challenges Space. NATO Air C4ISR – Ground Environment. 2007. 0%. 0%. 50%.
Air & Space and Decision Superiority in the 21st Century Presented by Air Commodore Garfield Porter
Scope • Network Enabling • Where are we? • Where are we going? • Command Model • BSM in the Air Environment • I2 Challenges • Space
NATO Air C4ISR – Ground Environment 2007 0% 0% 50% 0% VoIP Begins
NATO Air C4ISR – Ground Environment 2007 NATO Signals Battalions Brunssum Naples VoIP Begins
NATO Air C4ISR – Ground Environment 2017 NATO Signals Battalions Brunssum Naples Link crypto removed BLACK networks Secure Voice/ VTCoIP (QoS) On IP VoIP Begins IP-crypto Black Core Net SCIP, PKI, CIRC EoIP IEG CC2 PNC CDIS IPv6
UK/SKYNET 4/5, FR/SYRACUSE III, IT/SICRAL UHF SHF X-Band SHF X-Band NATO Air C4ISR – Air and Space 2007 US/UFO NATO IV COMMERCIAL ISR NATIONAL F-16 (BE,DA,GR, NL,NO,PL, PO, TU,US) F-18 (CA, US) F-22 (US) RC-135 (US) Rafale (FR) Sea King (UK) TORNADO (IT, UK) E-3 (FR, NATO, UK, US) E-8 (US) EC-130H (US) EMB-145 (GR) EUROFIGHTER (GE, IT, SP, UK) F-15 (US) NIMROD R1 (UK) Sentinel R1 (UK) B-2 (US) C-17 (CA) CP-140 (CA) E-2C (US) 16/26 Nations 8,000 71% NUS: 64% ~5,000 Number of Aircraft 59% ~2,500 UHF US: 36% NUS: 64% CRCs 94% Space Bw Deployable Bw US: 36% 29% NUS: 63% 41% NUS: 29% CAOCs NUS: 28% US: 37% US: 71% US: 72% 6% NUS: Attack 2007 ISR/Tn 2007 Total AC Link 16 Interoperability
UK/SKYNET 4/5, FR/SYRACUSE III, IT/SICRAL UHF SHF X-Band UHF SHF X-Band EHF EHF NATO Air C4ISR – Air and Space 2017 US/MUOS NATO EHF COMMERCIAL Euro Hawk (GE) F-15 (US) F-16 (BE, DA, GR, NL, NO, PL, PO, TU, US) F-18 (CA, US) F-22 (US) F-35 (US, +) GLOBAL HAWK (US) JAS-39 (HU) KC-767 (US) KDC-10 (NL) NIMROD MRA/4 (UK) P-3 (GE, PO, US) ISR C-130 (NL, UK, US) C-5 (US) C-17 (CA, US) CP-140 (CA) E-2 (FR, US) E-3 (FR, NATO, UK, US) E-8 (US) EA-6B (US) EC-130H (US) EMB-145 (GR) EUROFIGHTER (GE, IT,SP, UK, +) Rafale (FR) RC-135 (US) Sea King (UK) Sentinel R1 (UK) TORNADO (UK) TRISTAR (UK) VC-10 (UK) NATIONAL 737-700 (TU) A-10 (US) A-400 (GE) B-1 (US) B-2 (US) B-52 (US) 17/26 Nations ~8,000 8,000 38% 71% NUS: 99% NUS: 64% ~6,000 ~5,000 29% Number of Aircraft US: 28 1% ~3,000 62% 59% NUS: 71% ~2,500 US: 36% 56% NUS: 32% NUS: 64% DARS Space Bw Deployable Bw NUS:37% 94% NUS:98% US: 2% CRCs US: 36% 29% NUS: 63% 41% US: 68% NUS: 29% 44% ARS ACCS US: 63% NUS: 28% US:37% CAOCs US:71% US: 85% US: 72% 6% NUS: DFCIS + ACCS Total AC 2007 Total AC 2012 Attack 2007 Attack 2012 ISR/Tn 2007 ISR/Tn 2012 Link 16 Interoperability AGS FOC AGS IOC E3A MNT ACCS LOC 1 IOC ACCS FOC Air C2IS DCIS CJTF IOC
CBMI2 Command I2 Control SR Network Enabled Connectivity Model for Command C4ISR Command Command I2 BSM BSM I2 Shared Situational Awareness IM SR Control Self-Sync
ACC CAOC Msn Msn Msn Msn Air Command Today
Air Command Tomorrow? Joint Enabling DPO C Air Joint Enabling CAOC Msn Msn Msn Msn Msn Msn Msn Msn Msn Msn Msn Msn Msn ACC CAOC 11
BSM Challenges • Generating SSA • Link 16 • Market Place v Secretariat • Defining the Future Battlespace • Environmental Seams
Air & Space Roles Effects Actions A&S Control Battlefield Mobility Force Protect Logs Air Defence Space Control Jt Enabling Influence ISTAR CAS Tac AT Counter Air AI Strat AT AOSE DPO 13
Information & Intelligence • Decision Superiority • Definitions ‘Any communication or representation of knowledge such as facts, data, or opinions in any medium or form, including textual, numerical, graphic, cartographic, narrative, or audiovisual forms.’ NATO IM Policy Jan 08
Information & Intelligence • Decision Superiority • Definitions • I2 Ubiquity through NEC • The Media Dilemma • Higher/Lower I2? • I2 Challenges
Space – the Critical Enabler! • Today’s economy depends on space • Today’s decision makers depend on space • Space enhances national security • Today’s warfighter depends on space
The Threats to Space Systems are Real NATO is fighting its first “Space War” STK-generated image courtesy AGI Chinese ASAT – Jan 07 SATCOM facility in Serbia destroyed by NATO Television station in Kabul Voice of America jammed by Iran from facility in Cuba 17
Deliberate Planning & Cooperation • There is a lack of space awareness & expertise at all levels – Strategic, Operational & Tactical • NATO needs governance that adequately addresses space issues • NATO, the Nations, EU, ESA and the EDA must increase cooperation to address security & defence issues for space activities Areas to Address: • Space Situational Awareness • Space Control – Assuring the Space Domain • Combined Space Operations – integrating & using space capabilities
The Future of NATO Space Power Assuring the Space Domain? Conducting Joint & Coalition Space Operations? NATO Space Ops Coordination Center? Alliance constellation of small ISR satellites? NATO Space Component Command? 19