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P r e - As s es s me n t Act i vity

P r e - As s es s me n t Act i vity. W el c om e t o the P r e-Ass e ssme n t Activ i ty f or the TS I – Ass e ssme n t T e s t. Y o u a r e r equi r ed t o c omple t e this acti v ity b e f o r e y o u wi l l b e all o w ed t o a t t em p t the T S I Assessme n t T e s t

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P r e - As s es s me n t Act i vity

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  1. Pre-AssessmentActivity WelcometothePre-AssessmentActivityfor theTSI–AssessmentTest. Youarerequiredtocompletethisactivitybeforeyou willbeallowedto attempttheTSI AssessmentTest Thisactivitywasdevelopedby TarrantCounty Collegewithinformationprovidedby TheCollegeBoard. TarrantCountyCollegeisanEqual OpportunityInstitutionthatprovideseducationalandemployment opportunitieson thebasis of meritandwithout discriminationbecauseof race, color,religion,sex,age,nationalorigin,physicalor mentaldisability,sexualorientation,or veteran status.

  2. Pre-AssessmentActivity Overview SkillLevelAssessment Math,Reading, Writing It’s Not AQuestionof Passor Fail • This TSI Pre-AssessmentActivityhasbeen developedtofamiliarizestudentswiththenew TSI Assessment. • The TSI Assessment is a statewidetool designedto assessa student’sskillsin Math, Reading, and Writing. • The TSI Assessment is designedtoassist colleges with determining appropriate course placement.

  3. Pre-AssessmentActivity Overview • Thisactivityisalsodesigned toensurethat studentsdo not attempt the assessmentwithoutadequate preparation. AreYouReady?Don’tTest Cold… • This pre-assessmentactivityisrequired by the State before testing. • Onthe dayof your test, you willbe askedseveral questionsbefore beingallowed toproceed. One of these questionswillbe for you toaffirm thatyou haveparticipatedin this • Pre-Assessment Activity.

  4. Pre-AssessmentActivity Overview • The TSIPre-Assessment Activity willconsist ofthe following fourmodules: • Importance ofAssessment • Testing Processand Sample Questions • DevelopmentalEducationOptions • Institutionaland CommunityResources &Tips for Success

  5. Pre-AssessmentActivity Overview You willbeaskedseveralonlinequestionson the day of thetest. One questionwillaskifyouwereprovidedwithinformationand/or anactivity to helpyou understand– MustSayYEStoTest Theimportanceofthisassessment Samplequestions Courseoptions Resourcesforstudents Please remembertoanswer… YESYESYES

  6. ImportanceofAssessment • PREPAREPREPAREPREPARE • Studyingforthetestwillhelp ensurethat: • yourskillsinMath,Reading,andWritingare measuredappropriately. • youareplacedintothecorrectcourses. • yourskilllevelsimproveshouldyouchoose to retest. • youare adequatelyprepared.

  7. The TSIAssessment • TSIAssessmentFeatures • AlignedtotheTexasCollegeandCareerReadinessStandardsforMath,Reading,andWriting • MultipleChoice • Untimed • Computer Adaptive • Upto5hourslong • ScoredImmediately • Unlimitedre-testing • $29 assessmentfee ifapplicable

  8. TSIAssessment- MATH • ElementaryAlgebra and Functions • IntermediateAlgebra and Functions • Geometryand Measurement • • 20Test Items Data Analysis, Statisticsand Probability 10ItemsEach for Diagnostics

  9. Testing ProcessandSampleQuestions (Math:SampleQuestion1) Forthe questionbelow,choosethebestanswerfromthefourchoicesgiven. Youmayusescratchpaper. MathSampleQuestion1 (3x²y³)³=? 3x⁵ y⁶ 9x⁶y⁹ 27x⁵y⁶ 27x⁶y⁹

  10. Testing ProcessandSampleQuestions (Math:Answertosample1) Foreachofthequestionsbelow,choosethebestanswer fromthefour choicesgiven.Youmayuse thepaper youreceivedas scratchpaper. Duetotheexponentialrules (��)�=���and(��)�=����, onegets(3�2�3)3=(31�2�3)3=31×3�2×3�3×3=33�6�9 =27�6�9. The correctanswer is-D. 27x⁶y⁹

  11. Testing ProcessandSampleQuestions (Math:SampleQuestion2) Theyard behindthe Cindy’s house isrectangular inshape and has aperimeter of 72 feet.Ifthelengthlof theyardis18 feet longerthanthewidthwof theyard, whatisthearea of theyard, in squarefeet? A.36B.144 C.243D.486

  12. (Math:Answertosample2) Sincetheperimeteris72,2w+2L=72. SinceL=w+18,w+18canbesubstitutedintotheequation: 2w+2L=72 2w+2(w+18)=72 2w+2w+36=72 4w+36=72 4w=36 w =9 SinceL=w+18, thenL=w+18=9+18=27. Area=Lw=(27)(9)=243sq. ft. The correct answeris(C).

