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PhD Students of Jeffrey Linsky. Richard Shine (1973) George Mount (1975) Thomas Ayres (1975) Douglas Brown (1975) Gibor Basri (1979) Patricia Bornmann (1985). James Neff (1987) Steven Saar (1987) Stephen Skinner (1992) Brian Wood (1996) Seth Redfield (2003) Gregory Herczeg (2005).
PhD Students of Jeffrey Linsky • Richard Shine (1973) • George Mount (1975) • Thomas Ayres (1975) • Douglas Brown (1975) • Gibor Basri (1979) • Patricia Bornmann (1985) • James Neff (1987) • Steven Saar (1987) • Stephen Skinner (1992) • Brian Wood (1996) • Seth Redfield (2003) • Gregory Herczeg (2005)
Richard Shine (1973): Physical Properties of Solar Plages • Physical properties of solar chromospheric plages. I. Line profiles of the Ca II H, K, and IR triplet lines (SoPh 25, 357, 1972) • Line profiles and turbulence generated by acoustic waves in the solar chromosphere. II. Contours of the CaII K and MgII k lines (A+A 29, 7, 1973) • A facular model based on the wings of the CaII lines (SoPh 37, 145, 1974) • Physical properties of solar chromospheric plages. II. Chromospheric plage models (SoPh 39, 49, 1974)
George Mount (1975): Models of the Upper Photospheres of the Sun and Arcturus based on Molecular Spectra • One- and multi-component models of the upper photosphere based on molecular spectra. I., The violet system of CN (0,0) (SoPh 32,13, 1973) • …II. CN (1,1) of the CN violet system (SoPh 35, 259, 1974) • …III. CH (0,0) λ3144 of the CH C-X system (SoPh 36, 287, 1974) • …IV. Non-LTE treatment of the CN violet system (SoPh 41, 17, 1975) • A non-LTE analysis of the CN 3883Å band head in the upper photosphere of Arcturus (ApJ 200, 383, 1975) • A new solar carbon abundance based on non-LTE CN molecular spectra (ApJ 202, l51, 1975)
Thomas Ayres (1975): The Lower Chromospheres and Upper Photospheres of Late-type Stars • Stellar model chromospheres. I. On the temperature minima of F, G, and K stars (ApJ 180, 473, 1973) • …II. Procyon (F5 IV-V) (ApJ 192, 93, 1974) • …III. Arcturus (K2 III) (ApJ 200, 660, 1975) • …IV. The formation of the H feature in the Sun (G2 V) and Arcturus (K2 III) (ApJ 201, 212, 1975) • …V. α Centauri A (G2V) and α Centauri B (K1V) (ApJ 210, 199, 1976)
Thomas Ayres (continued) • A possible width-luminosity correlation of the Ca K1 and Mg k1 features (ApJ 195, L121, 1975) • Resonance line transfer with partial redistribution. III. MgII resonance lines in solar-type stars (ApJ 197, 143, 1975) • Semiempirical upper photosphere models – the Sun (G2V) and Procyon (F5 IV-V) (ApJ 201, 799, 1975) • The Mg II h and k lines. II. Comparison with synthesized profiles and Ca II K (ApJ 205, 874, 1976)
Gibor Basri (1979): Supergiant Chromospheres • Outer atmospheres of cool stars. II. Mg II flux profiles and chromospheric radiative loss rates (ApJ 234, 1023, 1979) • …VII. High resolution, absolute flux profiles of Mg II h and k lines in stars of spectral type F8 to M5 (ApJS 44, 383, 1980) • …VIII. IUE observations and chromospheric models for the supergiant stars β Draconis, Geminorum, and α Orionis (ApJ 251, 162, 1981) • Formation of chromospheric resonance line profiles in supergiants (ApJ 242, 1133, 1980)
Patricia Bornmann (1985): Properties of Solar Flare Plasmas Derived from Soft X-ray Line Emission • A new method for determining temperature and emission measure during solar flares from light curves of soft X-ray line fluxes (ApJ 293, 595, 1985) • Further analysis of temperature and emission measure during the decay phase of solar flares derived from soft X-ray light curves (SoPh 102, 111, 1985) • Turbulence as a contributor to intermediate energy storage during solar flares (ApJ 313, 449, 1987)
