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This study explores the characteristics of clinic, bioclinic, and diagnosis of acute leukemia in Viettiep Friendship Hospital from 2013 to 2016. The objective is to determine the subtype of acute leukemia using various diagnostic methods.
STUDY ON FEATURES OF CLINIC, BIOCLINIC AND DIAGNOSIS THE SUBTYPE OF ACUTE LEUKEMIA IN VIETTIEP FRIENDSHIP HOSPITAL, 2013 - 2016 Dr: Pham Thi Loc Hematology and blood transfusion department Hai Phong University Medicine and Pharmacy
Introduction Acute leukemia (LA) is a group of malignant conditions of hematopoietic system with two common types, namely acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). The treatment is very difficult and proportion of failure is too high. The accurate typing of the disease can improve survival proportion. HP used technique cytochemical staining to confirm the type of AL more exact. NIHBT used to immunophenotyping and cytogenetics to determine subtype of AL
Objectives of the study Describe the characteristics of clinic, bioclinic and diagnosis of AL in Viettiep Friendship Hospital, 2013-2016. Determine subtype of AL following the classification of F.A.B in these cases.
Materials and methods 1. Location and time of research Hematology department in VietTiep Friendship Hospitalfrom 1/ 2013 - 10/ 2016. 2. Selected criterion: Diagnosis with Blast ≥ 30% in bonemarow 3. Sample: convenient, not probable Chose 102 patients with group retrospective: 71 cases and group prospective: 31 cases 4. Study design: retrospective and prospective processes 5. Data processing:SPSS 20.0
Materials and methods 6. Diagnostic criterion on this research Diagnosis anemia: WHO 2012 Diagnosis infection: WHO 2012 Diagnosis AL: F.A.B 1986 and WHO 2001 Diagnosis subtype of AL: F.A.B 1986 and WHO 2001
results and discussion 1. Characteristics of clinic and bioclinic of patients Table 1: the rate of patients with ages
results and discussion Table 2: rate of patients with age and sex
results and discussion Table 3: priciple clinical symptoms
results and discussion Table 4:clinical symptoms liver, spleen, lymph node
results and discussion Chart 1: anemia’s level on clinic
results and discussion Table 5: some blood tests
results and discussion Table 6: basic coagulation tests
results and discussion Table 7. Hemoglobin concentration in peripheral blood
results and discussion Table 8: number of WBC in peripheral blood
results and discussion Table 9. number of platelet in peripheral blood
results and discussion Chart 2: proportion of blast in peripheral blood
results and discussion Table 10. number of bone cells
results and discussion Chart 3: proportion of blasts in bone marrow
results and discussion Table 12. proportion of reticulocyte in bone marrow and peripheral blood.
results and discussion Chart 5. Classification of AML with morphology
results and discussion Chart 6. Classification of ALL with morphology
results and discussion Table13: classification of AL with cytochemical staining
results and discussion Table14: classification of AL with immunophenotyping and cytogenetics (NIHBT)
conclusion Characteristic clinic: male/female: 2:1, highest age group with AL >70t. • 92.8% anemia, 45.4% infection and 48.5% petechia. Characteristic peripheral blood test: mean of Hb: 83.4± 19.0g/l, platelets: 79.4± 115.9 G/l , WBC: 62.5± 89.4 G/l, percentage of blood blast: 54.3± 25.2 %. Characteristic of bone marrow test: number of bone cell: 218.9 ± 177.4 G/l. percentage of blast in bone marrow: 65.9± 20.4%.
conclusion Result of classification of AL in research • In group 1(n= 71): M2= 21.6%, M3= 13.7%, M0, M6, M7 =0%, 19.6% AML not confirm subtype. L1=14.3%, L2= 47.6%, L3=0%, 38.1% patients didn’t confirm subtype. • In group 2(n = 31): M2=32.3%, M3 =12.9%, L1= 37.5%, L2= 62.5% .M0, M6, M7,L3 =0%, number of patient didn’t confirm subtype = 0%.