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HOMILETICS I CODE PS 417. Prof. Dr. Francisco C. Mendoza III, D.Min. Mark 16:15 15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. Overview. Course Description:
HOMILETICS I CODE PS 417 Prof. Dr. Francisco C. Mendoza III, D.Min. Mark 16:15 15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
Overview Course Description: The subject of Homiletics is to enlighten how to prepare a sermon based in systematic procedure, by using some selected methods to project an effective deliberation of biblical message. In an effort to relate the exegesis to the contemporary audience and a frame a homiletical idea that relates the biblical concept with an established purpose for the sermon
OBJECTIVE • To develop skills in building, organizing and preparing Biblical lessons. • To create in the teacher, the love of Teaching and the passion for the word • To be able to attain a thorough knowledge in the delivery of lessons.
COURSE REQUIREMENTS • Attendance - 15% • Participation - 15% • Preaching - 40% • Project - 30%
COURSE OUTLINE • Inroduction • Four areas of Homiletics • Types of Sermon Preparation • Types of Sermon Outline • Homiletical Structure: 1. Title 8.a. Body Division 2. Text b. Sub- division 3. Subject/ Topic Explanations 4. Theme Argumentation 5. Introduction Illustration 6. Proposition Quotation 7. Transitional Sentence Application Rethorical Processes 8. Discussion 9. Conclusion 10. Application
Mark 16:15 15 He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. INTRODUCTION
INTRODUCTION Bilen H. (2007) Mentioned that preaching the word of God is among the greatest privileges entrusted to man. It is also one of his greatest responsibilities. Through the foolishness of preaching (1 Cor. 1:21), God has chosen to reveal Himself to men. This knowledge of God, Conveyed through preaching, is able to lead men to eternal salvation through faith in Jesus Christ. It is also able to transform them into the image and likeness of God. (2 Cor.3:18The art of preaching is called “HOMILETICS,” derived from the Greek word homileo and homilia, which mean to be in company with, i.e. , to converse and communicate. Acts 20:11 – is based on homileo ( preach – homileo) Rev. 1:3 - blessing of teaching and hearing.
INTRO Homiletics - Involves then study of everything related to the art of preaching sermons. Good sermons (communication) are birth out of good communion ( companionship) and fellowship. • The art ( requires skill, ability, knowledge) and science (systematic formula) of preaching. Two Divine aspects involved in preaching: • Divine – you are communicate divine truth (God) • Human – used as instrument in communicating divine truth. Preaching – is the art of communicating divine truth through human personality.
FOUR AREAS OF HOMILETICS • Concept - This is to do with obtaining the original theme for the message. - It is the art of knowing how to receive a message from God - It is the Ideals with how to get the initial idea and theme for a sermon - A seed- thought is sown in the mind. - As you meditate on the word, there comes an inner quickening of a particular aspect, something suddenly lights up for ou - A sense of excitement is aroused with you
Four areas of Homiletics 2.Composition Having received inspiration on a particular truth, you must now begin to analyze it to discover all which that truth contains. • Your notebook is important here. • As you prayerfully medidate, write down carefully every thought that comes to mind, at this stage, you may simply make a list of every idea that your subject suggest to you. • You frequently need to write very quickly to keep abreast of the flow of inspiration you are getting. • Just make sure you get everything down on paper. • You can sort it all out later.
Four Areas of Homiletics 3. ConstructionHaving exhaustively analyzed your subject material and listed every aspect of truth you can find with in it, you must now begin to assemble those thoughts in an orderly fashion. - Getting the material into some proper sequence will help you enormously in this regard. • It will also assist you greatly in your presentation of the subject to others. • If your presentation is all jumbled up, it makes it very difficult for people to absorb your message. • Sermon Construction aims to make it simple as possible for your listeners to grasp. This is the essence of sermon construction.
Four areas of Homiletics 4.Communication - The presentation of the Message - The clear and effective communication of the truth. - How to present your subject in a manner which will captivate the minds of your hearers. - How to develop your thoughts in such an orderly manner that you audience can easily follow the line of truth you are seeking to convey. - How to motivate your listeners to appropriate actions.