  13. TSIAssessment- Reading • LiteraryAnalysis • Main Ideaand SupportingDetails • • • • Inferences inaText or Texts Author’sUse of Language 24 Items 10-12ItemsEachforDiagnostics

  14. Testing ProcessandSampleQuestions (Reading:SampleQuestion1) Read eachquestion andthenchoosethebest answer. In 2010,talk show hostOprah Winfrey andnovelist JonathanFranzenkissedand made upafteranine-yearfeud.In 2001,Franzenwas disinvitedfrom appearingon Winfrey’s TV showto pitchhisnovelTheCorrectionsafterhemade itclear that hewas unhappyabout thebook’sbeingchosenfortheOprahBook Club.Describing hiswork as “inthehigh-artliterarytradition,”Franzensaid hedidn’twantto beassociated withtheClub,whichheaccusedofoccasionallychoosing“schmaltzy, one-dimensional”novels.But Winfrey is apparently ableto forgiveandforget:she choseFranzen’s nextnovel,Freedom,for herbookclubandsaidof it,“Now you haven’theardmesay thiswordoften,butthis book is amasterpiece.” ThepassageimpliesthatFranzen’s criticismofthe Oprah BookClubwas motivatedprimarily by pride anger insensitivity ignorance

  15. Testing ProcessandSampleQuestions (Reading:Answertosample1) In 2010, talk show hostOprah Winfrey andnovelist JonathanFranzenkissedandmade upaftera nine-yearfeud.In 2001,Franzenwasdisinvitedfrom appearingon Winfrey’s TV showtopitchhisnovelTheCorrectionsafterhemade itclear that hewas unhappyabout thebook’s beingchosenfor theOprah Book Club.Describing hiswork as “inthehigh-artliterarytradition,”Franzensaid hedidn’twanttobe associatedwiththeClub,whichheaccusedofoccasionally choosing“schmaltzy, one-dimensional”novels. But Winfrey isapparently abletoforgive andforget:she choseFranzen’s nextnovel,Freedom,for herbook clubandsaidof it,“Now you haven’theardmesay thiswordoften,but thisbook is amasterpiece.” The passage impliesthatFranzen’scriticismof the Oprah BookClubwas motivatedprimarily by pride anger insensitivity ignorance The correctanswer is –A

  16. Testing ProcessandSampleQuestions (Reading:SampleQuestion2) Plywood, whilenotthemostpleasingwoodtolookat,hasbecomean incrediblyimportantbuildingmaterialinhouseconstruction.Itisflexible, inexpensive,andstrong.Itsstrengthisduetolayersofthinwood gluedontopofeachotherwiththegrainofeachlayermakingarightanglewith thegrainofthelayerbelow it.Thisway of layeringthesheetsofwood makesplywood difficulttobreak. Accordingtothepassage,the arrangementof the layersof thinwoodexplainsplywood’s Strength Cost Attractiveness Flexibility

  17. Testing ProcessandSampleQuestions (Reading:AnswertoSample2) Plywood, whilenotthemostpleasingwoodtolookat,hasbecomean incrediblyimportantbuildingmaterialinhouseconstruction.Itisflexible, inexpensive,andstrong.Itsstrengthisduetolayersofthinwood gluedontopofeachotherwiththegrainofeachlayermakingarightanglewith thegrainofthelayerbelow it.Thisway of layeringthesheetsofwood makesplywood difficulttobreak. Accordingtothepassage,the arrangementof the layersof thinwoodexplains plywood’s Strength Cost Attractiveness Flexibility The correct answerisA

  18. TSIAssessment- Writing • EssayRevision • Agreement • • • • • • SentenceStructureSentenceLogic Essay 20 Items 10-12ItemsEach forDiagnostics

  19. Testing ProcessandSampleQuestions (Writing:SampleQuestion1) Select the best versionof the underlinedpart ofthe sentence.Ifyou think theoriginalsentenceis best,choose the first answer. Itisimportantto learnhow to swim, even ifoneisafraid; theskillwillinvariablyproveuseful later in yourlife. oneis you are everyoneis theyare

  20. Testing ProcessandSampleQuestions (Writing:AnswerSample1) Itisimportanttolearnhowtoswim,evenifone isafraid; theskillwillinvariablyprove usefullaterinyourlife. one is youare everyone is theyare Thecorrectansweris-B