James Neff (1987): Spectral Images and Multi-component Models of the Chromospheres of AR Lacertae • Rotational modulation and flares on RS CVn and BY Dra stars. III. IUE observations of V711 Tau (=HR 1099), II Peg, and AR Lac (A+A 176, 267, 1987) • …IV. The spatially resolved chromosphere of AR Lacertae (A+A 186, 241, 1987) • …XI. Ultraviolet spectral images of AR Lacertae in September 1985 (A+A 215, 79, 1989) • Spectral images and multicomponent models of the chromospheres of AR Lacertae (PASP 100, 407, 1988)
Steven Saar (1987): Observations and Analysis of the Photospheric Magnetic Fields on the Dwarf G, K, and M Stars • The photospheric magnetic field of the dM3.5e flare star AD Leonis (ApJ 299, L47, 1985) • The magnetic field of the BY Draconis star EQ Virginis (ApJ 302, 777, 1986) • Improved methods for the measurement and analysis of stellar magnetic fields (ApJ 324, 441, 1988)
Stephen Skinner (1992): Radio Emission from Pre-main-sequence Stars • New radio detections of early-type pre-main-sequence stars (ApJ 357, L39, 1990) • BD+24°676 – an intermediate-mass, pre-main-sequence star (PASP 102, 754, 1990) • Nonthermal radio emission from the X-ray bright K5 IV star 1E1751+7046 (ApJ 368, 272, 1991) • A search for evidence of cold dust around naked T Tauri stars (AJ 102, 1742, 1991) • Circularly polarized radio emission from the T Tauri star Hubble 4 (ApJ 408, 660, 1993) • A high-sensitivity survey of radio continuum emission from Herbig Ae/Be stars (ApJS 87, 217, 1993)
Brian Wood (1996): The Physical Properties and Dynamics of Stellar Transition Regions based on High Resolution Ultraviolet Spectra • High-velocity plasma in the transition region of AU Microscopii: Evidence for magnetic reconnection and saturated heating during quiescent and flaring conditions (ApJ 430, 342, 1994) • The transition regions of Capella (ApJ 442, 381, 1995) • A reanalysis of the SWP-HI IUE observations of Capella (ApJ 443, 329, 1995)
Brian Wood (continued) • Goddard High-Resolution Spectrograph observations of Procyon and HR 1099 (ApJ 458, 761, 1996) • Evaluating possible heating mechanisms using the transition region line profiles of late-type stars (ApJ 478, 745, 1997) • Dissecting Capella’s corona: GHRS spectra of the Fe XXI λ1354 and He II λ1640 lines from each of the Capella stars (ApJ 492, 767, 1998)
Seth Redfield (2003): The Three-dimensional Physical Structure of the Local Interstellar Medium • The three-dimensional structure of the warm LISM. I. Methodology (ApJ 528, 756, 2000) • …II. The Colorado Model of the Local Interstellar Cloud (ApJ 534, 825, 2000) • Microstructure of the Local Interstellar Cloud and the identification of the Hyades Cloud (ApJ 551, 413, 2001) • Elemental abundances and ionization states within the LIC from HST and FUSE observations of the Capella line of sight (ApJ 581, 1168, 2002)
Seth Redfield (continued) • The structure of the Local Interstellar Medium. I High-resolution observations of Fe II, Mg II, and Ca II toward stars within 100 parsecs (ApJS 139, 439, 2002) • …II. Observations of D I, C II, N I, O I, Al II, and Si II toward stars within 100 parsecs (ApJ 602, 776, 2004) • …III. Temperature and turbulence (ApJ 613, 1004, 2004)
Gregory Herczeg (2005): Molecular Hydrogen Fluorescence and Accretion in FUV Spectra of T Tauri Stars • The far-ultraviolet spectrum of TW Hydrae. I. Observations of H2 fluorescence (ApJ 572, 310, 2002) • …II. Models of H2 fluorescence in a disk (ApJ 607, 369, 2004) • Mapping the circumstellar environment of T Tauri with fluorescent H2 emission (AJ 126, 3076, 2003) • The loopy ultraviolet line profiles of RU Lupi: Accretion, outflows, and fluorescence (AJ 129, 2777, 2005)
Gregory Herczeg (continued) • The origin of fluorescent H2 emission in an HST/STIS survey of T Tauri stars (to be submitted to ApJ) • Reconstructing the hidden Lyα emission from classical T Tauri stars (to be submitted to ApJ) • Probing accretion, winds, and H2 fluorescence in the FUSE spectrum of the CTTS TW Hya (to be written)