THE THREE TYPES OF SERMON PREPARATION • The written Sermon • The Skeleton type • The extemporary Sermon
The Written Sermon - This is a method, which demands a great deal of time in preparation. - It involves very copious notes. - Sometimes the whole message is written out beforehand. - The preachers know exactly what he wishes to say and how he wants to say it. - Every thought is written out in full.
Skeleton type notes • This is the most commonly used method, and the one which I feel is the most effective. • Notes are kept to a minimum, affording sufficient outline of the message to prompt the memory. • The brief notes form the skeleton of the messages. • They are the bones, which give shape and structure to what the preacher desires to say. • This method allows the preacher much more flexibility.
The Extemporary Sermon • This style of reaching is spontaneous, and usually presented without notes at the time of delivery. • The subject is often given a good deal of careful thought beforehand, and the mind and heart are filled with the vital aspects of the message. • This style is often used to deliver the more inspirational type of a sermon. • Evangelistic messages can be presented very effectively in this way.
The sermon has been likened to a bridge which spans the gulf that separates ignorance from knowledge, indifference from knowledge, unbelief to faith and action from decision. It is the preacher’s business to bridge the gulf by means of his sermon and conduct the hearer safely across . The approach to the bridge on the hearer’s side, we may call the introduction. The body of the sermon or the discussion, forms the main structure of the bridge, with each division as a supporting column. The near side of the bridge is the conclusion and application, by which the hearer conducted to the ground on which the preacher stands.
1. THE TEXT • It is derived from Latin “ Textus” which mean something woven • Scripture passages from which the sermon is taken • May consist of a verse or more. • Thus any part of the Bible selected for exposition is called the text. The Interpretation of the text The process of ascertaining the mind of the writer. What did the writer mean to convey? • Once this has been discovered, the interpretation will be clear. • One can therefore easily realize how vitally important it is to discover the true interpretation of the text • A sermon may be homiletically correct , but if the interpretation is wrong it is not only failure, but becomes a menace to the hearer.
Your Approach to the Text • Thoroughly digest its words. - Read the text many times , ponder it in our heart, Memorize it. Speak it to to yourself. Become thoroughly familiar with it. • Determine its language. - Is it to be taken literally or its intended to be figurative. • Analyze its message. - Separate it into three parts or more to discover how much this verse contains and what it has to teach. • Investigate the words. - Try to discover what the words were originally meant to convey. - Is there any special significance attached to it. - Did the writer have a special reason for using the word. • Discover its development. - What line of truth was the writer trying to develop.
Text 6. Consider its context. - Biblical Content – What the preceding verse say and what do the following verses also say. - Historical Content – When was this statement written? Do events of that time of writing have specific bearing of what was said? - Geographic Context- Where was the writer when he wrote these words? Where were the people to whom he wrote? Does their geographical location have any bearing on what was said? - Total Biblical Context * Each part must be faithfully agree with the whole ( 2Tim.3:16) * It must be interpreted by what the whole revelation of the entire Scripture and our exposition of the text should always agree with what the Bible as a whole teaches.
In thinking of the interpretation of the text we must distinguish exegesis and exposition: Exegesis – Refers to the discovery of the material Exposition – Consist of the display of what has been discovered. Exegesis- comes from the Greek word that means to lead and guide Exposition – from Latin word, that means to place out. Exegesis – draws out the hidden meaning. Exposition – places the meaning out in logical, appropriate & effective order. Exegesis – is the task of the commentator. Exposition – is the task of the preacher. Exegesis – is the discover of the material for the sermon. Exposition – is the display of the material in the sermon
2. SUBJECT /TOPIC -Broad general area of truth that forms the basis for the sermon. • Main center of attention for the whole passage. • SUBJECT/TOPIC THEME Ex. Lk 18:1 Prayer – Reason why we need to pray Mal. 3:10 Tithing - Blessing of Tithing 1Cor. 13 Divine Love - Characteristics of Divine Love. Exercise : Provide the subject 1. Js. 1:24 Trials - Benefit of trial 2. Matt.4:1-11 Temptation - How to overcome temptation 3. Exo. 20:5 Sin - Sin of Idolatry Purpose of a Subject • To define the discussion for the preacher and limit from him. • It focuses the attention of the hearer on the main idea. • To keep the hearer and the preacher on track.
