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Providing Assurance Through our Three-year rolling Audit Plans

Providing assurance through strategic audit planning aligned with Vision 2030 and SDGs. Focus on governance practices to ensure value for money. Economic assessments, compliance audits, and IT audits.

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Providing Assurance Through our Three-year rolling Audit Plans

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  1. Auditor General’s Department of Jamaica Providing AssuranceThrough our Three-year rolling Audit Plans Annual Report 2018

  2. Objectives

  3. Providing Assurance through our Audit Plan 2018-21 Our Audit Objectives

  4. We considered the alignment of the entities’ strategic and operational plans in the context of Vision 2030 National Development Plan (NDP) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Audit Alignment with Vision 2030 NDP

  5. Performance Audit Our audits continued to focus on the governance practices and systems at MDAs in the management of scarce financial resources in order to provide assurance that the country received value for money spent.

  6. Performance Audit Achievements

  7. Outcome of our Performance Audit Coverage Tabled To be tabled Q1 2019

  8. Performance Audit Looking Forward 2019-2021 Our audits will continually seek to contribute to the achievement of efficient and effective public financial management. The audits will cover five sectors in the context of Vision 2030 and the related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  9. Economic Assessment We reviewed the Government’s Fiscal Policy Papers (FPPs)and analysed the financial statement of public bodies in support of the Auditor General’s responsibilities under Section 48B (6) of the FAA Act.

  10. Economic Assessment Achievements

  11. Outcome of our Economic Assessment Coverage Tabled

  12. Economic Assessment Looking Forward 2019-2021

  13. Special Investigations We continued to provide assurance in keeping with Section 25 of the FAA Act, through the conduct of special investigation audits based on requests from members of the public, Parliament and based on internal assessments.

  14. Special Investigation Achievements

  15. Outcome of our Special Investigation Coverage Tabled To be tabled Q1 2019

  16. Special Investigations Looking Forward 2019-2021

  17. Financial Statements Audit We carried out our audit of financial statements in conjunction with compliance audits to determine the extent to which MDAs followed rules, laws and regulations, policies and established codes or agreed-upon terms contained in contracts or funding agreements.

  18. Financial Statement Audit Achievements

  19. Challenges encountered

  20. Financial Statement Audit Looking Forward 2019-2021

  21. Compliance Audit We continued to conduct compliance audits to determine whether MDAs complied with various regulatory instruments in accordance with the FAA Act, the PBMA Act, Staff Orders for the Public Service, Government circulars and guidelines, entity-specific legislation and agreed-upon terms.

  22. Compliance Audit Achievements

  23. Outcome of our Compliance Audit Coverage

  24. Compliance Audit Looking Forward 2019-2021

  25. Information Technology Audit We continued to do Information Technology (IT) Audits in a context of the Government’s dependence on Information and Communications Technology (ICT) to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the public service.

  26. Information Technology Audit Achievements

  27. Outcome of our Information Technology Audit Coverage Tabled To be tabled Q1 2019 Suspended

  28. Information Technology Audit Looking Forward 2019-2021

  29. ‘A better Country through effective audit scrutiny’

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