  21. Testing ProcessandSampleQuestions (Writing:SampleQuestion2) Think abouthowyou would rewritethefollowing sentence according to the directions given, andthen choosethe best answer.Keepinmindthatyourrevisionshouldnotchangethe meaning of the original sentence. Insomeplaces,virtuallyallthetopsoilhaswashedaway,leavingthesub- soilstosustainthecrops. Rewrite,beginningwith In someplaces,thesub-soilsmustsustainthecrops…Thenextword willbe although because until before

  22. Testing ProcessandSampleQuestions (Writing:AnswerSample2) In someplaces, virtually all thetopsoilhaswashedaway,leavingthe sub-soils to sustainthe crops. Rewrite,beginning with Insomeplaces,thesub-soilsmustsustainthecrops…Thenextword willbe although because until before TheCorrectAnsweris–B

  23. TSI - CollegeLevelPlacementScores MATH - 350 READING-351 Writing-5onEssayor4onEssay with363-390onMultipleChoice

  24. DevelopmentalEducationOptions • After testing,youracademicadvisor orcounselor will interpretyourscoresand determineyourappropriatecourse placement. • A “TSIIndividualSuccessPlan”willbedevelopedin conjunctionwithyour academicadvisororcounselors. • Remember,thereare multiplewaystobesuccessful. TCCisa PartnerinYour Success!

  25. DevelopmentalEducationOptions • It’s not a questionof PASS or FAIL • Colleges determinethe optionsbestforyoubyassessingyour skilllevels. • Optionstoimproveyour skills:developmental education, Academic EnrichmentProgram,tutoringetc. • Re-testing may berequiredandyoumayretestatany time.

  26. DevelopmentalEducationOptions OtherOptions AcademicEnrichmentProgram Tutoring Supplemental Instruction

  27. Institutional andCommunityResources WherecanIgo togethelp? TCC Website:http://www.tccd.edu/Student_Services/Testing/index.html More PracticeTest Questions: www.collegeboard.org/texas-sample-questions

  28. InstitutionalandCommunityResources TCCCaresAboutYou Ifyou faceobstacles which makeit difficulttocontinue your educationat TCC,contactthe Advisingand CounselingCenter and FinancialAidifapplicable.

  29. Tips ForSuccess • Know whattoexpect • mentallyandphysically • Relax • Thinkpositively–You will do better! • Concentrate • Eliminatedistractions • Breathe slowlyandeasily,rememberwhenstressedto breathe • Sleepwellbefore you test • Eat agoodmeal before you test • Remember It’s Not a Question ofPassorFail • Thistestassessesyourcurrent skilllevel only, not yourability,yourintelligence,or evenyourlikelihood ofdoingwellincollege.

  30. Tips ForSuccess • Know whattoexpect ontheday ofyourtest • • $29 • MusthavepictureIDtotest • Planonabout5hoursforthetest • Maytake breaksbetweentest sections • Test may be completedinmore than onesitting • Essay must be completedinonesitting • Ifyou have a physical or learningdisabilityandneedtestingaccommodations,pleasemeet withtheDisability SupportServices Officeprior totesting.

  31. Tips ForSuccess • You will betestingonlineina lab with otherstudents • Cellphonesmustbeturnedoff • PaperandPencilwill beprovided • CalculatorsareNOTallowed(itispossiblethatcalculatorsmaybe allowedorotherwiseprovidedwithinthetestwhenneeded)Acalculatorisprovidedwithinthetestwhereappropriate. • Ontheday ofyourtest,you willbeaskedseveralbackgroundquestionsbeforebeingallowedtoproceed. Oneofthesequestionswillbe“Wereyouprovideda Pre-AssessmentActivity?”Ifyou mark“yes”you willbeabletoproceed. • YESYESYES

  32. WhatHappensAfter TheTest • Youwillreceiveyourtestscoresimmediatelyaftertesting.Anacademicadvisorwillhelpyoutointerpret yourscores. • SeeanAcademicAdvisororCounselorforcourse placement.Youarealsorequiredtovisitthematleast twotimes duringthesemester. • HowDidIDo? • Re-testingmayberequiredandyoumayretestatanytime. • Registerforclasses

  33. REMEMBERTOSAYYES! Thisactivitycoveredthe followinginformation: YES YES YES Theimportance of thisassessment Samplequestions Course options Resourcesforstudents Remember- onthedayof your testyouwillbe askedif youwereprovidedwithinformationconcerning thesefour objectives. Pleaserememberto answer“YES!” Have agreatsemester!

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