3. TITLE It is an expression of specific nature to be presented in sermon stated a manner may suitable for advertising the sermon. It is not enough to discover the theme of a passage of scripture, draw Up on outline of its main division and prepare a sermon on it. Some Principles that should guide in it selection: • One should avoid the fantastical, and the ultra sensational. ex. The man in the moon • The title should not promise more than can be delivered in the address. • The title should be designed so as to catch the eye, arouse the curiosity and awaken the desire of the man in the street to hear a messager on that particular subject.
Method of stating the title: • It could be put in the form of an arresting question. Ex. After death – what? Where the dead? Where is heaven? Who is the greatest man alive? What is the world’s greatest sin? b. It can be stated in the form of common phrases. Ex. Your own business Stop,look,listen Excuse me
c. The title may also be expressed in terms of interesting topics such us: >God’s dynamite >The unanswerable question >Heavenly wedding d. The title could be suited to some special occasion: >For Christmas day >When God came to earth >The Celestial
4. THE THEME • It is meant that part of the sermon, which defines the main truth to be expounded from the text • It is the particular aspect of the subject that is being built with in the scriptural passage. • It directs the sermon • Is therefore, the most striking truth contained in the text, nolt necessarily the whole subject matter of the text. • It is a concise statement of the principal truth, which he proposes to expound in his sermon • The theme is discourse is the them unfolded
Way to obtain a Theme • Add an interrogative word ( How, why, what, where, when) Subject Theme Ex. Matt.4:1-11 Temptation How to overcome? Luke 18:1-8 Prayer Why we should pray 2. Add a key word and the possessive of: ICor. 13 Devine Love Characteristic of James 1:2-4 Trials Benefit of Mal.3:10 Tithing Blessing of 3. Add a limiting word Exo. 20:5 Sin Sin of Idolatry (what kind) I Cor. 13 Love Characteristic of divine love
The choice of the theme The Text : John 3:16 The Theme: The Love God is ocean, • In this theme, the emphasis is on the Love of God, and the outline , he prepares will have this particular thought in view. • It is a Divine Love - God • It is a super abounding love - So loved • It is an unmerited Love - The world • It is sacrificial love - That He gave….His Son • It is an inclusive love - Whosoever believeth • It is delivering love - Not perish • It is bestowing love - Have eternal love The advantages of stating the theme It is essential that the speaker should know what he is going to speak about He sould therefore be prepared, if necessary, to state this theme to his audience, so the both speaker and hearer are Aware of the subject to be discussed.
5. THE INTRODUCTION • It is meant that part of the sermon, which leads us to discussion and thus prepares the audience for the main part of sermon, the discussion. • Prepare the mind of the hearers and to catch their attention • The concern of the preacher here is top give an insight of the sermon. The purpose of it.: • To awaken the hearer’s interest in the subject that has been chosen • To enable the speaker to surmount the obstacles that stand in the way of interest.
