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Education Policy

Education Policy. The State of US Education. Cross-national comparison US Education in crisis? Local control Growth of state role Interstate and intrastate disparities Testing, testing, testing. No Child Left Behind (and the rise of standardized testing). The basics/testing Choice

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Education Policy

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Education Policy

  2. The State of US Education • Cross-national comparison • US Education in crisis? • Local control • Growth of state role • Interstate and intrastate disparities • Testing, testing, testing

  3. No Child Left Behind (and the rise of standardized testing) • The basics/testing • Choice • Teacher Standards • Flexibility • Funding • Student Achievement and school accountability • What works with NCLB? • What doesn’t work with NCLB?

  4. Common Core to the rescue? • Common Core basics • About the standards • Criticisms • Political Controversy • Future of Common Core?

  5. Common Core Standards

  6. Teaching and Education reform • Teachers and educational quality • Teacher assessment and accountability • Teachers’ unions • So, how do we get better teachers • Lessons from other countries

  7. Contemporary policy controversy: School Choice • School choice • Charter schools • Vouchers • Trump policy proposals

  8. College and education policy • College Costs/Free College? • Federal regulations

  9. Conclusion • Lessons from the world • It’s not easy, but the good ideas are out there

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