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402 Integrated Technology Assignment Field Experoence Lincoln Parish Early Childhood Center pre-kindergarten by Zahira Belton. Lesson Plan Teacher : Ms. Zahira Belton Subject Area: Mathematics and Reading Grade Level: pre-kindergarten Lesson Title: The Ten Little Fish
402 Integrated Technology Assignment Field ExperoenceLincoln Parish Early Childhood Center pre-kindergarten by Zahira Belton
Lesson Plan • Teacher: Ms. Zahira Belton • Subject Area: Mathematics and Reading • Grade Level: pre-kindergarten • Lesson Title: The Ten Little Fish • Time Required: 35-45 minutes • Common Core Standards: KCC. Know the number and count the sequence. Count to tell the number of objects. Compare Numbers. CCSS ELA Literacy RL.K.1 CCSS ELA Literacy RL.K.2 CCSS ELA Literacy RL.K.3 CCSS ELA Literacy RL.K.4 CCSS ELA Literacy RL.K.5 CCSS ELA Literacy RL.K.6 • Objectives: • The student will be able to connect to the book The Ten Little Fish. • The student will be able to count the number of fish being displayed in the book. • · The student will be able to use technology given to play the game “How Many Fish”. • · The student will be able to color and design their own fish. • Materials/Resources Needed: • · Book “Ten Little Fish” by Audrey Wood • · Technology/ Computers with Microsoft Powerpoint to accommodate all students or a Smartboard • · Art Supplies to decorate fish (crayons, paint markers, glitter, etc.) • · Worksheet w/ fish
Anticipatory Set: • · Explain that today I will be reading “The Ten Little Fish” by Audrey Wood • · Allow students to examine the cover. • · Ask students do they have any pet fish, or ever been to aquarium. • Procedure: • · Student will gather around while the teacher reads the book “The Ten Little Fish”. • · After listening to the story the student will participate in the “Ten Little Fish “ Microsoft PowerPoint game. • · After everyone has had the opportunity to play the game, the student will then decorate their own fish. . • Model: • · Illustrate the proper method of the activity by demonstrating the Microsoft PowerPoint game “Ten Little Fish” to the class before they engage in the activity. • Check for Understanding: • · Students will be tested for understanding when completing the game. • · Let the students discuss the book “Ten Little Fish” by Audrey Wood if needed. • Guided Practice: • · Give each student the opportunity to play the game. • · After the game, the students will then read color/decorate the fish handout. • Closure: • · Bring the session to a close by having the students present some of their fish. • · Students will then type a paragraph to explain if the boy made a good deal or not in the poem “Smart,” and find pictures of coins to copy and paste on their word document. • · Each fish will be posted in the room under “Ms. Zahira‘s Little Fish“ • Independent Practice: • · Students will be allowed to use the game for counting at any time. • Instructional Theory: • The instructional theory is behaviorism and this theory was chosen because it works well with smaller children.
I began with the anticpatory set by reading to the students.
This image show myself explaining the game and describing the type of fish being displayed.
This image shows one of the students Makenzie participating in the technology game “How Many Fish”. She is using the smartboard to answer the question given.
This image is a group picture of myself and Ms. Markia’s pre-k class at Lincoln Parish Early Childhood Center.
Reflections • I really enjoyed my experience at Lincoln Parish Early Childhood Center. The children gave me so much feedback. They were energetic, smart, and cooperative. The children were used to using technology in the classroom. Therefore I did not run into any issues with integrating the technology game.