Principles of preparing introduction • General belief Ex. Man – piling stones with in the crowd’s attention. sits and began to preach. 2. Should be interesting - The first minutes of the sermon are crucial because its either you will lost or catch the attention of the hearer 3. It should lead to the dominant idea or central thought of the message
Instruments in making introduction • Information • Challenging question • Quotations • Cartoon reference • Personal observation • Humorous • Definition • Comparison 9. Discovery 10. An experience 11. Dramatic description 12. Statement of the problem 13. Current events 14. Poroverb 15. Poem
6. PROPOSITION • The main sermon reduced to one sentence • Simple declarations of the subject, which the preacher proposes to discuss, develop, prove, explain, illustrate and clarify. Importance of Proposition • It is the foundation of the entire structure of the sermon. • It clearly indicates the course of the sermon. Ex. Isa.55:7 “ Let the wicked forsake his ways and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the Lord and he will have mercy on him, and to our God,for he will freely pardon.” Subject: Forgiveness Theme: Aspects of Divine Forgiveness Proposition: God forgives Sinner
Principles in Making Proposition • Should contain one main idea • generally be expressed in the form of the timeless truth stated clearly and firmly. • Should be stated as concisely possible. • Should be connected to the main body of the discourse Two kind of Proposition: • Declarative - Declaring and asserting truth. Ex. God pardons sin • Hortatory - proposition of obligation Ex. You must give your tithes
7. TRANSITIONAL SENTENCE The point may be major or minor but between these points there needs to be a word or phrase – even a brief paragraph – Which makes a smooth flow from one topic or concept to another. We are now ready to construct a “rhetorical” bridge between the core of the sermon (proposition) and the development of the sermon (body). This rhetorical bridge is a transitional sentence which gathers that which had preceded it in the sermon and makes the logical transition to that which is to follow: The preacher looks at the proposition(the theme in sentence form) which he has just established and determines which of the following six questions this sermon should answer for the listener: • How can I? d. Where should I? • Why should I? e. Where can I? • When should I? f. Why is it? The interrogative or interrogative substitute is followed in transitional sentence by a keyword This keyword is always in plural noun which will characterize the main points of the message. Ex. Proposition: A nation can become prosperous The formulated question and answer do not need to appear on the finished outline. • How can nation become prosperous • By obeying God’s commands TRANSITIONAL: a nation can become prosperous by obeying the commands of God as set forth in Deut.6:1-25
8. DISCUSSION It is meant that part of the sermon which presents the truth, contained in the text and the theme. • It is therefore the most important part of the sermon • It is for which the text,the theme, the introduction and the conclusion exists • The preacher maybe likened to a builder and his sermon to the building he wishes to erect in the hearer’s mind. * For the building he need definite plan * His business, in the sermon, is to workout his plan in the construction of the building. * A foundation must first be laid and then, proceeding in orderly sequence, the preacher builds until the structure is complete.
A. Division The main section of the orderly discourse The necessity for division in the discussion: • For the building demands the 3 fold division of foundation, superstructure and roof, so the discussion must have a definite order. Nature itself can teach us in this matter. I Cor. 11:14 Time has three (3) distinct divisions: a. Past b. Present c. Future Each day has its parts: • Dawn d. Afternoon • Morning e. Evening • Noon d. Night
Life also can be classified in many division • Babyhood e. Middle age • Childhood f. Old age • Youth • Manhood The purpose of these division: This divisions of the sermon serve the same purpose as the skeleton of the human body 3- fold purpose of division: • They keep the speaker to his theme, and thus prevent him from wandering into the field of fancy; or generalizing, by the hour, from Genesis to Revelation. • They tend to retain the attention of the audience, and make plain the logical process of the preacher’s train thought. c. They help the memory.
Some rules governing the forming of these division: • Each division should be clear and distinct from the other divisions. • The sermon plan must posses 3 essential qualification. - It must have: order, movement , progress Value of Division: • To the Preacher 1. Promotes clarity of thought 2. Promotes unity of thought 3. Assist the preacher to the proper treatment of the subject 4. Enable the preacher to remember the main points of the sermon. • To the Hearer 1. Division make the main point of the sermon clear to the congregation. 2. Assist the memory in recalling the main features of the sermon
