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Report on the 48th Meeting of Directors General Responsible for Public Administration, discussing training, leadership, and change management in EU member states. Presentations, discussions, and future objectives outlined.
48TH MEETING OF THE DIRECTORS GENERAL RESPONSIBLE FOR PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION Berlin, 20 and 21 June 2007 Report on: DISPA Meeting of Directors of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration Dr. Hans-Edmund Kunsmann, Bundesakademie im BMI, Brühl
Die Bundesakademie für öffentliche Verwaltung im Bundesministerium des Innern in Brühl
The “Bundesakademie”, the ‘Federal Academy of Public Administration’, is the central agency for the in-service-training of the civil servants and employees of the Federal Government. Task and Mission of the Bundesakademie
Informal Working group supporting the EUPAN-Net All 27 member states are represented by the Directors of the schools & Institutes Different forms of organisation Governmental (ex. ENA, BAköV): budget QANGOs (ex. DFH,HAUS,ROI): market driven 2 annual meetings following the changing presidencies Last meeting: Brühl, MAY 2007, (BAköV) DISPA
Exchange of experiences on Structures, organisational settings of schools Financing models Contents, curricula, Implementation knowledge in administrative modernisation Project support for innovations „best practices“ joint bi- und multilateral seminars (ERT) internships objectives
i.e. Change management Competence model for public leadership in the EU Training/Coaching of top-level leaders Better regulation Standard cost model (SKM) Demographic change Social dialog Changing priority subjects
How do MS prepare their leaders for the enlarged Europe? How do we support the integration process? Which new job profiles have been identified? Which competences are needed? Which training is therefore successful? How implement change successfully? Actual themes
Preparatory meeting with the outgoing presidency (Finland) and the two following ones (Portugal, Slovenia, as well as ESA) on 06.03.07 in Brühl objectives: More participation in setting priority themes More continuity in work progress Consequent orientation towards results Outcome: agreed Programme the DISPA-meeting may 07
Words of welcome Mr. Günther Wurster, President, BAköV, “Perspectives of German EU-Presidency and the role of Training”, St Johann Hahlen, Federal Minister of the Interior “Supporting top managers through training, consulting, coaching” Cases from Slovenia, Ireland, Latvia, Spain Discussion in small groups Reports from the groups General discussion, documentation of results Tuesday 29 May 2007
Key note speech: “Actual developments in reforming the public service in Germany a European perspective” Prof. Dr. Marga Pröhl, Ministry of Interior Discussion Striving for continuity - Future Mid-Term Programme of DISPA (5 statements, TED feedback and discussion) Mr. Günther Wurster (Introduction) Mrs. Iris Jelačin Knavs, Slovenia Mr. Amilcar Arantes, Portugal Mrs. Annelie Temmes, Finnland Mr. David Walker, EU Commission (EAS) TED feedback on setting priorities to increase continuity and result orientation in the future work of DISPA Group-work, General discussion and documentation Wednesday 30 May 2007
Through a TED feedback on setting priorities to increase continuity and result orientation in the future work of DISPA Group-work, General discussion and documentation Press- communiqué DISPA results
2.) Tasks DISPA should increase close connection with HR working group (EUPAN) • Werte/Values/Valeurs • stimme voll zu fully agree approuve completement • stimme zu agree approuve • stimme eher zu agree fairly approuve a peine • stimme eher nicht zu disagree fairly n’approuve peu • stimme nicht zu disagree n’ approuve pas • stimme überhaupt nicht zu disagree at all n’approuve pas du tout Start 000
1.) DISPA- Objectives DISPA should maintain close linking to EU-presidency • Werte/Values/Valeurs • stimme voll zu fully agree approuve completement • stimme zu agree approuve • stimme eher zu agree fairly approuve a peine • stimme eher nicht zu disagree fairly n’approuve peu • stimme nicht zu disagree n’ approuve pas • stimme überhaupt nicht zu disagree at all n’approuve pas du tout Start 000
1.) DISPA- Objectives DISPA should seek… Close cooperation with the HRWG • Werte/Values/Valeurs • stimme voll zu fully agree approuve completement • stimme zu agree approuve • stimme eher zu agree fairly approuve a peine • stimme eher nicht zu disagree fairly n’approuve peu • stimme nicht zu disagree n’ approuve pas • stimme überhaupt nicht zu disagree at all n’approuve pas du tout Start 000
1.) DISPA- Objectives DISPA should remain an informal network • Werte/Values/Valeurs • stimme voll zu fully agree approuve completement • stimme zu agree approuve • stimme eher zu agree fairly approuve a peine • stimme eher nicht zu disagree fairly n’approuve peu • stimme nicht zu disagree n’ approuve pas • stimme überhaupt nicht zu disagree at all n’approuve pas du tout Start 000
3.) Standards DISPA should take decision on developing a standard curriculum as a pilot project on the working level: Job 3: Basics of leadership • Werte/Values/Valeurs • stimme voll zu fully agree approuve completement • stimme zu agree approuve • stimme eher zu agree fairly approuve a peine • stimme eher nicht zu disagree fairly n’approuve peu • stimme nicht zu disagree n’ approuve pas • stimme überhaupt nicht zu disagree at all n’approuve pas du tout Start 000
The Directors General recognise the need for high professional training of civil servants as a critical success factor for the impact of change in the public administrations of the member states of the EU, seek to speed-up innovation in the public sector by underpinning it strategically with joint further training especially in professional leadership and skills, ask the Directors of Schools and Institutes of Public Administration (“DISPA”) to examine the feasibility of developing EU-wide standardised modules for training and coaching in specific areas, in line with the Lisbon process, taking into account the resource and organisational implications of such an initiative, note with satisfaction that the DISPA meeting in Brühl 2007 led to priorities in a mid–term Programme of DISPA, thus focussing on priority areas of the EUPAN network, whilst taking account of the different organisational and financial frameworks within which the different DISPA-members operate. Draft DG-Conclusion on training (1)
Against this background the Directors General consider it necessary that training and coaching be strategically and closely integrated to manage the performance of people in any reform process in public administration, closer cooperation be established between DISPA and working groups in the European Public Administration Network to foster their projects and to ensure the implementation of change, DISPA examine the feasibility of establishing a data base of qualified trainers to facilitate and intensify the exchange of experience and good practice in the Member States, whilst taking into account the resource and legal implications of such an initiative, training and coaching projects (ERT) be identified in the field of leadership competences and intercultural competences to allow self driven learning also for top leaders. The Directors General invite the incoming Presidencies to contribute to this aim by empowering DISPA to a continuous work on its priorities and evaluating the impacts. Draft DG-Conclusion on training (2)
Es sollte ein systematischerer Erfahrungsaustausch zu Training, Beratung und Coaching des Personals im öffentlichen Dienst durchgeführt werden – insbesondere der Führungsebenen – sowie eine Untersuchung von Optionen zum Aufbau einer Datenbank „EU-Trainer/Task force“ und zur Entwicklung gemeinsamer Standards und curricularer Module Should be established a systematical exchange of experiences on training, consulting and coaching of the personnel in the public service – especially on the leadership level – as well as finding options to establish a data base on „EU-trainers/task force“ and develop joint standards and curricular modules Minister-Resolution (Annex)
Thank you ! Report on: DISPA Meeting of Directors of Institutes and Schools of Public Administration Dr. Hans-Edmund Kunsmann, Bundesakademie im BMI, Brühl