Principle in preparing Divisions: • The main divisions should grow out of the proposition with each division contributing to the development of the proposition. - Do not overlap division • The main division should be arranged in progression form. • The main division should completely develop the proposition • The main should not less than two and not more than five. Example:: Title : The Greatest Shepherd Text: Psalm 23:1 Theme: Facts concerning the Lord as the Greatest Shepherd Subject: The Shepherd Proposition: The Lord is the greatest Shepherd Introduction: Maybe illustration,quotation,stories Transitional Sentence:
Divisions: • Divine - “The Lord” • Present - “is” • Personal - “my” and “I” • Sufficient - “ I have everything need”. Example : John 3:16 • God - The greatest lover • So loved - Greatest act • The world - The Greatest object • That He gave - The Greatest expression • His only begotten son - Greatest gift • That whosoever - Greatest opportunity • Believes in Him - Greatest simplicity • Should not perish - Greatest assurance • But everlasting life - Greatest possession
Example: Division (near text) Text: I John 2:15 -19 Subject: Not Having the World Theme: Reasons why we should not love the world Intro. Proposition: We must not love the Lord I. God the Father forbids us. II. It is impossible to love the world and God at the same time III. The world, and for all which it stands are passing away. Text: Rom. 1:16 Subject: The Gospel of Christ Theme : Facts about the Gospel of Christ Into. Prop. • The Source of the Gospel • The Subject of the Gospel • The Sufficiency of the Gospel
B. Sub- Division (Sub-points) Principles in Preparing: • The sub- divisions are derived from their perspective main division and should be in a logical development. • Sub-divisions should be a parallel structure. • Limited in number. Ex. Title: The Greatest Shepherd Text: Psalm 23:1 Theme: Facts concerning the Lord as the Greatest Shepherd Subject: The Shepherd Division: I- The Shepherd’s Shepherd a. Divine - “The Lord” There must be an understanding to the sub-point b. Present - “is” c. Personal - “My” II- The Sheep’s Provision a. Guidance b. Protection c. Comport
C. Rhetorical Process • Discussion in the sermon • Process used in elaborating your sermon. Qualities of Discussion: 1. Unity 2. Proportion 3. Progression 4. Brevity 5. Clarity 6. vitality – something that quickens interest * Never use words, which are unnecessary, unethical Sources of Discussion: • Bible • Other forms of literature a. Commentaries e. Archeology h. current events b. devotional books d. Christian’s biographies c. Dictionaries f. Science book d. Books on people and customs g. Medical book • Experience • Observation • Imagination
I. Explanation • One of the most important feature in the sermon • Text (explain) –maybe a line of suggestion or your main verse • Content - decontextualize • Correlate - with other scriptures – parallel scripture • Application through the laws of grammar - right words - finding the etymology (root word) - quote from other translation - study the tenses • Historical and cultural background • Argumentation - Logical reasoning - Forceful means of expanding the sermon - Presentation of evidences through methodical reasoning Ex. Christ resurrection ( prove it by logical reasoning)
Methods of Argumentation 1. Use of Srcipture – “ Thus saith the Lord” “It is written” 2. Reasoning (logical) Ex. Joshua 24:15 Mat.6:30 3. By means of testimony 4. Statistic • Quotations 1. Scripture text 2. Saying (daily bread) 3. Proverbs 4. Statement from authoritative sources • Illustrations - It is a means of throwing light upon a sermon by the use of example. - Windows of the sermon Ex. Parables , figure of speech, story, allegory Illustration are not to be explained because they are the one’s to explain and illustrates a truth from an idea. Example of Illustration: 1. Sacrifice – Living sacrifice (contribution versus sacrifice) - Chess – queen instead of pone
Principles to be observed: a. Use apt. illustration appropriate - use it on the right time b. Use illustration that are credible (news,experience) - truthful and factual - accurate - don’t change details if it is true to life • Do not read illustration • Do not explain illustration • Use brief illustration • Discriminate or segregate illustration - Don’t use dirty illustration - Don’t use irrelevant illustration
v.Application Truth is brought here to bear directly and personally upon individuals in order to persuade. - Must be specific not general - One of the most important elements of the sermon. - This process should always be present in the sermon. Pre requisite to effective application 1. The preacher should be a man that lives closely to God. 2. The preacher must be well educated – A man of the word 2Tim.2:15 3. The preacher should have an understanding of human nature. -sensitive discernment of their needs. 4. The preacher must be ion complete dependence upon the working of the Holy Spirit. Principle of Making the truth relevant 1. Relate the sermon to basic human needs and problems Ex. Gen. 45:1-5 Theme: Forgiveness and the blessing it brings Application: God blessed Joseph because of his forgiving attitude Do you want that those pain in you have now will turned unto blessing? ( naturally, they’ll positively response) - forgive